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Ruffling her hair as she got lost, she sighs. 'I forgot which way it is ughh,' She sobs innerly as she isn't familiar with the way around that neighbourhood.

Her eyes look up to the sign before she gasp, "Wha- Kokuyo shopping street?!" She slumps down, "I was dumb to believe myself I could reach Kawahira Realtor's without any help." She whines to herself looking around what to do.

'Kokuyo huh.. but I don't think I'm acquintance with Chrome yet here nor any of the group...' She pouts, sighing.

As she was about to turn around, she caught a glimpse of Chrome and... she tensed, 'Daemon...'

She saw as Chrome ran towards her way while Daemon, or rather Katou Julie waves happily.

'.....I mean I'm lost, it should be okay to ask for help right?' She decided to call out to Chrome. Raising her hand she calles out, "Excuse me, sorry to bother you."

Chrome gasp out, "Y-Yes? Me?" She didn't expect anyone to call out for her of course.

"Yes uhm, I'm [Full Name]." She quickly introduces herself, "I'm actually from Namimori but I got lost so I thought.. you could help me?" She sheepishly laughed.

Chrome blinks, "...[Name]... Boss' friend?" She mumbles out, perhaps to herself.

[Name] of course know she meant Tsuna by boss but she wasn't supposed to know that. She didn't knew Tsuna talked about her to Chrome either.

"Boss?" She tilts her head lightly.

Chrome realised her mistake and became flustered, "I-I mean, T-Tsunayoshi....-"

"Ah! You're Tsu-Tsu's friend?" [Name] lets out a bright smile, "It's an awesome coincidence to be able to meet you! Oh what's your name??"

'Will I be seen as a pushover-'

Chrome blushes lightly, "Y-Yes, my name is Chrome Dokuro..." She mumble out.

'Awwh, she's such a cutie as expected.' [Name] thought to herself, "Chrome then. Feel free to call me by my first name too!"

Chrome nodded stiffly, "A-Alright."

[Name] then glanced at the bag Chrome held, "oh! Were you on your groceries? Sorry if I bothered you." She told.

"Ah, it's not.."

[Name] thought for a while, "Speaking of which, I saw you ran away from that.. man.." She then started looking at Katou who's still lurking around. "Were you harassed by him? Should I call for the cops?"

"N-No!" Chrome quickly denies, "He was nice... giving us food.." She trails off. "But he asked for a date after the ceremony tomorrow so..- ah." She closed her mouth as she might have told a bit too much information.

[Name] blinks, "Ceremony.." She forgot that the ceremony is so soon. "I see.." She mumbles out.

Chrome looks at her, "You.. know..?"

"Hm?" [Name] perks up, "Ah, about Tsu-Tsu? Yes I do." She gave a smile, "but I'm not a fighter."

"I-I see."

"Well nevermind that, let me know if that person bothers you again! He doing that is a sexual harassment!" [Name] huffs, "Don't mind him and let's go."

"A-Ah yes." Chrome mumbled out.




"Ah~! Thank you Chrome!" [Name] cheerfully exclaims as now she reached Kawahira realtor's. "I've been staying too long in the hospital that I forgot which way is which. You really saved me."

"I-It's no problem! But," Chrome fidgets lightly, "Shouldn't it be better if you ask for Boss' help..."

[Name] blinks, "Ah.. He had something to do.." She responded, "And I have something I need to do by myself too." She gave a smile.

"A-Ah, I see.."

[Name] pats Chrome's shoulder, "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow at the ceremony, if Tsu-Tsu decided to do so." She waves lightly, "Bye bye, Chrome. Thanks again."

Chrome blinks confusedly and nodded, "Your welcome, [N-Name]." She softly told before bowing down and walks away from the place.

As Chrome walks away from the place, she barely feels Chrome's and Mukuro's flames anymore. All she can feel is a much stronger, mist flames from inside the Kawahira realtor's.

A cold sweat rolls down from her forehead, 'Scary. Even Katou Julie's, or rather, Daemon Spade's not this... intense.' She gulps before she knocks on the door. 'The fact it's being hidden makes it even more scarier.'

"Yes." As the door opens, she halted. "Well, what do we have here?"

'Of course he knows who I am, right?' She gulps, "H-Hello." Well she can't hid the fact she's being intimidated.

"Welcome, abnormality."

[Name] heaved a sigh, 'ah yes, of course. That title.' She was led inside so that's a great start, for now. "Thank you."

Sitting on the couch, where she notice it's pretty much similiar to the interior as shown during the Future arc, her eyes went to Kawahira. "Kawahira-san, do you know my purpose of coming here?"

He who was preparing a tea, looks at the girl. "I do know you will come here but I have no idea. Would you please humor me?" He replies back.

[Name] nods, "Okay, I'm here to talk about the Arcobaleno curse." She started, looking into Kawahira's eyes. "I have a solution to break the curse."


17 February 2022

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