𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6

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M/N sat down on the couch, annoyed. "NO, THAT'S MINE!" "NO, IT'S MINE!" "I GOT THE CHICKEN, YOU GOT THE SPICY CHICKEN!" "YOU GOT SPICY!" M/N sighed angrily as the bickering of Akari and Akihiko kept going.

"STOP TAKING MY SHIT AKARI!" Akihiko yelled. "IT'S MINE!" M/N groaned as he set the take-out food out of the bag and gave the two the spicy chicken sandwiches. They stopped fighting and began eating. "Fucking finally." M/N said as the two ate happily.

"I was staving after beating people up." Akari said with her mouth full. M/N looked at her in disgusted. "EAT WITH YOU MOUTH CLOSE!" M/N yelled. Akari rolled her eyes as she continued eating. M/N got a phone call. M/N looked at the I.D to see it was Mikey. "OooO~ M/N got a girlfriend~" Akari teased.

"Shut up Akari." M/N said. Akari looked at Akihiko and moved her eyebrows up and down. Akihiko laughed quietly covering his mouth. "What is it Mikey?" M/N said. Akari covered her mouth after hearing Mikey's name. Akihiko laughed harder, trying to keep it quiet.

"N/N-chin, Are you busy tomorrow..?" Mikey asked. M/N looked over at the laughing twins. M/N rolled his eyes away from them. "Depends.." M/N said as the twins laughed louder. "If you are not, call me." Mikey said. "Aright then." M/N says. "M/N HAS A BOYFRIEND!"

Akari yelled as Akihiko couldn't control his laugh anymore. "SHUT UP AKARI!" M/N yelled at Akari as he blushed. "I NEVER THOUGHT IN A MILLION YEARS THAT M/N HAD A BOYFRIEND!" Akihiko yelled as he continued laughing with Akari.

"I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND! I seriously hate you guys.." M/N said as his eye twitched. "N/N-chin..?" M/N and the twins heard Mikey through the phone.

Akari and Akihiko collapsed in laughter. "Sorry Mikey.." M/N said in embarrassment. "It's fine N/N-chin." Mikey said. "I'll call you when I'm free." M/N said, wanting to get off the phone. "Kay, bye." Mikey said before he hung up. "I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS!" M/N instantly yelled.

Mikey hung up the phone with a blush on his cheeks. "Boyfriend.." Mikey mumbled as his cheeks turned redder. "Mikey, hurry up." Mikey heard Draken. Then he got a text.

From N/N-chin
I'm free tomorrow.

Mikey then put away his phone and catches up to Draken.
This part is rushed

Naoto and Takemichi meets up with Osanai. He tell them what happened between Toman and Moebius but refuses to talk about Toman fight.

Osanai says that they didn't kill Draken, but the incident was a trigger that led to Toman's internal conflicts and all was planned by someone. Takemichi realized that someone used Osanai. But there was something that stood out when they talked.

"H-he also tried to kill me.." Osanai says. "Who?" Naoto asked. "The Devil in disguise.. Moebius murdered his mom. They murder her in cold blood for the money." He finished. Takemichi gluped. "Who was paying Moebius?" He asked. "The gang Despair's vice president. They payed us to kill her. For revenge.."

Naoto then asks,"Did they tell you what did he did?" Osanai shook his head.

"All I know that he was dangerous before and he is dangerous now.."

The next day, M/N woken up on his bed and walked up in the living room to see the twins sleeping on the couch. "What time is it..?" M/N mumbled to himself. "1pm." M/N heard a voice and turned his head towards the voice. M/N sees Mikey walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh Mikey." M/N says. "Hi N/N-chin." Mikey says. Mikey finished his snack, leaving crumbs on his face. "You have crumbs on your face." M/N says. Mikey wiped the wrong part of his face. "Here." M/N says and walked closer to Mikey, wiping his face with his thumb.

Mikey blushed at M/N doings and yet confused how M/N is not embarrassed about yesterday's incident. "There." M/N said, backing away from Mikey. "OH MY GOD, M/N DOES HAVE BOYFRIEND!"

Akari yelled, waking up her twin. "Shut up Akari.." Akihiko says quietly. "Exactly Akari. Shut up." M/N says while blushing along with Mikey. "Let me get changed." M/N said before walking off to his room.
After M/N finished his shower and changing, he walked out of the door with Mikey. "Where are we going Mikey?" M/N asked Mikey as they got on his motorcycle. "Somewhere." Mikey said as he got on his motorcycle M/N sighed and let it be.

When they made it to their location, Mikey stopped his motorcycle and got off, starting to walk. M/N followed Mikey and sees Draken, Pah-chin, and Peh-yan. "Hey M/N." Draken says. "Hey Draken." M/N says.

Mikey sits down on a wooden box. "Oi, Mikey, Who is this?" Pah-chin asks. "This is N/N-chin and N/N-chin, this is Pah-chin." Mikey answered Pah-chin. M/N looked at Pah-chin. "Yo." M/N said.

Takemichi walks in and stands in front of Mikey and shivered at M/N's cold stare. Mikey smiles. What is it Takemitchy?" Mikey asks. "Can you call off the fight with Moebius?" Takemichi asked Mikey. "I can't tell you how I know but someone's secretly pulling the strings behind this conflict."

Takemichi finished before getting his head pulled and pushed back on the ground. "Who the hell you think you are? Right Pah-chin?" Peh-yan said. M/N looks at the scene. 'What the fuck are I doing here?' He thought.

"Get lost. Say another word and I'll murder you." Pah-chin says to Takemichi before turning away. "I got it Draken, I won't rush into anything." Pah-chin says. 'Rush into what..?' M/N thought. Takemichi gets up."So what's our plan of attack." Pah-chin asks. "You can't! It's a trap for Toman!" Takemichi says.

Pah-chin walks towards Takemichi and punches his face. "THE HELL?! WE CANT FIGHT THEM? YOU CAN'T TELL US WHY?! THEN WHO THE HELL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF MY FRIEND AND HIS GIRL?!" Pah-chin yells as he beats Takemichi. 'They are talking about Moebius then..' M/N thought angrily at the thought of his mother and Moebius.

"I don't know but-" Takemichi was cut off. "Takemitchy, You made your case. Once I've made up my mind that Toman and Moebius are going to fight. It gonna happen." Mikey said, looking at Takemichi. Takemichi gets on his knees.

Everyone looks at Takemichi. "If you guys fight Moebius, Toman's finished. I just became friends with you two! I can't accept...Toman ending like this" Takemichi says, crying. "What do you keep blubbering about?" Pah-chin was about to punch Takemichi again before stopped by Draken.

"What's the big idea Draken?" Pah-chin asks. "Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into Moebius a bit more, Mikey." Draken says, looking at Mikey. "Huh? Ken-chin, you going against Toman?" Then there was silence after.

"Sorry to interrupt your little cat-fight." A voice has heard amongst the group and then footsteps. "You middle school shits." A blonde male in a red gang clothes says. "Your...Osanai!" Pah-chin says. "Pipe down, dick." Osanai said. 'That's Osanai?!'

Takemichi thought. "You there, I'm two years older so its Mister Bastard to you." He says, pointing a comb. 'More like cocky asshat.' M/N thought. Pah-chin yells and charges at Osanai. Osanai then punches Pah-chin in the face making Pah-chin fall back onto his back.

"Tokyo Manji Gang? Change your damn name. Maybe to "Middle school Baby Alliance." Osanai said with the cigarette still in his mouth. "I heard you were picking a fight with us." Osanai says before snapping his fingers. People then came in with white uniform and formed behind Osanai. "This is war, baby."

The guys behind Osanai then yelled as everyone looks at them. 'They better shut up, I'm getting a headache.' M/N thought as he saw Mikey with no reaction. 'Man, I can beat them up here and now but what Takemitchy said..'

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