𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4

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Short Chapter.

M/N woke up from his alarm. He grunts getting up from his bed and sees that Mikey left. M/N also saw that Mikey took the dirty dish away too. M/N yawned as he began doing his morning routine.
M/N walked into his class and sat down in his seat, waiting for the teacher to start. The teacher walked into the class. "Class, we have an assessment to take today." The teacher said with papers in her hands. M/N groaned. 'Shit, I forgot to study.." M/N thought as a paper was passed out to him.

The teacher passed out the tests. "You may began." She said as everyone started the test. M/N looked at the test. 'I know these first questions.' M/N thought. As the couple minutes passed and M/N was on the last question. 'How the fuck am I supposed to know this?! WE HAVEN'T BEEN TAUGHT THIS!' M/N thought as a tick mark grew on his forehead.

The class door opened revealing the familiar blonde male. The teacher looked up from her papers, seeing the male walking into her class. "Can you please leave sir? The class is taking a test." She said and Mikey was not listening to her. Mikey walked over to M/N. M/N was focused on his test to realized that Mikey was walking to him. "N/N-chin."

Mikey said and the (H/C) male's eye twitched.

"Come with me." Mikey said, looking at M/N. "No." M/N replied. Mikey frowned. "Come." Mikey said again. M/N looked at Mikey with his usual cold glare. Mikey sighed. "Fine N/N-chin." Mikey said while walking out of the class. M/N sighed and went back to his test.
It was finally the end of the school day. M/N walked home. M/N made it to his house and walked into his house. M/N took off his shoes and proceeds to go to his room. M/N set his backpack down and saw Mikey sitting on his bed, looking at his Mortal Kombat game collection. "What the fuck are you doing here?" M/N said.

Mikey looks away from the collection and smiled. "Aren't friends supposed to have sleepovers?" M/N opened his mouth and closed it since there's no point. M/N rolled his eyes. "So we are friends?" Mikey questioned. "No, we are not." M/N said, crossing his arms. Mikey pouted. "Do you hate me N/N-chin?" M/N looked at Mikey and sighed. "I..don't but we'll see." M/N said.

Mikey got up from his spot and smiled at the (H/C) male. "I ordered some take-out. Your paying right?" Mikey said as he walked passed M/N who groaned. Mikey sat down on the sofa in the living room, watching T.V. M/N walked in his room to change out of his school clothes.
"So.. He already met Manjiro. Shit." Naoto said, sitting in his chair. "It seems like it. Because before we continued on our bike ride, Mikey said that he need to grab M/N to join. And even called him "N/N-chin". Takemichi said. Naoto looked at the blonde male. "Seems like they are close." Naoto said. Naoto looked at M/N's file and pulled out a piece of paper.

"After M/N killed the gang leader Shiro, He went on a non-stop killing spree. It seems like Shiro told M/N something before he died, leading him to almost killing Manjiro aka Mikey. Before killing half the Despair gang off, Shiro said that Manjiro had something to do with his father's death those words made M/N go into a rage.. Help me. He is coming for me next." Naoto read off the paper. Takemichi gluped at the note.
Mikey finished eating the take-out with M/N and now they are just sitting on the couch, watching T.V. M/N was watching (F/M) (Favorite movie) until he felt Mikey put his head on M/N's chest. M/N took his eyes off the T.V and looks at Mikey. Mikey was snoring quietly. M/N grumbled and let Mikey be. M/N moved Mikey's blonde hair out of his face, seeing his sleeping face. M/N looked away from him, stroking Mikey's hair. Little did M/N knew, Mikey was awake and enjoying M/N's rare affection.
A (H/C) male walked through an alley in a suit. Flipping a coin in his tattooed hand. "Boss, what do we do with them." A guy pointed at the beaten up men. The (H/C) male looked at the beaten guys. "Kill them.." He said with his deep voice and a scar on his lips. "Ask the others if they find what I'm looking for.." He demanded. "But Boss, they found him already." He turned around, towards the guy with a smile.

"Track Manjiro down."

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now