no more parties in LA*

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"Is it too late for you to take me back to the hotel?" I mumbled, tugging at the bottom of my purple bodycon dress. Tyler opened the door for me, helping me out of the SUV.

Cameras were flashing everywhere at the entrance of Madison Square Garden for YEEZY SEASON 3 / The Life of Pablo listening party. I'd already been around a fair share of musicians and artists in the industry; some who lived up to my expectations and some that just, didn't... so I usually knew the decorum and what to expect for these types of events. But this... this was one of the biggest things I'd ever been invited to. I just didn't wanna fuck it up.

Tyler could sense that I was freaking the fuck out on the inside so he threw his arm around my shoulder for moral support as we walked through the parking lot to the sidewalk, Vil in tow.

"Don't flake, we already late. Plus, I got you." I nodded, taking the comfort he was offering and tucking myself into his side. I appreciated the gesture especially with all the madness around us. Even with heels on, T was still taller than me so I fit right under his arm.

Once we got to the venue, paparazzi were at the entrance calling for Tyler to look in their direction, bringing attention to the fact that he was there all for the love of a photo op. It was easy to forget how well-known he actually was since he was so, normal... or as normal as someone I've known for years had become to me, until I saw how other people's faces lit up when he entered a room or how flashing lights and cameras seemed to follow him everywhere when we were in public.

Meanwhile, I felt like a deer in headlights.

Sure I had been photographed by paps before... but, none of those experiences were actually very good. It just reminded me of Frank and how stressed out he would get at events like this. I usually had to keep us both together, sometimes he was drunk even which caused a lot of drama between us and made it impossible for me to relax. I felt my anxiety levels rising, subconsciously pressing myself further into Tyler's side. Looking over at him, he seemed unphased by this part, way less bothered by it than I was and way more focused on just making sure I was good. He moved his hand to the arch of my back, keeping me in front of him while the MSG staff lead us down the ramp they set up to walk us down to the arena floor.

Maybe I should try to calm down.

The stadium was full of fans aside from one section filled with security and enough fur to send PETA into cardiac arrest. The Kardashians had to be nearby.

Beautiful morning, you're the sun in my morning, babe, nothing unwanted...

We ended up pit level. Kanye had a turntable setup with his MacBook where he was playing his new album from. The whole crowd seemed to explode. Cudi and Kanye were bouncing around together less than 3 feet away from me, super hype about everybody's reaction.

I was a little confused by the neon beige sheet over the stage but this was some typical weird Ye activity based on the stories that I heard over the years. The crowd of celebrities behind him was craaazy, and here we were in it. Apparently, it was being live-streamed by Tidal by the looks of the branding and the cameras sweeping back and forth around the arena. Being this close to people I've either always wanted to meet or work with had me, well, a little star struck.

"Holy shit, you're famous famous..." I blurted out as I stared up at Tyler with wide eyes like I was meeting him for the first time, triggering his obnoxious ass laugh.

A couple heads turned to look at us. He stuck out like a sore thumb anyway, in his red vinyl Catwang varsity jacket, white GOLF hoodie and green pants. Everyone else seemed to get the memo to wear neutrals but us.

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