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Feeling cold hand on her forehead, she slowly stirred. A relieved smile plastered on her face as she felt the familiar sky flames of Tsuna. "Oh, are you awake?"

[Name] hums as she open her eyes, "Good. Your temperature is a bit better but still high." Tsuna informed, "I'll have to go now for the ring battle so sleep again, [Name]."

Remembering it was the first day of the battle, that means.. sun. "Alright.. Bring some sunglasses." She trails off before she shifted to the side.


Reborn eyed the girl, "Let's go, Dame-Tsuna."

"A-Ah yeah! See you, [Name]!"

Hearing the footsteps disappearing, [Name] huffs. "I'll always be sick during the whole arc won't I?"




Opening an eye as she felt a presence, "Ren-kun?" She verified. A gun was on her forehead, intimidating much.

"How do you know about what will happen at the battle?"

She stares at the onyx eyes, "I just thought it will be like that, I don't know what will happen exactly." She added on her mind, 'Since I can see a lot of different situations unlike the original.'

"What do you think of tomorrow's battle then?"

[Name] thought for a while, 'The second fight was lightning's right? Lambo's..' She shrugs, "I don't know. But maybe, tomorrow will be a stormy day with loud thunders.."

Taking back the gun away as it turn back to Leon, Reborn huffs.

"One thing I am sure is, Xanxus will lose." She told. "I mean, the greatest hitman is the tutor of his enemy." She gave a grin playfully.

"Of course, or Vongola will fall down with Xanxus on top."





Feeling a bit stuffy, [Name] decided to get out from Tsuna's room. She felt a bit bad too, to occupy his room and forced him to sleep at the extra futon espescially in the middle of the Varia mess.

As she walks down, she heard some soft sobbing. The house was quiet and a bit dark since it's in the middle of the night. She slowly made her way to the dining room where she saw Nana sobbing.

"Maman..?" She gave a worried look as she walk closer. In her clutch were a piece of paper. Nana seemed surprised and quickly wipe her tears. [Name] frowns as she came closer. "Maman, what's wrong?"

The paper was placed neatly on the table again as [Name] read it. In silence, please stand by Tsuna. Father. She lightly scowls from the message and went to hug Nana.

"[N-Name]-chan?" She seemed a bit surprised from the hug.

"It's okay maman.." She whispered out, "It's going to be okay."

"[Name]-chan.." Hessitantly, Nana returns the hug. "Thank you."

"Anytime maman, you've always been here to support me so I will also be here to support you." [Name] gave a big smile. "Although I can't say anything, but everything will be alright.. If not I'll give a hand in beating Iemi- err" She paused as she didn't know how to call Iemitsu, "Tsu-Tsu's father!"

Nana giggles lightly, "Yes," she replies. "Now, how is your fever dear?" The two releases from the hug as Nana put her hand to [Name]'s forehead to check the temperature.

"Ah, I feel a bit stuffy to stay sleeping over all the time so I was thinking of walking around and drink some water." The girl admitted.

Nana frowns lightly as she felt [Name] is still warm. "I wonder why you still have a fever. Is it because of the storm?" She went to grab a glass of water for the girl to drink, "Go back to sleep again after this alright? Hopefully your fever will go down tomorrow."

Receiving the glass of water, [Name] nodded. Drinking it, feeling refreshed, she released a content breath. "I will maman, you sleep too okay? Tsu-Tsu and the others will be back soon.." She then paused, 'Hopefully she won't break down so much if Lambo's admitted to the hospital though..'

"Yes yes." Nana ushered. "Good night, [Name]-chan."

"Good night, maman. Sweet dreams."

Before she went upstairs, the phone rang. The two halted as Nana came to pick up. "Sawada Residence.."

[Name] watches as Nana's face changed into worry and angry, "what?! I'll be there soon!"

"Maman? What's wrong?"

"Lambo got admitted into the hospital!" She worriedly told as she ran to her room to get ready.

"I-I'm coming too." [Name] then announced, not wanting Nana to be alone. Espescially not when she just cried.

"No, you're staying, [Name]-chan. You're still recovering-"

"But maman, I don't want you to be sad alone." She reasoned out. "I'll be okay, I promise."


"Come on maman. It'll be okay. I'll be here with you." She held her hand. "Let's scold Tsu-Tsu together later."




'Okay that was a bad choice.' [Name] suspressed her pounding head and shivering under the jacket.

Not so far, infront were Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto and Ryohei confronting Nana.

"You good?" Her (e/c) flashed up to a blond and Reborn on his shoulder.

[Name] shook her head, "I'm freezing." She managed to let out. "I underestimated the storm, but I couldn't let maman be sad alone too." She lets out a tired sigh.

"Dame-Dino, get her a room and a doctor too."


Letting herself being dragged to the room next to Lambo's, she found herself being examined by the doctor, getting a medicine and left behind afterwards.

Noting that Nana has been informed by Reborn and she too fallen asleep beside Lambo, [Name] found herself being covered by multiple blankets by her own choice, in the dark room.

"I hate being alone."


9 November 2021

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