𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 12

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It was the night of August 3rd. M/N was wearing his "Devil in disguise" clothing without his mask and walked through the festival until it started to rain. M/N groaned and puts on his hood. He walked a bit longer and saw a panicking Takemichi and a lavender hair male talking.

M/N quickly walked over to see what happened. "Hey, What's up?" M/N asked, standing beside them. "M/N-kun, Your here!" Takemichi said happily. "Your M/N? I heard about you. I'm Mitsuya." The lavender boy says, holding out his hand for a handshake. M/N took his hand for a handshake.

"Takemitchy, Why do you look so panicked?" M/N asked Takemichi. "Well,  We found out something about Toman." Takemichi says. M/N titled his head, waiting for more. "Someone is going against Toman and It's Peh-yan but I guess also Kiyomasa."

Mitsuya finished for Takemichi. M/N nodded. Then they all went looking for Draken. Takemichi went around the parking area and the three saw the bodies of Moebius, knocked out. And heard yelling in the parking area with more Moebius members. "DRAKEN-KUN!" Takemichi yelled.

Draken who has blood on his head picked up one of the members off the ground by his hair and looked back. "Hey Mitsuya, Takemitchy and M/N." Draken said. "Draken, Are you okay?" Takemichi asked Draken. "Peh-yan, you Bastard! The hell you teaming up with Moebius for?!" Mitsuya yelled.

M/N groaned and puts on his mask. "Shut up, Mitsuya. I'll kill you too." Peh-yan said. Draken let's go of the member. "Ugh, I'm tired. I'll leave the rest to you, Mitsuya and M/N." Draken said. As Mitsuya agreed and M/N sighed as he cracked his knuckles. "Is that the devil in disguise?!" "Holy shit!" "We are gonna die!"

M/N heard some of the members say. "My head hurts." Draken said as he sat down on the ground. "You little shits think that your a match for all of us?"One of the members yelled out then all of them star yelling. Then all of them heard a motorcycle coming. All the Moebius went silent. "He's finally here." Mitsuya says.

Everyone attention was on Mikey as he drove in and stops his motorcycle. "I see now.." Mikey says walking to towards Moebius. "I'm just doing this for Pah-chin-" Peh-yan says before was cut off. "This isn't how you do shit."

Mikey said. "Wow, I'm impressed. Guess your not just a brawn after all." A voice was heard making them look were the voice was at until a black/brown hair male with yellow popped up with a cigarette in his hand. He took a puff of his cigarette. "I'm kinda in charge of Moebius now, The names Hanma. Oh! M/N-kun is here too, What a surprise." Hanma said.

Mikey then kicked Hanma but only to be blocked. Making everyone expect M/N surprised. "Ow. Don't be in such hurry, Mikey. Our goal is to crush Toman, this means that I get to kill the Invincible Mikey with my two hands!" Hanma said as he puts his hand on his face.

"But since M/N is here also, I get to kill him too! If any of you run away, I'll chase you down and beat all of your teeth out of your damn mouths!" Hanma told the Moebius members. There was silence for a moment before sounds of motorcycle broke it.

Everyone looked back at the Toman members in a line. "Shit is about to get real." M/N said. Then all the Toman members starts getting off their motorcycle and began walking towards them. "You guys.." Mikey said with a smile. "Tokyo Manji Gang's here, jackasses!" A long black hair male yelled. "Who wants to die first?" A pink boy yelled with a closed eye smile. "Peh, I'm killin you first!" A other blonde male said.

"Now the party is getting started." Hanma said. M/N sighed as Draken got up. "A big ass brawl on the day of the festival, I can feel the excitement in my blood. " Draken says as he walked up next to Mikey. "Right, Mikey?" He says, stopping next to Mikey. Mikey laughed. "Yeah, Ken-chin." Mikey says.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now