𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9

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Mikey woke up by the scent of breakfast being made. Mikey looked to see that he was in M/N's bed and that M/N wasn't there. Mikey got up from M/N's bed and tiredly made his way to the kitchen. M/N was placing the food onto the plates. "N/N-chin?" Mikey said while rubbing his eyes.

M/N looked back at the messy hair male. "Breakfast is served." M/N says as he takes the plates and puts them on the table. "Thank you N/N-chin." Mikey mumbled as he made his way to the table. M/N hummed. "Are you going to visit Takemitchy?" M/N asked as he cleans up his mess.

Mikey nodded, taking a couple of bites out of the breakfast. M/N finished cleaning and went to the table. Sitting down before eating. They sat and ate in comfortable silence. M/N got up from his seat, finished and sees Mikey's plate is also finished too. M/N took both their plates and placed them into the sink.

M/N started to wash the dishes then he feels a head placed onto his back. "Go take a shower and change, Mikey." M/N said, finishing up the dishes. "Do you want me to do your hair?" M/N asked. Mikey nodded as he got off of M/N and walked to M/N's room to grab his stuff.

M/N sighs and sat on the couch, hearing the shower coming on.
M/N was watching an episode of (F/S). He got up when the episode was over to get a glass of water. M/N walked over to the couch with the glass of water.

He then sees a wet hair Mikey sitting on the couch with a comb and a hair tie, waiting for M/N. "Don't get the couch wett." M/N whined as he made his way to Mikey.

"Sorry N/N-chin." Mikey said as he gave the stuff to M/N. M/N sighed as he went behind Mikey and began combing his wet hair. Mikey was watching the T.V as M/N was brushing and parting his hair.

M/N grabbed the hair tie and put up some of his hair for the ponytail. "There." M/N said, walking into the kitchen. Mikey was paying attention to the T.V until he felt something on his lap.

Mikey looked down to see a Dorayaki snack. He gasped and looked up at M/N. "THANK YOU N/N-CHIN!" Mikey yelled as jumped on M/N, giving M/N a hug. M/N sighed and patted his back a bit. Mikey let go of M/N before instantly eating the snack. M/N grabbed his backpack, putting on his back.

"Let's go Mikey." M/N said as he opened the door to leave. Mikey then followed M/N out of the house. Mikey and M/N walked in silence to Takemichi's house. Mikey took a glance at M/N who was not paying attention to Mikey so Mikey took a chance to make a move.

Mikey then held M/N's hand, making M/N look at the blonde male who seemed unbothered. M/N looked away and held Mikey's hand too. Mikey slightly blushed without looking at the taller male. "Are we almost there?" M/N asked Mikey.

"We are here." Mikey said, making them both let go of each other's hands. Mikey then was stopped by the one and only Draken. They glared at each other. M/N then laid back to see what happens. "Huh? What the hell are you doing here?" Mikey spoke. "What? What the hell are you doing here?" Draken then said.

Takemichi then came out of his house. "Mikey-kun and M/N-kun." He said. "I came to see how Takemitchy's doing." Mikey said, glaring at Draken as Draken glares at him back. "Well. so did I." Draken says. Takemichi got in the middle of them, looking back and front between them.

Mikey then spoke again, "Huh? Takemitchy is my friend. Who asked you to butt in. Right, Takemitchy?" Takemichi looks at Mikey. "What the hell are you talking about? Your my friend, aren't you, Takemitchy" Draken said. Takemichi then looks at Draken.

"Out of my way, beanpole. I can't get by." Mikey said sternly "What? You get out of my way, shrimpy." Draken said to Mikey. M/N slightly chuckled. "W-wait a sec! Wait a damn minute, you two!" Takemichi yelled, making both of them look at him. M/N sighed and walked away from the scene.

While M/N was walking away, he called Akihiko. He puts the phone onto his ear, waiting until he picked up. "Hey N/N." Akihiko said. "Hey, are we still meeting up?" M/N asked the black hair male. "yep, we are. We'll be waiting for you." Akihiko said. M/N hummed before hanging up.
M/N walked into an abandoned building that has a devil sign on it. With his devil clothing on. Then he was introduced by Akari and Akihiko with other people who works under them.

And sees some Moebius and Despair gang members beaten up. M/N groaned as he walked near the beaten up members.

"What do we have here?" M/N asked. Akari chuckled as she saw some members became more worried when they saw M/N. "Oi, I asked a question." M/N said as the gang members became tensed. "We are going to have a long day, I guess.." M/N said.

"I-I can tell you what they are planning!" A Despair member yelled out. M/N looked at him and walked towards him, crouching down to his level.

M/N took off his hood and grabbed a pocket knife, waving it in a circle. "Come on then." M/N said as Akari and Akihiko was also waiting to. "They are planning to use the gangs they are playing with to join us.. To overthrow you!" The guy said out, not wanting to die.

M/N sighed then got up. "What type of gangs?" M/N questioned. "O-only low gangs." The guy said. M/N hummed as he walked away with Akari and Akihiko. "Should we leave them there?" Akihiko asked. "I think so!" Akari says, taking off her mask. M/N groaned a bit.

"I was already doing that, but what is your reason you want to kill him?" M/N asked Hanma and Kisaki. "Can't we just have fun, M/N-kun~" M/N looked at the males before rolling his eyes. M/N then grabbed his gun, loading it. "The motherfucker keeps moving, it's kinda annoying.." M/N said.

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