𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 14

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M/N sat down on the couch, waiting for Mikey to pick him up. M/N then got a text message on his phone. M/N opened his phone and saw a message from Mikey.

Mikey: Meeting's canceled but I'm still coming over.


Mikey: Friends can't hang out?


M/N groaned at the message. He set his phone down and waited for Mikey as he watched (F/S) that was on T.V. After some time, he heard a knock at the door. M/N paused the T.V and stood up, walking towards the door. M/N opened the door to see Mikey finishing his dorayaki.

"Hi, N/N-chin." Mikey says as he walked into M/N's house. "Hi." M/N says, closing the door. Mikey walked to the couch and sat on it. "What are you watching?" Mikey asked M/N who sat down on the couch next to Mikey.

"(F/S)." M/N says as he plays it again. M/N watched the show, not paying attention to Mikey. There was silence between the two. M/N then feels something on his lap and looked down to see Mikey's head on his lap. M/N sighed and looked back up to the T.V.

"N/N-chin?" Mikey says. M/N hummed, not breaking away from the T.V. "Why did you.. kissed me?" Mikey asked quietly, shifting his head to M/N. "And you don't want to be a thing. It's confusing.." Mikey said. M/N grabbed the remote and paused the T.V then looked down at Mikey.

"Is this why you came over?" M/N asked the blonde male. Mikey shook his head and sat up. "No. It just came to me, N/N-chin." Mikey says, M/N sighed. "You wouldn't understand." M/N said. Mikey titled his head to the side a bit. Which M/N noticed.

"Mikey, I can't risk having a relationship with you while doing something that can hurt you if we do this." M/N said while motioning the two of them. "I can protect myself." Mikey says.

M/N ruffled Mikey's hair, giving him a soft smile. "Getting hurt doesn't always mean physically." M/N says, taking his hand back but then stopped. Mikey pulled M/N's hand and held it with his hand. "So.. you want to be with me?" Mikey asked while looking into M/N's (E/C) eyes with his dark blue eyes.

Waiting for an out of M/N. M/N stayed silent. M/N puts his hand on Mikey's cheek and moved his thumb onto his lips. Dragging his thumb on Mikey's pink lips.

Mikey blushed at M/N's actions. M/N moved closed to Mikey. "N-N/N-chin.." Mikey stutters quietly. M/N moved his hand from Mikey's lips and wrapping his arms around Mikey's waist.

M/N closed the space between them, kissing Mikey's lips. Mikey kissed back while wrapping his arms around M/N's neck. M/N sets Mikey on his back to the couch as they were still kissing.

They broke the kiss and breathed heavily as their cheeks were red. M/N then pecked Mikey's lips again, making Mikey flustered. They stayed like that for a bit. M/N moved up from Mikey who let go of his neck. M/N took a breath.

"Mikey, You know.. we can't do this anymore." M/N says softly as he looked Mikey. Mikey sadly laughed. "I had a suspension.." Mikey says, looking down.   M/N cupped Mikey's cheeks with one hand, making him look up at him.

M/N kissed his forehead. "I like you, Mikey. And that's why I want to protect you. Even though I know you can protect yourself, you'll never know who will come for you." M/N said, caressing his cheek. Mikey smiled a bit.

"I like you too." Mikey says.
"M/N-kun~" A voice distributed M/N's peace. Walking through the doors of a office. "Shut up, Shiro.." M/N said as he got up from his desk seat. Shiro pouted. "So rude." Shiro said as he gave M/N a file. "What's this?" M/N asked.

Shiro smirked. "Well~." Shiro says as M/N glared at him. M/N opened up the file. "Kisaki Tetta." M/N reads the name. "Mhm~" Shiro hummed. "Funny story, He was behind it all!" Shiro giggled.

"Wasn't he the 3rd Division captain?" M/N asked. Shiro shrugged his shoulders. "Ne~ What happened with you and that cutie, Mikey-kun~?" Shiro asked as he walked to M/N's chair.

M/N threw the file at Shiro and took out a cigarette. "Well?" Shiro asked as M/N lit the cigarette. M/N took a puff before answering. "He found out that I join Valhalla and assumed that I was working with them to destroy Toman." M/N answered.

Shiro smirked and crossed his legs. "So, I have a chance with that cutie then? Or maybe with you~" Shiro says as M/N eye twitched. "Weren't you trying to kill Manjiro?"

M/N said then Shiro gave him a closed eye smile. "Most people were trying to kill him back then. What's the difference? But now you are wanting to kill him. Why would you care?" Shiro finished.

M/N stayed silent as he took another puff. "He did kill the twins with his bare hands." Shiro says. "I know that. I saw it." M/N says. Shiro sighed. "God, I want the bastard dead so I could be done with this shit." Shiro said as he got up from the seat.

"Bye M/N-kun~" Shiro said, winking at M/N. M/N rolled his eyes and closed the door behind Shiro. M/N sighed.

M/N walked to his desk and sat down.
M/N then see a picture with him, the twins, and a brown hair male when they were in elementary school. Then sees his mother's picture.

"You betrayed me, M/N.."
M/N remembers Mikey's cold voice as he remembers the twins beaten up faces.

'It was already too late. They weren't breathing.'

'But I did it to protect you. To get revenge. For my mother and for my team.'

"Let's go! We are going to be late! Wouldn't want to miss your first day!" A woman yelled and she giggled.


"Next time, Be careful.. I'm Haruki!" The boy introduced himself as he smiled, making M/N blush at his smile. "Let's be friends!" "Ok.."

"Hi, your the new kid right? My name is Akihiko and this is my twin sister Akari." The boy says as his sister looks at M/N. "WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET?!" Akari yelled as she shook M/N. "AKARI-"

Years later-

"All four of us, let's start a group, not a gang." M/N says. "Why?" Akihiko asked. "For all of Japan to know our name!" Akari says as she puts her arm around M/N's shoulder.

"Alright!" Akihiko agreed. "Ruki?" Akari asked. "Of course." Haruki agreed too. "Our group should be called...零 (Zero)!"  Akari suggested.

"Idiot.." M/N said. Akari gave a closed eye smile.

M/N chuckled a bit.

"We will be known!"

What a fantasy we thought we had..



M/N held his friend's bloody body as he took his last breathe. "Haha! Remember our name! Despair! Let's go, Shiro!" The guy yelled as a young black hair boy looked at the scene with guilt and walked away.

"MOM!" M/N yelled for his mom as she was being held down but guys with the jacket that has Despair logo imprinted onto it.

"Go M/N! I'll be fine!" His mom yelled. M/N bite the insides of his cheek and ran off, thinking that his mom is behind him.


M/N woke up on his desk. M/N rubbed his eyes and looked around. "I slept again.. Shit." M/N says quietly to himself.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now