𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Sounds of punches in the midnight rain was continuous. Then it stopped. Hard breathing that has filled M/N's ears. M/N looked down at the beat body of a gang member while breathing heavily. 'damn it. He was harder to beat.' M/N thought as he took off his mask to breath properly.

A set of foot steps were heard in the rain. "Wow.. So you are "𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞" M/N quickly turned his head towards the voice. M/N saw a short blonde male who was eating something M/N couldn't make out it since it was dark.

"Who are you..?" M/N said with his low voice while putting his mask back on. The boy finished his snack while replying with his mouth full. "Manjiro or Mikey. Toman leader." M/N looked at the boy with disgusted. "Don't talk with your mouth full "Mikey". Thats disgusting." M/N said and turned away. M/N started to walk away from the "Mikey" boy until he was stopped.

Mikey stopped the boy by stepping in front of him with a smile. "Join Toman." M/N looked at the boy. "No." M/N replied and continued walking, leaving Mikey behind.

Mikey frowned a bit and then catches up with the taller male. "What's your name,"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞". M/N kept walking, ignoring the boy.

Mikey waited for an answer from the male. "I can wait." Mikey said, still walking with M/N. M/N groaned a bit, wanted to be left alone. "M/N.." Mikey smiled. "M/N. Let's be friends." Mikey offers. "No." M/N said.

"Why not?" Mikey asked, looking the male as the rain lifted a bit. "Don't wanna." M/N responsed. There was silence for a bit before Mikey said something. "People were right, you are cold."

"Yay, you caught on." M/N said sarcastically. Mikey smiled at M/N's attitude. 'We'll be friends one day N/N-chin.'

"You should go now "Mikey". Its getting late." M/N said, wanted the blonde boy gone. Mikey nodded and then turning the opposite way. "Bye N/N-chin!" Mikey said, walking off.

'N/N-chin? What the fuck type of name is that..? Doesn't matter, I won't be meeting him again.' M/N thought as he walked home to his dad.

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M/N grumbled as he walked into his class. M/N took his seat and laid his head down, waiting for class to start. M/N was started to fall asleep again until the bell woke him up again. He put his head up and he rubbed his eyes to tried to wake himself up.

"Good Morning class." The teacher said sweetly. "So today's schedule is..." The teacher continued on. 'God I hate school.' M/N thought as he payed attention to the teacher.


M/N was on the roof, reading his manga. Just enjoying the peace. Until something disturbed his peace. "N/N-CHIN! I FOUND YOU!" A familiar voice hits his ears. M/N groaned and looked up at the blonde boy with another blonde male who has a dragon tattoo on his temple.

"How the fuck did you find me?" M/N said while setting his book down. "It's a secret." Mikey said, putting his finger on his pink lips. M/N's eye twitched. "Since we are friends N/N-chin, let's go on a ride!" M/N glared at Mikey. "I never said we were friends-"

"Let's go N/N!" Mikey said again, smiling. "Mikey. Let's go" The dragon tattoo guy said. Mikey looked at the another blonde boy. "But Ken-chinn~"

"If I go, would you stop bothering me?" M/N offered. Mikey looked back at the (H/C) male. Mikey nodded his head. M/N sighed lowly as he got up from his spot and walked up the males.

"Nice tattoo." M/N complemented at male who was surprisingly shorter then him by 2 inches. "Thanks." The male replied. "Draken." Draken introduced himself. "M/N" M/N introduced himself too.

Mikey puffed his cheeks of how easy M/N introduced himself. "Let's go now, I'm hungryy." Mikey complained, walking off. Draken follows Mikey as M/N grumbled as he walked down behind them.


M/N sat on Mikey's motorcycle behind Mikey. Mikey turned his head around to M/N who was busy looking at the motorcycle. "Hang on tight N/N-chin." Mikey said turning his head back around facing forward. M/N wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist and his face near Mikey neck.

Breathing hot air against Mikey's neck. Mikey's cheeks turned a bit pink and starting his motorcycle. "Let's go!" Mikey said while driving away with Draken next to him.

M/N groaned while moving his face away from Mikey's neck but still had his arms around him. 'Where are we going?' M/N thought.

M/N, Mikey and Draken were sitting at a table, waiting for a server to come get their orders. M/N was looking at the menu when Draken spoke. "Yo, M/N. Did you meet Mikey?" M/N looked away from the menu and then said. "He saw me beating up people and then he asked me to join Toman. I denied his request to join Toman." M/N looked at his menu again.

"You should join N/N-chin." Mikey who was sitting next to M/N spoke out. "I don't do gangs." M/N said, stilling looking at the menu. "Your the The Devil in disguise. Your an good fighter N/N-chin." Mikey said, lowering his voice for people not to know that M/N is him.

"Woah, You are M/N?" Draken question, surprised. M/N nodded while glaring at Mikey for telling someone who he is. Mikey shivered as he felt M/N glare at him while Mikey was looking at the menu. "I found what I want." Mikey said closing the menu. "Me too." M/N said. "Me three." Draken Said.

The food was ordered and was taken to the three teens. Before they start to eat, Mikey groaned loudly. M/N ignored the blonde boy and started eating. "I DONT WANT IT!" Mikey yelled. M/N looked at the pouting male who was looking away from the food. "Mikey." Draken said.

"IT DOESN'T HAVE A FLAG ON IT! AND IT'S THE KIDS MEAL! SHOULD IT HAVE A FLAG?!" Mikey yelled out again. M/N eye twitched at the incident. Draken sighed and pulled a flag out of his coat. He put the flag on the meal and Mikey looked. Mikey eyes was sparkling and he began eating.

'What. The. Fuck..' M/N thought. "It's normal for Mikey." Draken said. 'NORMAL?!' M/N thought again. M/N then started to eat with the two.

After they finished their meals, they payed and walked out. M/N saw the two males get on their bikes. "Come on N/N-chin." Mikey said looking at the male. "My house is not far from here, I'll walk." M/N said. Mikey nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow N/N-chin." Mikey said before driving off with Draken.

M/N groaned at Mikey's response. "Fuck my life.." M/N said as he began walking home.

M/N made it to his house as he looked at his motorcycle which is broken. He walked into the house, closing the door to see a note on the table. M/N walked towards the note to see it is from his dad.

Sorry son, working late again. There
is food in the fridge that you can heat

love, your dad.

M/N grumbled while walking into his room.

Without Draken, Mikey drove on his bike home while realizing something. "Damn it. Forgot to ask N/N-chin for his number.." Mikey said quietly. Mikey then remembered M/N's hot breath on his neck. Mikey's cheeks turned pink again. Mikey shook the thought out of his head as he continued driving home.

𝓣𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱  𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 1Where stories live. Discover now