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Her eyes open as she heard the door slid open. She hadn't been able to sleep properly inside the hospital. Everytime someone walk through her door she would be awake.


Well, she knew the two visited Lambo but she didn't think they would come to her too. "Kyoko?"

The said girl quickly ran to her side with a bright smile, "I've been so worried! You missed school for days."

"Ah, yea. I lost to a fever." [Name] gave a light shrug before she sat up and yawms. "I didn't want to leave maman alone but in the end I did."

"I've heard from Tsuna-kun's mother too. She's worried."

"Thanks for coming though, Kyoko. Who's your friend there?" The other girl who has been staying over the door was startled.

"Ah right! She's Haru-chan, a new friend." Kyoko grabs Haru's hand and the two stood before [Name]. "Haru-chan, meet [Full name]-chan."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, [Name]-chan!"

[Name] smiles, "Nice to meet you too, Haru! Sorry we have to meet in this circumstances."

"No no! I pray for you to get well soon."

"Thank you."

There were then some soft knocks over the door, revealing a doctor. "I'm here to check up on the patient."

[Name] rose an eyebrow, 'Dino nor Ren-kun mentioned anymore check up..' Looking at the doctor, she saw how the doctor is a little bit.. nervous?

"You're.. a different doctor from the one who checked me yesterday." [Name] pointed out.

The doctor visibly flinched, "Ah, yes, your appointed doctor yesterday have some.. emergencies. So I am sent in his stead."

[Name] unconsciously grips on Kyoko and Haru's clothes, "I feel much better already from yesterday's medicine so I believe I need no check up at the moment."

"[Name]-chan?" The two gave worried glances.

"Please let the receptionist know, I will not be checked up by any other doctor that is not of my choice. Please leave." [Name] voiced out, voice strong and clear.

"Y-Yes!" The doctor quickly ran away.

'Is he an amateur or what?' She lightly scowls before her tug on both girls' clothes were released. "Sorry about that, he was kind of suspiscious."

"Don't worry! He really looks very suspiscious indeed."

"That's right! We should probably report him!"

Smiling at the two supportive friends, "Thanks." She then stood up, "well then, shall we go next door to hangout so Lambo won't feel lonely?"

"Let's go."

[Name] hums, "Do you think I can get myself moved into the same room as Lambo if I still have to stay over the hospital?"

The two girls looks towards the (h/c), "We'll help persuade!"

"Hehe, thanks!"




She was told to stay at the room for another night to see how she'll feel the next day before they decide room transfer or being discharged.

So there she is, trying to sleep alone again.

'The third match.. Haya-Haya huh?' She let her mind wander as she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep after knowing that there's a suspiscious doctor lurking around. 'There's still five more fights.. Who would've thought these days will feel so long.'

Her body froze as she heard the door slid open. 'Someone's here..-' As she was facing the other side of the door, she couldn't identify who walks in. 'Certainly not Reborn nor Tsuna.. This is.. the doctor earlier?'

Preparing herself to jump to the mysterious figure, she moved when she felt the presence close enough.

Turning around as she made use of gravity and pushes the stranger down, pinning the stranger to the grown with a yelp.

The stranger, or rather the doctor from earlier shows fear on his eyes. "I-I-I'm s-sorry!" He voiced out until [Name] realised that he was holding a syringe that soon made contact with her thigh.

"Well fuck." She lost her consciousness.


[Name] gasp out as her eye widen. Catching her breath and tries to not hyperventilating, hands roaming around the place where ever she is now.

(e/c) roams around the ceilings, trying to recognise where she is but failed miserably. She can feel herself being restrained over the wrist and leg. "mm-" Her mouth too.

'Where is this..?!'

It's a very dark and cold place. She moved around, feeling the place. 'It's a much smaller place than I thought.' She could feel the cold metal near her head and around her. 'Is it like a box..?' There was a bump behind her, but she don't know what that is.

She glance around again, looking if there's any space where she can peak outside, but seeing how it's pitch black, it's a no.

'Speaking of which, whatever did that bastard doctor did to me?' She lightly hisses from the dumb memory. 'Ah shit, why do I have to go through this shit.' She grits her teeth beneath the tape or whatever is covering her mouth as she slumps to the side.

'It's getting real chilly though.. Am I outside?' She tiredly closed her eyes, 'From the feeling, I don't think I am moving around.. Have I arrived to wherever I'm supposed to be kidnapped or am I about to be shipped? How long did I even pass out?'


Her head snaps, hearing the sound. 'What?' She looks as she now see that there was a source of light from behind her. She shifted, struggles a lot to do it since the space is so little, and finally saw what was behind her.

A bright red light in the shape of 15:00:00.

'Fuck, is that a freaking bomb?!' Her head widen as she certainly know that the timer's shape were similiar to how bombs' timer are always.


She then hear from afar. 'Shitshitshit, 15? 15 minutes? Could this be- The storm battle? What the literal fuck--' Her heartbeat starts increasing as fear crept up to her chest. 'The hell am I doing inside one of the turbine?! Are they- are they trying to kill me?'

She cursed inside her mind, wiggling around as she struggle to let herself free. Slumping down, she held herself with her waist as she gave all of her power to her legs, kicking the metal around her.

As she kicked, her legs received the feedback and she groaned in pain. 'Motherfucker-'


Her eyes widen, the 15 minutes timer has started.



13 November 2021

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