𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 15

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(not really proofread)

M/N woke up in his bed and felt something beside him. M/N groaned as his eyes focused. He sees Mikey peaceful sleeping next to him, back towards him.

M/N tiredly smiled a bit and wrapped his arm around Mikey's waist as Mikey was still asleep. He buries his face into Mikey's blonde hair. M/N began falling back asleep until Mikey shifted, making M/N awake more.

"N/N-chin?" Mikey asked as he feels M/N's arm around his waist. "Mhm?" M/N hummed. Mikey yawned before continuing. "I need to go, Ken-chin is probably waiting for me." Mikey says, trying to get up from the bed.

M/N tightens his arm around Mikey, forcing him back into his spot. "Stay for a bit." M/N said as this time buries his head onto Mikey's neck, making Mikey shivered at M/N's sudden warmth on his neck.

"Alright." Mikey agreed and made himself comfortable in M/N's arms as his cheek and ears were red. They stayed like that in silence for a bit, feeling comfortable in the place they are at.

Mikey's breath hitched when he felt M/N's lips on his neck, giving small and soft kisses. "U-uhm, N/N-chin?" Mikey asked quietly. M/N moved away from his neck. "Im sorry." M/N apologized as he unwrapped his arm from Mikey.

Mikey felt the lost warmth and turned around, grabbing M/N's arms. Putting M/N's arm around him again. M/N looked at Mikey, confused. Mikey made eye contact with M/N's (E/C) eyes. Mikey then went closer to M/N. Making M/N blush. "Kiss me again." Mikey requested as he maintained the eye contact. His breath hitting M/N's lips.

M/N was surprised at the sudden request. Mikey then wrapped his arms around M/N's neck and them both leaned a bit and about to kiss each other until their moment was disturbed by Mikey's phone going off. M/N sighed along with Mikey, pulling away from each other.

Mikey opened his phone and answered it. M/N sat up and got off the bed. He then grabbed a towel for he can take a shower. Mikey got off the bed too. "It was Ken-chin." Mikey says as he walked up to M/N. "Got to go?" M/N ask, making the blonde male nod.

Mikey walked out of the room, walking towards the front door. Mikey was about to leave until he heard his name being called by the (H/C) male. Mikey turned around then was thrown a Dorayaki and caught it. M/N smiled and walked away.

Mikey smiled and walked out the door.
"You actually got me a meeting with Valhalla captains?" M/N asked as he was drying his damped hair. "Mhm! The plan is going smoothly." Akari said as she ate a strawberry. "Now we need to see how it plays out." Akihiko said.

"When?" M/N questioned as he set the towel aside. "Tomorrow." Akari confirmed. M/N nodded as he got up from the couch. "So, Any new info?" Akihiko asked M/N. "No, but I got a lead onto Shiro. We might be able to make Shiro to be on our side and destroy Despair. But the possibilities are low." M/N answered.

Akari nodded along with Akihiko. Akihiko then took the last strawberry. Akari gasped. "You bitch-!" Akari yelled as Akihiko ate the strawberry in front of her. Akari glared at him. "Idiots." M/N said as he walked away.
Next day

"Here's the location." Akari gave the location on a piece of paper to M/N. "Thanks." M/N said and walked out of his house. "Is this a abandoned arcade?" M/N asked himself as he walked to that location, sighing.

After a while, he was at the location that was vandalized with a headless person. M/N took a breath and walked into the abandoned arcade. As he walked in, he expected the whole gang there but there was only Hanma, a duo color hair male with a tiger tattoo and a short blonde guy with glasses.

M/N walked to them and stopped in front of them. "Hi M/N-kun! Why would you join our gang?" Hanma said with a small smile. M/N looked at the three before answering. "I'm just bored." M/N said as Hanma titled his head.

"I thought you would never be bored." Hanma said, making M/N shrug. "So am I in or-?" M/N asked, wanting an answer. "Of course, your in, M/N-kun!" Hanma said with a closed eye smile. 'Good I'm in.' M/N thought.

"The Valhalla meeting is starting tomorrow at 11am, Don't be late. I want the gang to meet you!" Hanma said as he walked out with the guy with glasses who was sending slight glares at M/N.

"I'm Kazutora. I'll see you tomorrow, M/N-san!" The duo color hair said as he waved at M/N, walking out with the two. M/N sighed but then heard running footsteps. "Here!" Kazutora threw a white jacket at M/N. M/N catches the jacket that says the gang's name.

"Thanks." M/N said. Kazutora then ran away. M/N analyzed the jacket and folded nicely. M/N walked out of the arcade, walking home. His phone ring so he picks it up and hears Akari's voice on the other line, screaming at Akihiko.

"Yes?" M/N said, catching Akari's attention. "Hey M/N, Did you get in?" Akari asked as shuffling was heard in the background.

"Yeah, now to try to find Shiro since we are a step closer to him." M/N said, looking at the Valhalla jacket. "Akihiko is working on that. But see ya later!" Akari said before hanging up on M/N.

M/N slightly groaned and rubbed his temples as a headache was coming.

"Can't wait to go to bed."

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