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AN: Christmas, '15 with the gang. Drama ensues lmfao. Sorry for the wait!


I always spent Christmas Eve with my bitches, knowing I would be guaranteed a great time getting drunk and talking shit with bougie presents and great food while basking in the holiday cheer. Me and Kacie spent most of the afternoon helping Alex prepare some dishes ahead of time to make sure she wouldn't be so overwhelmed with cooking tomorrow when her family came over for Christmas dinner. She made it a point to invite Tyler over for her holiday party, but he was loyal to Frank for the most part so he kept his distance and politely declined every holiday since we'd been friends.

So it surprised me when he actually agreed to come. I was sitting on the piano bench at Alex's apartment when I heard him knock.

The guest list was a mixed bag of people we'd linked up at various points of our lives. And soon, it was packed.

Michael was sitting on the edge of the couch wedged between his date Tabria, and Kacie, his girlfriend. Everybody in our circle knew they had an what's-understood-don't-have-to-be-explained type of relationship that seemed to work out for them and give them the freedom they both enjoyed. At first it would confuse us a bit when they both would show up with dates and end up leaving together instead, but that had been going on for a few years now so we were used to it. Tabria was a regular as far as him bringing people around was concerned, so she knew what was up. Mike was animated, showing pictures of him and Kacie on vacation a month ago with her daughter Celeste to Chadwick who was perched on the armrest next to them, which earned a subtle scowl from Tabria that no one was paying attention to. Not even Michael, really.

Donald was there too. He stepped outside on the porch to take a call and we could hear him arguing with whoever was on the other end of the receiver. Me and Kacie shared a look before I shot a text to our group message.

Billie, the Designeur

Baby mama drama, again?

(Stabby) Patty Glover + T'Chile He Fine

Apparently she don't want him around me....

first of all bitch he a grown ass man! Idk what she gonna do when we start filming again, fr

T'Chile He Fine + (Stabby) Patty Glover

Die, I guess. lmaoooo

That made me snort into my eggnog.

She did insecure shit like follow any woman Don could possibly be associated with just to be messy and find reasons to bitch at him. So she probably saw the picture they took together on Kacie's Instagram and freaked the fuck out, especially knowing a little about their history... and from the sound of his responses, she was not happy he was here.

Alex popped back out from her kitchen with a tray of fresh holiday cookies and spiked eggnog, arranging it on the coffee table before sitting on the corner of it.

"How cuuuute. Thinking about poppin' out some babies soon, old man?" She teased Chadwick, smirking and tilting her head at the fact that he wasn't even trying to contain his excitement to hear about Celeste's achievements.

"Maybe." He countered, mirroring the look on her face which caused everyone's brows to shoot up around the table. The sexual tension between them could honestly be mass produced, bottled and served in every nightclub in the west coast.

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