𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 16

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M/N sighed tiredly as he made his way home. He groaned as his head started to throb in pain. M/N then bumped into someone who made an small "oof" sound as they fell on the ground and M/N stumbled back. M/N looked down at the fallen person.

It was Takemichi who rubbed his neck in embarrassment and got up. "You okay, Takemitchy?" M/N asked Takemichi who nodded in response. "I'm fine, M/N-kun."

Takemichi says and M/N patted his back, walking away. Takemichi looked back at M/N and sees the white jacket in his arms with a red label swing around as M/N walked.

"Hmm.." Takemichi hummed to himself in curiosity. He turned himself around and continued his walk.
M/N finally made it home. He closed the front door behind him while taking off his shoes at the front and walked to his room. He then walked to his closet and grabbed a hanger to hang his Valhalla jacket up.

He then flopped on his bed. M/N sighed in relief and he closed his eyes, feeling the soft cold pillow on his head.

He slowly drifted off to sleep. After a while of sleeping, M/N felt poking on his cheeks, slowly waking him up a bit. M/N groaned and turned over to his side away from the poking.

"N/N-chin?" A male voice called for him. M/N ignore the voice and didn't move. M/N then felt his bed being laid on next to him.

M/N turned over to the body next to him. Opening his eyes slightly to see that it is night and also Mikey in with a blank white t-shirt and pants that are apart of his Toman clothes. Mikey flashed a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" M/N asked tiredly. Mikey shrugged. "I just wanted to know if your are coming to the Toman meeting tomorrow night." Mikey says. "Fine." M/N agrees and moves on his back, closing his eyes to sleep again.

"And there is something else too." Mikey said as M/N opened his eyes. "What?" M/N asked, not looking at Mikey but at the ceiling. "Join Toman N/N-chin." Mikey said, making M/N immediately denied the request.

"I told you, Mikey. You know why and you also already know my answer." M/N said, closing his eyes. Mikey sighed in defeat.

Silence was heard between them too. M/N then felt Mikey laying his head down on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around M/N body.

M/N wrapped his arm that was being laid  on around Mikey. Mikey relaxing onto his touch. "N/N-chin, tell me. Are we really friends?" Mikey asked and no response. Mikey looks up at M/N and sees that he was sleeping.

Mikey sighed and began slowly falling asleep in M/N's warmth.
It was morning, M/N woke up to his alarm that was set for the Valhalla meeting. M/N stretched on his bed and turned off his alarm. He then sees that Mikey is gone.

M/N gets up from his bed and grabs his things to take a shower with, along with the Valhalla jacket.

After M/N's shower, he was dress and ready to go. He walked out of the door and sees Kazutora on his motorcycle, waiting for M/N.

M/N was confused at Kazutora. Kazutora looks at M/N and smiles. "Let's go!" He yelled, gesturing his hand to get on.

M/N sighed and walked over to Kazutora, not waiting to be late. He sat behind Kazutora and Kazutora started his motorcycle. "Hang on." He stared before he drove.

M/N hanged on to Kazutora as he drove to the abandoned arcade. When they made it, Kazutora stopped his motorcycle and jumped off his motorcycle.

Kazutora began walking into the abandoned arcade, he turned away to M/N who was walking behind him.

Kazutora gave M/N a closed eye smile before turning around, walking to Hanma who was surrounded by another Valhalla members.

"Everyone! This is M/N-kun! Our newest member!" Hanma said as he was standing up, putting out his cigarette. M/N looked around at the Valhalla members who was some looking at M/N and some cheering.

"I'm surprised you came, M/N-kun~." Hanma said, looking at M/N. M/N shrugged and looked away.

A/N: sorry I haven't updated this story for a bit now. I was busy but now I'm not!

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