𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8

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The screams of a man echoed in a alley way. As foot steps on the beaten guy's arm as he yells in pain.

"I'll ask you again.." A (H/C) male said as he took the cigarette out of his mouth. The guy was laying on his back, trying to go away. "What was Manjiro's motive?" M/N said annoyed. "E-ever since D-draken died, H-he went on a rampage, k-killing random people!!" The male yelled. M/N tched.

"There's no way.. He met my father before so there's no way he was a "random" person and my two friends." M/N said, stepping on the guy's broken arm more. The guy screamed in pain again. "Why did Manjiro killed him?" M/N asked before putting the cigarette in his mouth.

"B-because Mikey was provoke by t-the Despair gang!" The guy said. M/N took a puff before taking it out of his mouth. "What do you mean "provoke"? Explain.." M/N said curious about his ex (best friend i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"H-he was AH-" The guy was cut off by the pain getting worse by M/N pressing harder. "Hurry up, I don't got all day.." M/N said lazy. "He was t-told that you were the one that killed Draken and some of Toman's members afterwards!" M/N looked at the guy with widen eyes with angry but yet confusion.

"What.." M/N said quietly. The guy then looked at M/N. "I wished Mikey had killed you a long time ag-" Before the guy finished, he was strucked in the head by a kick. "Ne, M/N-kun~ Were you really about to let that guy talk shit?" M/N looked up to see Hanma.

"Oi, what do you want?" M/N said, backing away from the male and putting his cigarette out. "I just wanna see you M/N-kun~" Hanma said, smiling. M/N looked at him before walking away. Hanma follows the (H/C) male.

"I got two people for you to kill." Hanma said, lighting a cigarette. M/N hummed. "Can you kill a girl and a boy for me or actually for Kisaki?" Hanma asked while looking at the male. M/N sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Send me the pictures and info." M/N said.

"Got ya~"

Day two. Mikey and M/N just hung out and Mikey explains why he isn't with Draken because they were fighting.

"Mikey, you have to be quiet. My dad's home." M/N whispered to Mikey. "I'm trying, N/N-chinn." Mikey whispered back. "It's not that hard to keep your mouth shut." M/N whispered. "I know but- AH-" Mikey was cut off by M/N putting his hand on Mikey's mouth, shutting him up.

"I don't get how a lame and cliché jumpscare scares you.." M/N says moving his hand away from Mikey's mouth as Mikey gets closer to M/N who was laying back on the couch. Mikey lays his head on M/N's arm. "This horror movie is too intense, N/N-chin."

Mikey complained. M/N sighed and rolled his eyes. Mikey bit the insides of his cheek, wanting to ask M/N a question. "Why did you become "The Devil in Disguise", N/N-chin?" Mikey asked M/N who was still watching T.V.

M/N looked at Mikey. "For a gang." M/N said, making Mikey confused. "A gang?" Mikey questioned again. M/N sighed and paused the movie then turned back to Mikey. "This gang killed the two people I loved the most.." M/N said before continuing on.

"And they did so much more. So I was going to kill their leader and vice but turns out they befriend other gangs to be their bitches without the other gangs knowing." M/N finished. Mikey nodded. "Who did they kill?" Mikey asked. M/N sighed. "My mother and my best friend." M/N answered.

M/N then flicked Mikey's head, making Mikey winced in pain. "Is that all your questions, King of thousand questions?" M/N said, laughing a bit."Yeah." Mikey said before laughing a bit with M/N. Mikey then admired M/N's smile since he barely sees M/N's smile.

The laughter slowly dies out. M/N and Mikey thought of the same thing. M/N softly grabs Mikey's chin, feeling Mikey's soft pink lips with his thumb. Mikey blushed at M/N's actions. M/N stops and then sees Mikey blushing. M/N and Mikey then moved closer to connect their lips until two voices interrupts.

"This is so much better then the Novelas." "Right!" M/N turned his head to see his dad and Akari looking. "HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" M/N yelled at Akari. "The front door, Duh." Akari answered. Mikey blushed out of embarrassment. "Hehe, M/N does have a boyfriend."

Akari said, making his dad nod. "Daddd." M/N whined, making his dad chuckled. "I'll get back to bed, goodnight~" His dad said, wiggling his eyebrows. M/N groaned as Akari was leaving. "Bye M/N and bye M/N's boyfriend~" Akari teased. "GET OUT!" M/N yelled at the black hair girl.

Akari shut the door, leaving the two flustered males. "I'm going to use the bathroom." Mikey said, getting up. M/N nodded. Mikey left to go use the bathroom. M/N groaned out of embarrassment. Mikey then appears again and sits next to M/N as they started the movie again.

And soon Mikey felt asleep on M/N. M/N realized his breathing was slow and small snores were heard and stopped the movie. M/N carried Mikey to his room, setting him down onto the bed. M/N then goes to bed with Mikey. Mikey's face was covered by his hair so M/N moved Mikey's hair out of his face.

'Your changing me, Mikey' M/N thought as he planted a kiss on Mikey's forehead. Mikey shifted in his sleep a bit. M/N then goes to sleep.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now