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I chalked Tremaine and his cryptic ass statements on Christmas Eve up to an attempt to make things weird between me and Ty so he could find a way in. I still didn't make an effort to contact him and he was pissed about it, having temper tantrums by throwing subtle shots on Twitter. He was just mad that he couldn't benefit on my loneliness anymore because I had my best friend around. It's not like I decided not to fuck with him ever again, because the dick was great... but I wasn't like all the other girls he dealt with. I was okay with sex with no strings attached when it came to him cause things did become a little too messy for me at one point.

So until he realized that I worked on my time, I was perfectly fine living without the unnecessary stress.

I made sure to avoid that topic of me and Trey around Tyler at all costs, even after he asked me again later that same night. Maybe I was a little too defensive, and that made him pull back some. I didn't really want to explain to him that I finally caved and connected with Tremaine on some stupid rebound shit. I knew he would connect the dots about how annoyed I was Trey cornered me at the party and the shots he was taking on social media and be mad I didn't tell him sooner. Maybe it was best... seeing how he reacted when Omari showed up. I was clearly up to my neck in testosterone.

On one hand, the Christmas Party made me look at Ty in a different way than I did before I left. We damn near grew up together, knew everything about each other and fought through most of life side by side... and that moment really showed me that I still had someone in my corner willing to go to war for me. On the other... he had been acting a little distant toward me ever since. I tried not to feel guilty but, I did. Maybe I was the problem. He was just looking out and being protective as usual and here I was, keeping secrets after disappearing on him for months... I was giving him a little space hoping time would smooth everything out.

New Years came and went. I was all burned out at that point so I opted out of the usual spend New Years Eve in the club narrative, deciding to meet up with the gang at Venice Beach instead and watch some fireworks with my feet in the sand.

The novelty of holiday season wore off quickly with the start of a new year and it was back to work for everybody. January was the beginning of a new era for my business. I finally hired a few people to help manage the workload that had been coming at full force for the past few months.

Liv was my new assistant designer. She was young; barely 20, currently finishing up her senior year as a digital media student at my alma mater. My favorite professor at AAU referred her to me once she heard I was looking for people to join OUTRAGE. One look at her portfolio and I knew she would be a great asset. Her boisterous work just fit the brand I was creating. Originally from California, she had that Bay Area vibe that I liked to surround myself with even though I was a southern girl. Liv was a typical Aquarius, small and shy in comparison to her big and busy art, which made me laugh but I knew she would be a good fit for the team.

Romeo, or Meo for short, was way different in a good way. Where Liv lacked in outspokenness he made up for it and more. His simplistic but direct marketing portfolio caught my eye on Instagram so I reached out to him to see if he was interested in working with my company. Meo drove a hard bargain before accepting my proposal but even that impressed me. When we finally met, I picked up on his New York accent and mannerisms. We talked a little bit about his circumstances, he was bi-coastal but was planning pack up and move to LA permanently with his long-time model boyfriend in the next few weeks. He told me that a psychic told him a Virgo was coming to shake shit up in his Sagittarius world, which was hilarious and kinda scary because, well... she was right.

So far, everything was going great with work. My office slash studio in downtown LA had more than enough space for us to work peacefully and collaborate and grow.

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