𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 17

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It gotten night quickly, M/N waited on his front porch for Mikey to pick him up. M/N sighed as he texted Akari about Valhalla. He then heard Mikey's motorcycle getting closer along with other motorcycles.

He looked up and saw Mikey, Draken, Takemitchy and Mitsuya with a afro pink hair male and big blonde male. "N/N-chin!" Mikey yells.

"Hey." M/N said as he got up, walking to Mikey's motorcycle. "Come on, the meeting is gonna start." Mikey says as M/N sat behind Mikey. Mikey then felt M/N wrapping his arms around his waist.

M/N's warmth instantly hitting Mikey's neck, making him blush. He can never get use to it. Mikey starts his motorcycle and began driving off to the Musashi Shrine with the others.

They made it to the Musashi Shrine and began walking up the stairs to be greeted by members of Toman. M/N walked with Takemichi while all the Toman members bow to Toman captains. "GOOD EVENING, SIR!" They all yelled.

Mikey and Draken made it to the top while the Toman's captains, M/N and Takemichi were with the Toman members.

"We will now officially appoint the new third division captain of Tokyo Manji Gang!" Draken announced. Takemichi payed full attention. 'The new third division captain?' Takemichi thought. M/N showed an emotionless expression, not really fond of the meeting.

Toman members started to mumbled to each other about who was it.

"I wonder who's gonna get picked."


"Ha, That's not happening."

"Would they picked the guy who tried attacked Draken-kun to be a captain?"

"No way."

"Then who is it?"

The mumbling then stop as Mikey yelled. "3rd Division Captain! Step up!" Takemichi looked up at Mikey. 'Is he talking to me?' He thought as M/N sighed in boredom.

The footsteps was heard, walking up to Mikey and Draken while voices was heard again.

"That's the new 3rd Division Captain?"

"The big one or the small one?"

As they continued on, Takemichi sighed. 'Of course it's not me.' Takemichi then watches as the 3rd Division captain walked by him.

He looks at Takemichi then up at M/N which made his eyes and M/N widened. 'What the fuck is he doing here?' M/N thought as he watches him continuing to walk up to Mikey.

He made it up to Mikey, sitting down while his back faces Mikey making everyone ticked off.

"What is his deal?"

"He can't be serious!"

"He's sitting with his back to the commander!"

"What's your problem?!" One of the toman member yelled at him.

"Who the hell you think you are?!"

The black hair that was standing next to the sitting male. "He is your new 3rd Division Captain, Kisaki Tetta!" He yelled out, making Takemichi flare up. M/N took his eyes off of Kisaki and looked at Mikey in shock.

"I've seen him before!"

"Isn't he from Moebius?!"

"Kisaki from Moebius?!"

"Why is someone from Moebius here?!"

'Why is someone from Valhalla here?'
M/N thought.

Toman members then started to chant to piss off.

"Shut up! If any of you got a problem with Mikey's decision, step up!" Draken yelled, making everyone silence. Mikey then walked up next to Draken as Draken stepped aside.

"We're eventually going to butt heads with Valhalla. The new Valhalla is so huge that Moebius has nothing on them. To defeat them, Toman needs to grow too! Kisaki Tetta here, kept our generation in check through Moebius. We need Kisaki if we are gonna fight Valhalla! The 3rd Division Captain is Kisaki Tetta, Remember that! This ends the 3rd Division Captain appointment ceremony!" Mikey announced before he turned around, walking away.

"What the hell is our commander thinking." Draken says quietly. Kisaki then was turning around with a smile on his face. Takemichi glared at Kisaki with hatred.

M/N felted uneasy with the smile Kisaki had but then saw soon gone when Takemichi ran and punched Kisaki in the face.

Making everyone surprised at Takemichi's actions. M/N put his hand over his mouth as he tried to suppress a laugh. "What the hell you doing, Takemitchy?!" Draken yelled at Takemichi, making Mikey turn around at the situation.

"He's gonna get killed by the top brass!"

"You ain't even in Toman, so what the hell you are doing?! Are you trying to ruin the ceremony?!" Draken yelled once again. Takemichi looked at Draken.

"Draken-kun.. I-I wasn't..." Takemichi says, doesn't know what he did. His body just moved. He was cut off by a angry Mitsuya. "The hell were you thinking, Takemitchy?!"

M/N turned around and walked away from the Toman meeting, though it was an interesting meeting he had other things to do like wondering what the fuck Kisaki is here.

Draken watched as M/N leave the meeting then sighed angrily at Takemichi.

As M/N was walking, He prayed that Takemichi would be alright, he grabbed his phone. about to call Akari but then was stopped by a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Hi, M/N~!"


"M/N-kun~ What were you doing at the Toman meeting, hmm~?" Hanma said as his face gets close to M/N's.

"I was... Getting info but I guess Kisaki was already planning." M/N said, trying to play it off. Hanma looked in M/N's eyes for a lie but then sighed, closing his eyes as he backed away from M/N.

Hanma smiled. "I'll see you next time, M/N-kun~" Hanma says as he walked away from M/N who sighed in relief.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now