special, i + ii

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AN: Happy New Year! I know I've been gone for 29384893004 days but I'm back with a double add. Almost at 8K, can't thank y'all enough. A lil fluff, a lil smut <3 Enjoy!



"Aye, make sure you put my seat back where the fuck it was after. Even though you look so fucking good driving my shit... You're not gonna tell me where we going?"

"Do you ever tell me where we're going?"

The answer to that was no and he knew it. Tyler pouted and crossed his arms in the passenger seat, determined to find out more shit. I wasn't telling him.

"...you deadass?"


"That's fucked up."

"You'll be okay, promise." I chided sarcastically, shifting the car into gear before leaning over and planting a kiss on his slightly poked out lips. "Just relax and enjoy the ride, babe."

He side eyed me a little bit longer before licking his lips of the gloss I left behind and sitting back, a small smile easing over his face. It didn't take much to distract him and I was thankful for that.

Truthfully, I was a little nervous. I put a lot of thought on what to do for his birthday, especially being the first one we're spending as a couple. The more he insisted, the more I knew I would get word vomit and possibly spoil the whole surprise. Maybe he could tell. Maybe he couldn't, I wouldn't know unless I asked... he had a good poker face.

After a few minutes on the road, Ty rolled down his window and let the sun and steady wind hit his face and I followed suit.

It really was a beautiful day.

I couldn't believe that his birthday rolled around again and this time we were in a whole relationship. Two years of us getting reacquainted, growing up to be in this moment.

The thought of the year before last's breakfast party slash couch fiasco made me laugh.

And all the flirting we were doing last year at the lake, when we almost kissed for the first time.

I reached over to rub the nape of his neck underneath his hat, making him smile with no teeth and look over at me with sparkly eyes. He really was an affection whore and the fact that he loved it made me do it even more.

"What you thinking about?" He asked quietly, trying to pick my brain as he bobbed to Sugar Honey Iced Tea playing in the background.

"Your last two birthdays... and my damn couch."

T chuckled at the mention of the couch. Which he definitely did replace, finding me a similar one a little lighter in color with glitter scattered in the fabric a few months later.

"As soon as you FaceTimed me you were back, I knew shit would be different. I missed you way too much for us to be 'just friends' but I had to figure that out. Didn't know that then, though." He took my hand, kissing my inner wrist.

I liked when we had talks like this.

Getting more insight just made us work better together, kept us in synergy. Being with someone that could be honest about anything made it easier for me to admit my own faults.

"Two years ago I was too caught up in my own shit to notice. And a year ago, I was too scared to admit it. But I'm glad it happened the way it did... we get to take our time and enjoy it without anything or anyone holding us back..."

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