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AN: This is a long one lmao. Consider it as like an I'm-sorry-for-taking-two-weeks-to-finish-it gift.


Billie, the Designeur

So y'all not gonna tell me what he planning

Billie, the Designeur

Y'all KNOW I have birthday anxiety!!!!!!!!!

(Stabby) Patty Glover + T'Chile He Fine

*cry laugh emoji*

T'Chile He Fine + (Stabby) Patty Glover

Nigga, no!!!

"So!" I started, smiling hopefully as I stuffed my phone into my jean pockets. Obviously harassing Kacie and Alex wasn't working so I had to resort to desperate measures.

Tyler took one good look at me and raised his brow, shrugging.

"No. I'm not telling you shit."

I knew he wouldn't talk. Tyler was very transparent but he was also really, really good at surprises.

Sighing in defeat, I motioned loosely around at all the different clothing racks.

"Can you at least tell me how to dress for this...thing?"

After the realization that I don't have the best luck when it comes to birthdays, I was hellbent with with my initial decision to opt out of celebrating this go round. Too many bad memories.... especially the last one.

I still wasn't over that. And still embarrassed, a whole year later...

Of course avoiding the whole day didn't go over well with my any of my friends. They were determined to win me over, so they made it a point to make sure I had absolutely nothing to do with the planning.

Tyler jumped at the chance to lead the secret birthday project event, thing.

He made me clear my whole work schedule a few days while we were in New York for him and Rocky's tour. I won't lie... when I first got back to Los Angeles, I hit the ground running when it came to my marketing firm. It felt good to put my all into something and it succeed, after feeling like I lost my footing and myself. But it also felt damn good right now, finding some time just have fun with my friends and enjoy the fruits of my labor without limits.

We were all running off a few hours of sleep by the time we got off the plane, but I was used to that.

Once we got to New York, we stopped at a bakery in Lower Manhattan that Tyler claimed was his favorite to grab some blooming hot chocolates.

Afterwards, we ended up piling up in an Uber that took us to Times Square. Now we were in Topshop, where I was completely overwhelmed by the fact that I had no idea what to wear tonight since I had no idea what we were actually doing.

Tyler gave a noncommittal shrug, smirking.

"Find some casual shit."

"Like for a kickback? Y'all stressing me out over a kickback?!"

He laughed, leaving me standing there with an incredulous look for a while before offering his only points of guidance.

"Blue, shut the fuck up and relax. Just pick that fuckin' tube top and skirt over there you liked or something so we can go. We got other things to do today. I don't even know what you worried about anyways like you not always the baddest in the room."

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