Christmas Special 🎅

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"Wake up, N/N-chinn." Mikey shook the sleeping male in bed. M/N groaned and moved away from the blonde making huffed. "Come on, It's Christmas!" Mikey whined, shaking M/N more. "Exactly, It's Christmas, Lemme sleep longer."

Mikey huffed. "Me and my dad will go over to your house for Christmas, don't worry but let me sleep." M/N said to the huffing male. Mikey sighed in defeat. "Okay, N/N-chin." Mikey said about to turn away to walk out but feels his wrist being grabbed and pulled by M/N.

"Lay down with me." M/N said to Mikey who smiled at the offer. "Okay." Mikey agreed and laid down on the bed, snuggling into the bed and arms wrapping around him.

"Merry Christmas." M/N said muffled as his head was buried into Mikey's soft hair. Mikey blushed slighty and closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort. "Merry Christmas." Mikey replied back.
"Ah! So you're Mikey's boyfriend. I'm Emma, Mikey's sister." The blonde girl introduced herself. "M/N." He said, shaking hands with her. 'Beauty does run in the family.' M/N thought.

"Have you already met the rest of Mikey's friends?" Emma asked the male who nodded his head. "Yep." M/N said. "It was nice meeting you, M/N." Emma said as she walked away to Draken. Mikey came up to M/N and hugged him.

M/N hugged the shorter male back. They stayed in silence and get feel each other's warmth for a bit before pulling away.

"Oh, I remembered something. I'll be right back." M/N said and giving a quick peck on Mikey's forehead before walking out of his house. "Where is he going?" Emma asked Mikey as she walks up to him.

Mikey shrugged and walked away with Emma.

M/N came up to the front door and shoved a small dark blue box into his pants pocket before opening the door to go inside. "Hey M/N." His dad called out, making M/N walk over to him. M/N's dad hugged M/N, making M/N hug back.

"Merry Christmas, son." He said, patting M/N's back. "Merry Christmas, dad." M/N said as they pull back from the hug. M/N then walked away to go find Mikey who was talking with Draken and the others.

"Mikey, can I talk to you real quick?" M/N asked, making Mikey look at him before walking towards him. M/N walked him outside, closing the door for privacy. Mikey looked up at M/N who smiled at him.

"What do you need, N/N-chin?" Mikey asked, tilting his head a bit. "I wanna give you a Christmas present." M/N says, putting Mikey in excitement.

M/N digged into his pocket, pulling out the box. Mikey looked at the box, guessing in his head what it was.

M/N gave the box to Mikey. Mikey grabbed the small dark blue box, looking at it before opening it slightly.

Mikey opened it all the way and gasped softly before smiling.

The box showed a black ring that had "I love you" engraved on it.

M/N chuckled slightly at Mikey's heart-warming reaction

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M/N chuckled slightly at Mikey's heart-warming reaction. "I supposed you like it?" M/N says. Mikey closed the box before jumping on M/N, wrapping his legs around M/N's waist.

M/N held his thighs as Mikey hugged him. "Thank you, N/N-chin." Mikey says besides M/N's ear. "Your welcome." M/N said as they stay like that.

M/N then let Mikey down as Mikey stops hugging M/N. Mikey opens the box once more and grabbed the black ring, putting on his ring finger.

Mikey smiled. "Thanks again." He says. M/N nodded. M/N kissed Mikey for a couple of seconds before pulling away, making Mikey blush at the unexpected kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Mikey." M/N softly says. Mikey hugged M/N, face buried into M/N's chest.

"Merry Christmas."

(Merry Xmas!)

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