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AN: Hey! I'm popping in to say thank you, again for helping me reach another milestone on this story. I'm almost at 5K and that shit is craaaazy for me to even think about ;-; I had one or two more chapters before this one timeline wise but I lit chrally scrapped them and decided I'll release them later as one-shots, maybe (????). But y'all deserve this for keeping up with Causers this long and I can't thank y'all enough. Also, shoutout to my frienddddd Jay brattyheaux for her encouragement thus far! Here's some much anticipated steam, just a little...


I crawled into Tyler's bed, getting cozy as he settled in front of his keyboard to finish up some new music he was working on. After deciding to make things official to kick off the new year, we also decided to continue to take things slow since we both had a tendency to dive head first into anything new.

It was hard to keep it to myself, to pace myself. Sometimes in mid conversation, our eyes would smile and linger on each other for a minute or two more than usual and I just wanted to scream that he was mine from the top of a mountain. I could watch him do things I've seen him do a million times and make new discoveries about him that I never really paid attention to before.

He learned how to stimulate me in other ways that I appreciated. We had fun together. We spent time alone together, just enjoying each other's company.

Nine months of excitement and borderline torture and memories that made it all worth it in the end. I'd never waited this long with anyone... this was different.

I could tell his mind was elsewhere just by watching him for a few minutes. The unfinished beat started at first when we got comfortable and then it played and played afterwards with him bobbing his head to it half-heartedly, tinkering at the keys, but not committing to anything.

He rubbed the back of his neck before sighing and reclining in his chair for a second. With a quick tap of the spacebar, the music stopped and he turned around to me with a coy smile on his face.

"You're so fucking distracting."

"I didn't even do anything..." I faked innocence. Fighting a grin, he rolled his eyes playfully and walked over to the bed, climbing between my legs until he was hovering over me.

"- But stare at me with those fuck me eyes. I can feel that shit."


"It only counts if tonight ends with you blowing my back out. Kidding." I teased, tapping his nose with my finger. He grunted in reply, spacing out as the visual I created silenced him probably. Only a part of me was joking, the other part, shit...

I am human, and humans have needs...

Tyler squinted before snorting in laughter at me talking shit.

"I'mma fuck you up."

"Fuck me up, then." I challenged, making him smirk.

The smile hit his eyes but he didn't say anything.

I could tell by the way his eyes were darting around that he was taking mental pictures, not wanting to forget this moment.

I liked to explore my limits, so I crawled my fingers up his back from under his shirt. His skin was soft and smooth. Sweeping my palms across, I admired how it stretched across his muscles... which I always found myself surprised at how defined his build was in comparison to how he looked with clothes on. He flexed under my touch which only made me want to dig my nails into his shoulder blades even more... so I did.

causers of this | tyler, the creator [+18] | semi-hiatus (???)Where stories live. Discover now