𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 11

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"No Manjiro yet..?" A (H/C) hair said as he sat in his chair with a gun in his hand. He groaned as his bitches who were standing at the door, shivered at his glare.

M/N point the gun at one of them. "If you don't find him, I'll-" "You'll what?" M/N was cut off by a voice. "Continue.. I want to hear your threats!" The male voice says as chains were heard too. M/N saw the male walking in. "Shut up, Shiro. You are lucky that I didn't kill you."

Shiro walks in, handcuffed. M/N rolled his eyes at the male. "Sir." One of M/N's servants came in with an envelope. He gave it to M/N who was still sitting down. M/N grabbed the envelope. "Thank you." M/N said as he opened the envelope.

Shiro walked over to M/N and sees what was inside the envelope. "File, Manjiro Sano." Shiro said quietly then he saw a picture of him. "What a cutie." Shiro said out loud. M/N glared at Shiro. "Shut up or I'll kill this time." M/N said then looked back at the file. "He is not in Tokyo?" M/N questioned quietly.

"So, Have you guys dated or something~?" Shiro asked, looking at M/N. "You seemed desperate to find him~" Shiro teased. M/N eye twitched. "No, he killed my father and my two best friends." M/N said sternly while going through Manjiro's file.

"Oh~ Like my vice killed your mother." Shiro said, hoping for a reaction from M/N. M/N then pointed his gun at Shiro. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" M/N said, setting Manjiro's file down while getting up from his seat. Shiro chuckled a bit before sitting in a seat. "Mad?" Shiro said in a teasing way. "Annoyed." M/N corrected Shiro.

"So easy to tease too~" Shiro said before giggling. "And so easy to pull the trigger." M/N said, putting the gun to Shiro's head. Shiro smiled. "You win." He then said. M/N rolled his eyes and pulled the gun away from Shiro. "Where's Toman's file?" M/N asked one of his servants. "Not here yet, Sir. It will arrive soon." He said, making M/N nod.

"Why didn't you kill me, M/N?" Shiro asked, shifting in his seat. M/N sighed and turned to Shiro. "Because I need you, you know things but you are being so annoying and stubborn I just might kill you." M/N said, lighting a cigarette.

Shiro hummed. "I want a cigarette too." Shiro said. M/N groaned, taking a puff before giving Shiro one. Shiro took it with his handcuffed hands and put in in his mouth. M/N lit the cigarette for Shiro before leaving the room.
"GIVE ME BACK MY CIGARETTE, M/N!" Akari yelled at M/N. "No, Your too young." M/N said, turning away from her. "IM ONLY LIKE A YEAR YOUNGER THEN YOU!" Akari yelled as she tried to get the cigarette back from M/N.

"Still too god-damn young!" M/N said, letting the bud drop on the floor. Akari then grumbled, "So unfairrr." M/N shrugged his shoulders then left from behind the restaurant. Akari then followed him. M/N then walked in the restaurant and walked over to his table.

"Sorry for that." M/N apologized. Akari then sat down angrily. "Stop being bratty, Akari." Akihiko said. Akari mumbled. M/N sighed and took his seat. "Takemitchy.. Tell me, Why did you think that the fight of Toman and Moebius is a trap?" M/N asked the nervous male.

Takemichi took a breath before responding. "I can't tell you." Takemichi  says, messing with his food a bit. M/N hummed. "So, your plotting against Toman?"

M/N flat out said before taking a bite of his food. Takemichi looked up at M/N quickly and shook his head. "NO! I'M NOT! I-I JUST KNOW!" Takemichi said. M/N looked at Takemichi, raising his eyebrow.

"Huh?!, What does that mean?" Akari asked as her mouth was full with food. "Akari, that's disgusting. Don't talk with your mouth full!" M/N said, moving away from her.

"He's right, Akari. That is disgusting." Akihiko says, taking a bite of his food. Akari rolled her eyes before digging in again. "But what does that mean, Takemitchy?" M/N asked. Takemichi gulped. "I wish I could tell you M/N-kun." Takemichi says.

"What's gonna happen, Takemitchy." M/N said. Takemichi looked up at M/N. 'I can't make it sound like I know that Draken is gonna die..' Takemichi thought. "Someone is plotting something bad on August 3rd." Takemichi said.

"How bad?" Akihiko asked. "Bad." Takemichi answered quietly. M/N hummed. "Well, I'm stuffed." Akari said, finished with her food. M/N sighed.
After they left Akari and Akihiko separated from M/N and Takemichi. "I'll see you on the 3rd." M/N said as Takemichi nodded. Then them both separated.

M/N walked alone to his home. As he step on to his door step and unlock the door, he sighed and closed the front door. "Hey there."

M/N looked over to see his dad, sitting on the couch. M/N walked over to his dad and saw pictures of M/N's mom. "Hey dad, What are you doing?" M/N asked, sitting next to him.

M/N's dad chuckled. "Looking back at pictures." He answered. M/N saw a picture that caught his eye and picked it out. It was M/N as a child and his mom at the park. M/N softly smiled at the picture.

M/N's dad picked out a picture and laughed. M/N looked away from the picture to look at his dad. "What is it?" M/N asked and looked at the picture.

"It was me and your mom when we first met. It was a disaster. I remembered when me and her were at a friend's house and less just say, we didn't like each other. But then one day, it all kinda changed."

M/N's dad said, putting the picture down and pick up other picture. "Now this was the day, we found out that she was pregnant with you, M/N." He says and smiled at the picture. "Your mom was...something throughout her pregnancy. Angry one moment then sad." M/N's dad said.

Then he saw other picture of their wedding. "Ha, Thought I'll never see this picture again. Man, she was beautiful." His dad said. He looked at M/N who had a tear ran down his cheek before M/N wiping it. M/N's dad sighed.

"It's not your fault, M/N." His dad said. M/N shook his head. "You know, I see your mother everyday. In you." He said, looking at M/N. "Dad, That's was so cheesy."

M/N said before laughing, wiping another tear. M/N's dad also laughed too. "But your mother's death is not your fault." He said. "Alright." M/N said.

"Go to bed, M/N." His dad said. "Night, dad." M/N said, getting up and walking to his room. "Just like his mother." M/N's dad said quietly.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now