𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3

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Mikey caught up to M/N and Draken."I'll see you tomorrow Mikey and M/N." Draken said before taking off on his motorcycle, leaving Mikey and M/N alone. Mikey and M/N gets on Mikey's motorcycle. "Where are we
going?" M/N asked. Mikey started driving. "Oi-" M/N was about to say. "Why don't you join Toman N/N-chin?"

Mikey asked. M/N grumbled. "I work alone. I don't do gangs." M/N answered. Mikey frowned. "Just think about it." Mikey said, stopping at the café that M/N works at. "Do you make Dorayaki?" Mikey asked, looking at M/N with a innocent smile. M/N glared at Mikey. "How the fuck-" M/N was cut off by Mikey putting his finger on M/N's lips.

"Secret." Mikey chuckled a bit. M/N kept glaring at him as they walked into the Café. "Hey, It's N/N!" Your co-worker, Akihiko yelled. M/N looked away from Mikey and walked over to Akihiko. "Hey Aki." M/N said as they both shook each other's hands. "What you doing here? It's your off day." Akihiko said. M/N groaned. "I'm here to order somethings."

Mikey walked over to the males before asking. "Do you guys have Dorayaki?" Akihiko smiled. "Of course, we even have Dorayaki that comes with flags." At that sentence, Mikey's eyes was sparkling. "And (F/F)?"(Favorite food) Akihiko asked the annoyed male. M/N nodded.

Mikey and M/N sat down at a table, waiting for their food. M/N put his hand on his cheek while he was waiting. Mikey was staring at the (H/C) male's hand that has the tattoo on it. "Ne, N/N-chin." Mikey said. M/N hummed, not looking at the male. "Why did you get that tattoo?" Mikey asked, still looking at the male's tattoo. "Reasons, King of thousand questions." M/N said, looking at the blonde male.

Mikey puffed his cheeks at the nickname. "I don't ask that many questions.." Mikey mumbled. M/N flicked Mikey's head, leaving a mark. "It's called sarcasm." M/N said, turning away from Mikey. Mikey rubbed the part of his forehead where M/N flicked. Akihiko came with the food and set it down on the table. "Enjoy." Akihiko said before leaving.

Mikey's eyes began sparkling more and he starting eating. M/N started eating his food too.
After the two finished, M/N left money on the table and left with Mikey. "N/N-chin. Can you drive to your house? I'm sleepy." Mikey said with a tired voice. "Why my house?!" M/N asked. Mikey shrugged. M/N groaned at the tired male. M/N got on the motorcycle. Mikey then sat behind the tall male, wrapping his arms around M/N's waist.

M/N started the motorcycle while Mikey dig his face against M/N's back.

M/N ignored Mikey and began driving off. As they made it to M/N's house, M/N tapped Mikey's arm to get him off. "I'm too tired." Mikey said. M/N's eye twitched. "Let go for a moment." Mikey heard him say. Mikey grumbled and lets go of M/N.

And then Mikey felt himself being picked up, bridal style. Mikey wrapped his arm on M/N's neck as M/N walked into his house. M/N walked to his room and sets Mikey on his bed to sleep. M/N looked at Mikey snuggled into his pillow. M/N rolled his eyes and began grabbing his "Devil in disguise" clothing, leaving Mikey to sleep.

Before M/N left the house, he saw another note from his dad. 'You need to stop overworking yourself dad..' M/N thought. Then he set his things down and went into the kitchen to cook food for his dad when he gets home.
After a couple of minutes, M/N finished cooking some Miso soup. And left it some low heat to keep it warm. M/N then left with his outfit on. M/N walked around for a bit and then finding what he was looking for.

A gang member with a coat with the words, "𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯" imprinted on the back. (Totally not a danganronpa reference *wink wink*)

M/N walked passed the guy and then pulled by the hood. "Oi, where you-" He stopped talking as he realized who the boy was. M/N punched the guy in the face. The guy then charged at M/N. M/N kicked the guy in the side of his face, making the guy fall on the ground. "Tsk, weak.."

M/N said, putting his hood back on. M/N walked toward the guy and grabbed his jacket to face him. "W-what do you want?!" The guy yelled out in fear. M/N looked at the guy with his cold eyes.

"Just some questions.." M/N said. "I-I don't know anything! I just j-join not that long ago!" He yelled, looking at M/N eyes. M/N let go of the guy. "How useless.." M/N said, looking at the guy.

The guy looks at M/N in fear and he tried crawling away.

M/N walk to the side of the crawling guy and kicked his face, knocking the guy out.

M/N groaned loudly, thought he had a lead but another bust. 'Why the fuck is he getting more members.. Its annoying.." M/N thought as he walked towards the alley, seeing more members of Despair. "Who the fuck are you?" One of the members asked, looking at the male. "Hey tough guy! He asked you a question!" Another one yelled out.

M/N kept walking as he blocked a kick of the side of his head. M/N looked at the guy, who widen his eyes. "Y-your.. The Devil in disguise?!" M/N smiled through his mask. "Bingo.."
Mikey woke up from his long nap. Mikey looked at his surroundings to see that he was in M/N's bed. Mikey then smelled something in the kitchen so he walked out of M/N's room and walked in the kitchen to see soup cooking.

Mikey moved his messy blonde hair out the way to see what soup was cooking.

"N/N-chin?" Mikey called out but no response. "Guess he is not here.." Mikey mumbled. Then he saw a note.

Help yourself Mikey.
from M/N

Mikey smiled a bit. "I think N/N-chin is warming up to me." Mikey then says to himself.
"I'll asked again.. Where is he?" M/N demanded as he was surrounded by beaten up body's of the gang members. "I-I don't know, He moves around too much t-to pin point where he is at!" M/N punched the guy. "Then your not really the vice president.."

M/N said, letting go of the guy, making him hit the ground.

M/N stepped on the guy's chest. "You got blood on me..Disgusting." M/N said punching the "vice president" out cold. M/N got up and walked away to go home. M/N sighed. "I'll get you.. Shiro"
M/N got home and took off his mask. He then walked into his room to see Mikey had fallen asleep after eating the soup that was placed on the nightstand. M/N sighed as he grabbed his clothes and a towel. He went to the bathroom to shower.

After M/N was done with his shower, he changed in the bathroom and walked out with a towel on his head, drying his hair off. M/N walked into his room to see sleepy Mikey woken up. "N/N-chin..?" Mikey asked quietly. M/N then walked over to Mikey and grabbed his dish to go clean but before he could grab the dish, he was clinged on by Mikey.

Mikey was grabbing the male's arm, pulling him down. "What the fuck are you doing?" M/N whispered. "Sleep with me N/N-chin.." Mikey said quietly, still pulling M/N down with him. M/N blushed a bit then groaned. M/N laid on his bed with Mikey's head on his chest with Mikey's legs wrapped around M/N's legs. "Damn it Mikey.." M/N said quietly as he felt the small male asleep on him.

M/N couldn't resist putting his arm around Mikey's waist and slowly started to fall asleep.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now