𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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M/N was in class, writing down notes. Only listening to the teacher. Class was soon disturbed by the door opening. M/N ignored the late student but how wrong he was.

"N/N-CHIN!" M/N gripped his pencil as he recognized the voice. Mikey walked over to the (H/C) male. "I'm sorry Sensei but I need to borrow him." Mikey said with a smile. The teacher nodded and then proceeded class.

Mikey look at the male. M/N groaned loudly as he got up from his seat. Mikey walked out the class with M/N following Mikey. M/N close the door. "What the fuck do you want now?!" M/N whisper-yelled. Mikey looked at him with a smile."I want to hang out with my friend. Is that such a big deal?"

Mikey replied. "I never said we were-" M/N was cut off by Mikey dragging him out of the school. M/N sighed angrily. Mikey then stopped at his bike and got on. M/N followed Mikey and sits down behind Mikey.

"Where are we going this time?" M/N asked. "I need to do something first." Mikey said, starting his motorcycle. M/N wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist, Mikey looks at M/N arms to see a spider tattoo on his masculine hand. "Oi, Let's go." M/N said. Mikey stopped looking and started driving his motorcycle to the location he needs to be.
After the drive, Draken was waiting for Mikey and M/N. Draken heard the familiar engine and looked over his shoulder. Mikey stopped his motorcycle and got over with M/N. "Hey M/N." Draken said. M/N waved at him. "Let's go now." Mikey said as he started walking towards the school.

M/N sighed as he and Draken was walking behind Mikey. After sometime of walking, M/N saw a huge group of students it looks like and a beaten up blonde boy.

"Oi, Kiyomasa" Draken said, stopping the Kiyomasa guy and making him turn around. "Your creeping the crowd." Draken said while walking towards them. They stopped walking. Mikey then finished his Dorayaki "Hey Ken-chin." Mikey said, making Draken turn around. "Dont call me by that nickname at a place like this." Draken finished.

"All my Dorayaki is gone." Mikey said, showing his hands. M/N then sees that the whole crowd bowed down. "GOOD WORK!" They all shouted. Mikey licked his lips and walked towards the blonde boy. M/N saw that Mikey licked his lips. 'Not gonna lie..that was.. kinda hot.' M/N thought.

'The vice president and the leader of leader of Tokyo Manji Gang!' The boy thought. 'But who's that..?' He thought as he saw the (H/C) male, watching the scene. Kiyomasa was the only one who didn't bow down.

As Mikey walked passed him, said "Good work." Then he was kicked in the stomach by Draken. "Kiyomasa... Who died and made you king.. You seriously greeting the president with a shallow bow.." Draken said, looking down at Kiyomasa who was crouching. As that was happening Mikey then looked closer at the boy's face, making him fall.

"What is your name?" Mikey asked, looking down at him. "T-takemichi... Hanagaki." The boy stuttered out. "I see." Mikey said. "Takemitchy.." Mikey says. "Eh-? Takemitchy-?" Takemichi questioned. "That's what Mikey said, so that's what is right, Takemitchy." Draken said. Mikey crouched down to Takemichi level and grabbed the back of his head.

M/N stood back with Draken and still watching this unfold. "Are you really a middle schooler?" Mikey asked Takemichi. Mikey then says,"Takemitchy..Your now my bitch." M/N slapped his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh at a serious moment. 'BAHAHA-' M/N thought.

Mikey got up away from Takemichi and walked towards Kiyomasa. "Are you the host?" Kiyomasa smiled a bit and answered,"Yes." Mikey smiled with closed eyes before kicking up at Kiyomasa face. Then Mikey grabbed his hair.

"Who the heck are you?" Mikey said then punching his face. M/N was amused at this. He sighed and then crossed his arms.

After Mikey was done Kiyomasa fell on and Mikey step on his face, looking at Draken and M/N. "Let's go now." He said with a closed eye smile. "Underground fights are stupid.." Mikey said, getting his foot off of Kiyomasa's face. Draken then said after, "Don't do things that ruins the name of Toman."

As M/N, Draken and Mikey walked off. "Hey Takemitchy." Mikey said, turning to Takemichi. "See you later." Mikey said before turning back around, walking away. Catching up with M/N and Draken.

"What do you mean there was someone else with them?" A black hair male asked Takemichi. "I don't know Naoto. He was just with them, watching." Takemichi responded. "Describe him." Naoto asked. "U-uhm.. (H/C) Hair, (E/C) eyes, and I-I think there was a spider tattoo on his hand-" Takemichi was cut off by Naoto stood up at his seat and began going through his files. "Naoto?" Takemichi looked at the male. Naoto pulled out a file and opened it.

He pulled out a security cam picture. "Is this him?" Naoto asked Takemichi. Takemichi eyes widen at the picture. It was M/N with blood on his face with a gun. And it looks like he was walking out of a mansion.

Takemichi nodded. "Stay away from him." Naoto said. "He is an dangerous person know as "The Devil in disguise". Naoto finished. Takemichi titled his head to the side. Naoto sighed. "He was popular for beat up people by himself, defeating a whole gang. And then he grew stronger and more bloodlust. Supposedly after his father died of a gang like his mother. He grew angrier. And even tried to kill Manjiro since he was for blame. So now he kills for money. A hit man, you would say. "

Naoto said. Takemichi was shocked at the news. 'He even tried to kill Mikey-kun?!' Takemichi thought. "Takemichi.. there's something else about him." Takemichi looked at Naoto. "Keep him away from Manjiro or Kisaki. But Kisaki the most. They will try to manipulate him." Naoto said, looking at Takemichi. Takemichi nodded. Naoto put his hand out towards Takemichi to shake. Takemichi grabbed his hand and shook Naoto's hand.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now