[preview] wdb

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AN: Hey, guys! I have been having the worst writer's block I think I've ever had before in life, smh. There has been a lot of interaction with my book as far as you guys voting and adding COT to your reading lists and I really really appreciate that. It's been keeping me going as of late so thank you! 

I'm seriously trying to churn out this part since this, and the next few ones are gonna be sort of the turning point of the story. I decided to at least give y'all a little preview of the remix lmao. Here are the first 100 or so words of the chapter. But for sure, I should be wrapping this chapter up soon, so be patient with me <3


Hands. Masculine and warm. Big, all over me. And I can't see who it is. Reaching up and touching my face, I realize I'm blindfolded.

That's how it always starts.

My hands are free, so I could take the cover off my eyes at any time. But the anonymity excites me.

Those hands that aren't mine slide up underneath my sleep shirt and I sigh as the cool air hits my skin, bare underneath it with my knees pressed together.

A phantom kiss to one of my knees coaxes them open. Anxiousness has me breathing a little harder.

His voice is warped, fueling the idea that he can be anyone I want him to be...

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