𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 10

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It was sunset, M/N groaned,putting his hands onto his pockets as he walked home. As he walked, he heard laughing at a park.

M/N walked to the park to see Takemichi and some other boys playing around with Mikey and Draken. M/N sighed and smiled softly before walking off to go home. 'At least they are not fighting anymore.' M/N thought.
M/N walked into his house, he takes his bloody hands out of his pockets to lock the door. M/N walked to the bathroom to clean off the blood off of his hands and his clothes that he was previously wearing. "Disgusting.." M/N said as he scrubbed the clothes after washing his hands clean.

Then a knock was heard from the front door. M/N groaned as he dried his wet hands and closed the bathroom door before walking to the front door.

M/N opened the door to see Mikey, eating his Dorayaki. "Here to grab your stuff?" M/N questioned. Mikey nodded and walked into the house. Going to M/N's room. M/N shut the door and walked into the bathroom to finish scrubbing his clothes.

"N/N-chin, Where's my shirt!" Mikey yelled, looking and gathering his things. "Should be in the closet!" M/N yelled back, finishing up. M/N groaned and walked out of the bathroom.

M/N sees Mikey walking towards the front door then turned around to M/N. "I'll see you soon, N/N-chin." Mikey said before walking out of the house, closing the door behind him. M/N decided to take a shower since he felt disgusted.

After M/N took his shower, he walked towards to his room and laid on the bed, tired. M/N was tired but he couldn't fall asleep. M/N tried to sleep then flopped his head onto the pillow, grumbling a bit. M/N soon starts to drift off to sleep.

Then he was soon disturbed by his door opening. M/N groaned as he opened his eyes to see Mikey. "What..?" M/N asked as the blonde walked towards him, sitting next to M/N. Pulling the covers on to him and the the tired male.

"I just wanted to know if your really coming on the festival for Toman and Moebius." Mikey replied. M/N nodded. "You know..You could have text or something.." M/N said sleepy. Mikey smiled as he moved to get off the bed but only to get pulled back on by his waist.

Mikey was confused then felt a head placed onto his stomach and arms wrapping him. Mikey looked down to see M/N sleeping on top of him. Mikey blushed and froze. "N-N/N-chin?" Mikey asked, still bright red.

Mikey then tried moving away from M/N but only for M/N's grip get a bit tighter. "Stop moving Mikey.." M/N mumbled. Mikey didn't know what to do with his body. "Want me to move?" M/N asked Mikey. "Yeah." Mikey responded.

M/N then moved away from Mikey, unwrapping his arms. M/N laid on his back while Mikey is still next to him. M/N then started to fall asleep again until he felt Mikey laying next to him. M/N opened his eyes to see Mikey, snuggled in. M/N grabbed the covers and put it on him and Mikey.

M/N then falls asleep, leaving Mikey awake. Mikey feels M/N's chest go up and down steady and slow. "You make me feel weird sometimes, N/N-chin.." Mikey says quietly.
M/N woke up as he left weight on his chest. M/N rubs the blonde's head while he slept quietly. M/N got a text message. He grabbed his phone and saw Akari texted.

Akari: You up?

Yeah, what do you want

Akari: We need to talk. All three of us.

Is there a issue?

Akari: Just come, at 2.

M/N sighed as he looks at the time to see it's 11. M/N turned off his phone and looks at Mikey who was peacefully sleeping. M/N moved Mikey's hair out of his face to see his sleeping face. M/N smiled a bit at Mikey.

Mikey then start to wake up and sees that he was with M/N. "Morning." Mikey heard M/N and yawned. Mikey slowly sat up on M/N's bed. Mikey and M/N sat in silence before Mikey broke it. "I should go back home." Mikey says, getting up from M/N's bed.

M/N nodded while sitting up to. "I'll see you on August 3rd." Mikey said, turning to M/N. "Yeah." M/N said as he saw Mikey taking his leave. M/N sighed as he laid back in his bed.
As M/N walked in the streets, A yellow blonde boy recognized him and saw that M/N had folders in his hands. So Takemichi followed him out of curiosity. M/N walked into the abandoned building and saw the twins.The blonde hid near a table that was flipped over and was close to the trio so he can hear. "What did you drag me here for, Akari..?"

M/N asked the female with her twin. "Shiro.. He killed another person." Akari said. "We need someone to locate him, or possibly pay someone to kill him" Akihiko said.

"Do we already kill people for a living?" Akari asked her twin. "I know but-" Akihiko was cut off. "We need someone to locate him." M/N said. Takemichi gulped at the conversation.

"But first, Let Moebius fall down and then kill Shiro and the vice." M/N said seriously. "How though?" Akihiko questioned M/N. M/N sighed before replying. "First, Who did he kill?"

M/N waited for an answer. "A guy from Toman." Akihiko answered. "It's because Shiro knows your working with them." Akari then said, crossing her arms.

Takemichi was shocked at the conversation. Maybe it was a bad idea to follow M/N in the first place. "Maybe let's get gun-" Akari was cut off. "No." Akihiko and M/N said. "It's a risk, They find out we are underage for a gun, they find out we used it on a person, then juvie." Akihiko explains to Akari.

Akari groaned. "So unfairrr" Akari whined. "We'll find another way." M/N said to Akari. The clattering was heard, making the trio turn their head to the flipped table. Takemichi began freaking out. 'Shit, Shit, Shit!!" Takemichi thought.

"Oi, Come out!" M/N said as Akari brings out her pocket knife and Akihiko glared at the table. Takemichi stood up from the table, knowing he is busted either way. "Takemitchy..?" M/N questioned. "IS THAT THE KID YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?!" Akari asked.

"Yep.." M/N said as he walked towards Takemichi. "What the fuck are you doing here..?" M/N asked towering over the male. Takemichi gulped. "I-I saw you walking here, and I was c-curious." Takemichi managed to get out. "Have you heard that curiosity killed the cat?" Akihiko said as Akari giggled.

"Shut it, you two." M/N said as he backs away from Takemichi. "So, aren't you friends with Mikey?" M/N asked Takemichi. Takemichi nodded. M/N smiled before continuing on. "So you are in Toman?" M/N asked another question. "Uhm, No, I'm not." Takemichi answered.

"Alright." M/N said, gesturing his hand to Takemichi to leave. Takemichi walked out of the abandoned building. "Man, I wanted to play with him more.." Akari whined. "Your fucking insane." Akihiko said. M/N sighed as he took a cigarette out of the box before lighting it. M/N took a puff. "August 3rd is soon."

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now