𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 13

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Takemichi walked out of the bathroom to see a male with a suit and glasses. "You're not in the car? How dull.." The guy said as he walked away. Takemichi then sees the tattoo on the man's hand and realize it was Hanma.

Takemichi ran to Naoto's car which had Hina in it. But then he was too late a truck came crashing into Naoto's car. Takemichi came running and screaming "Hina" as tears ran down his face. "T-takemichi..?" A male said. Takemichi stops running to look at the truck driver which was Akkun.

"Why..why aren't you in the car..? Akkun asked as blood dripping on to his face. "No way...Akkun!" Takemichi said. Looking at the bloody male. "What are you doing here?" Takemichi asked, waiting for an answer. Akkun stayed silent. "I wonder... how thing ended up like this. I'm one of Kisaki's soldiers now.. Everyone in Toman has to obey Kisaki." Akkun said.

Takemichi's mouth opened to say something as tears were threatening to fall out. "Why would you do this to Hina? Your a hairstylist, right? You got nothing to do with Toman anymore!" Takemichi yelled. Akkun looked down as his tears fell down with his blood. "I'm scared. I'm just... terrified of Kisaki. Akkun says. "Stop..." Takemichi says as Akkun smiled.

"Please save everyone, Our crybaby hero.." Akkun says, looking at Takemichi. "Kill him, He failed his task." A voice through the phone said. "Mhm.." A hum responsed. Then a gunshot was heard and Akkun was shot in the chest, making Takemichi's eyes widened. "AKKUN-" Takemichi was cut off by an explosion and fell on to the ground. "Hina!" Takemichi yelled and got up to go to the car door.

"Hang on, Hina! I'm going to get you out of there!" Takemichi yelled as he tried opening the car door. "It is done.. I have no need to kill the girl. She gonna die soon." A male voice said as he hung up. "Ara Ara~ M/N-kun, why aren't you taking the shot at them." A voice said. "She not going to live anyways." M/N said, putting more bullets into the gun.

"What do you want, Shiro.." M/N asked the male. "If we are going to work together.. I need to see if my partner is worthy enough." Shiro said, walking next to the sitting male. "How pathetic.." M/N quietly said. As the explosion gotten bigger, Takemichi flew back.

Takemichi then cried and punched the ground after watching Hina died again. "Hmm.. How tragic.." Shiro said as he left. Takemichi then looked up at the building roof and saw a familiar (H/C) male. Takemichi's eyes widened as the male left the roof. "M/N-kun killed Akkun.." Takemichi said.
At Hina's funeral

"L/N was there..?" Naoto asked Takemichi while outside of Hina's funeral. "Yeah, He shot Akkun." Takemichi said, looking down to his shoes. "Naoto, Is M/N-kun still trying to kill Mikey..?"

Takemichi asked, looking at Naoto. Naoto answered. "Yeah, He still is." Takemichi sighed. "I don't get it, I thought I changed the future.." Takemichi says quietly.

October 20th, 2017

After Takemichi and Naoto met Draken in prison. Takemichi rephrase what Draken had said to him and decided that he would be the 3rd Division captain. But Takemichi's question about M/N was also answered too.

"M/N betrayed Mikey.. so because of that Mikey killed his two best friends as karma, I guess you could say." Draken said as he sat behind the glass. Takemichi's mouth opened a bit as he sat there confused.

"But why Mikey-kun kill his-" Takemichi was cut off. "Mikey was hurt that he was betrayed by his "best friend." Draken said as he felt hurt too since he was also betrayed. "How did M/N betrayed Mikey..?" Takemichi asked then it was time for Draken to go.
"I'm so tireddd." Akari complained as she laid on the couch. "I didn't ask." M/N said as he sat down on the couch with a bottle of water. "Tch, Rude." Akari said, crossing her arms. "Where's your twin?" M/N asked before taking a slip of his water. "Workingg." Akari whined.

M/N groaned then he got a phone call. He grabbed his phone and opened it, see that the I.D was Mikey. Akari moved towards M/N, seeing the caller. "Is that your boyfriend~?" Akari asked teasingly.

M/N blushed and pushed Akari away. "Stop look at my phone!" M/N yelled as he answered the call. "Hey." M/N said while Akari was wiggling her eyebrows.

M/N rolled his eyes. "Hey, N/N-chin. Come to the Toman meeting." Mikey's voice was heard through the phone. "No thanks." M/N said. Mikey pouted. "Come on, N/N-chin~" Mikey whined. 'Why are there so many whiners." M/N thought.

"I won't bother you with another meeting." Mikey offered. M/N groaned as he shifted in his seat. "Fine." M/N agreed. "I'll pick you up in a few minutes!" Mikey says before hanging up.

"Did he asked you on a date?" Akari asked. "Akari, I told you. That kiss was a mistake and we both agree to still be friends." M/N said as he got up. "Boo. You missed your chance. " Akari says. "Shut up!" M/N yelled.

M/N got discharged from the hospital and walked out with the twins. "Man, it feels good getting out the hospital." M/N said as the walked in a small store. "MY FAVORITE SNACK!" Akari gasped as she ran to her favorite snacks.

"N/N-chin?" M/N heard the familiar voice behind him. M/N turned around to face the blonde. "Mikey." M/N says as Mikey smiled a bit. There was silence between the two but loud clattering with the twins fighting for the last snack.

"We should talk." Mikey and M/N said, them both wanting to talk about different things. "Alright." M/N says. They both walked outside of the store. "You can go first, Mikey." M/N says as Mikey shook his head. "You can go, N/N-chin." Mikey said, letting M/N go.

"Okay, Mikey. I think we should just stay friends. I don't think it's the move." M/N said, making Mikey look away from M/N. That wasn't the same thing Mikey was thinking about. Mikey smiled at M/N softly. "Of course.. That's fine." Mikey says.

"Actually, I have to go. I'll see you later, N/N-chin." Mikey says as he began walking away.

M/N walked back into the store and saw the twins looking at him. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! LETTING HIM GO LIKE THAT?!" Akari yelled as she shook M/N's shoulders. "Dont touch me!" M/N yelled. "Akari, let go!" Akihiko says, trying to pull Akari off of M/N.
M/N sighed. "I got an idea to get closer to Despair." Akari says. "What is it?" M/N asked as he walked over to her. "Since Moebius and Despair were connected, that Hanma dude is also in Valhalla." Akari says. "Your point?" M/N asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"You need to be buddies for you can be in Valhalla and get closer to Despair, finding someone to at least contact someone from there." Akari finished. M/N shrugged and ruffled Akari's hair. "I guess your not that dumb after all." M/N says.

"IM NOT DUMB, I'VE NEVER BEEN!" Akari yelled as M/N chuckled.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now