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'If looks can kill, I might as well as dead right now.' [Name] heaved a tired sigh from the stares she's receiving. It had few hostility, but she's too exhausted to think of it.

'I now experience a party where I would never thought I can participate,' She thought quietly, 'I guess I now get the feeling of most manhwa/manhua ladies who runs away to a terrace to escape conversing and all.' She look around, glancing at familiar faces around.

She did, came with Byakuran and Yuni, but the moment they arrive, the three sepparate ways because [Name] could also see the eyes of other families who wants to talk to them.

There was also the Shimon, getting a little bit dissed and a fight almost broke out until Dino and Naito Longchamp was brave enough to stop the fight and Dino casually drags Shimon away while Naito deals with the one dissing. Dino and the Shimon went to where Varia and Tsuna's group starts conversing a.. one-sided talk.

Speaking of the Shimon.. She could feel the stare of a certain.. man. Katou Julie. 'I thought he would have his eyes on Chrome only, but I guess not.' She walks away from there to avoid any looks and decided to ask if she can get an empty room with Nono's permission.

'Speaking of which, in the end, what party is this?' She slightly shrugs, not caring anymore. She's just there to fulfill Nono's request. 'But seriously, somehow, the smell here is foul.' It's not an exact smell. It's a feeling.

It's most likely caused by lots of unfamiliar flames.

Unlike the usual flames she is familiar with, most of the flames here aren't pure. It's so dirty that it also increases exhaustion for [Name].

Her eyes caught Coyote. Since there's no one else familiar, she just have to talk to him then. "Hello, sorry but may I ask for a room?" She mumble out, "I don't feel really well."

Coyote seems to remember her and seeing her complex, he had no reason to refuse. With that she had a maid to lead her to the room next door.

Slumping to the sofa, she heaved a tired sigh. The unease feeling is still there since even if she changed place, the wall doesn't exactly repel flames.

Unlike the hospital and most places in where civilians don't have their flames awaken, this place is full of dangerous people who most likely have full control of those said flames.

It isn't a comfortable gathering.

Her eyes looks towards the door, in where soon a knock could be heard. [Name] would like it if it's Tsuna or Reborn or someone she at least know and is quite close for a visit, not that person she wants to meet the least.

As the door open reveals Katou Julie with his signature smile, [Name] could only stare and asks, "Who might you be?"

"Ah sorry sorry," He responds back, "I'm Katou Julie, I believe this is our first time meeting, miss [Full Name]." He gave a light bow. "I am one of Enma's friends, I came as Enma and the others saw you going here so I volunteered to check on you."

"Ah," She nods, "I see." She mumbles out. "Sorry you had to come here and see me in this state, I'm not feeling well you see."

"It's alright, you still look very beautiful, espescially since you wore such a fitting dress."

'Dang, he's such a smooth talker.' [Name] quietly thought to herself, 'If only inside him isn't that freaky melon.' Forcing out a smile, she replies, "Why thank you."

Katou replies back with a smile. "Of course. Would you like some beverages? I can get you something if you'd like."

She looks at him, "I would appreciate that, thank you." With that he left the room and left her alone. 'Geez what is he aiming now.. Ah, is there a chance he want to use me as a hostage or something?' She leans her head on her hand. 'Should I run away while I can?' She closed her eyes, feeling Katou's flames still blending with the others so he's quite far away and made up her mind. 'If he find out I'll just say I visited the bathroom.'

Standing up, she walks outside of the room and start walking towards the bathroom's direction. 'Hm? This flames are..' Her walking pace slowed down and she eventually stopped infront of a room.

"--another room. I will call-" The sentence stops as the door opens and everyone could see her.

Nono chuckles, "It seems that you didn't need to do that. Come in, miss [Name]." He said as Coyote moved to the side to let [Name] comes in.

"Ah, yes." [Name] responds back as she can see Enma, Tsuna over a sofa, along with Reborn on another. The corner of her eyes also notices Talbot as well.

"You seem rather charming today,"

[Name]'s eyes widen as her cheeks redden a bit, she placed her hand infront of her face and faked a cough, "Thank you, Yuni was kind enough to lend me a dress."

Nono chuckles at the respond and then told her to take a seat. "Coyote informed earlier that you were feeling under the weather, are you alright?"

As she took a seat over the sofa across Tsuna and Enma's place, next to Reborn, she nodded. "I'm not suited in these kind of places since unlike everyone here my position is more of a civilian's." She responded, "but thank you for the concern, I'm feeling better now." A soft smile plastered on her face, 'Since Tsuna's flames overpowers the others'.'

"That's great then." Nono replies back, "Now then," He turns to Enma and Tsuna who were feeling nervous and also Tsuna who's worrying about [Name], "I've called you all here to return Shimon Primo's blood to the true owner."

Enma stiffen and nodded.

"Although it's a shame Tsunayoshi-kun refused to become Vongola Decimo, but I hope the Shimon can be stay as Vongola's ally."

[Name] wasn't sure if she should feel relieved that during this exchange, there's only a limited people here. She don't know what to do if everyone, or every of those two (Tsuna and Enma)'s guardians are also here.

"Now that this is done, there's another thing." Nono look again towards [Name] which made her half confused, "But I believe it's better if you tell them about it yourself."

Now that also gain the two's attention.

[Name] tilted her head, "Me?" She then look at Reborn who gave her a look and mouthed a name. "Oh."

Fixing her sitting posture, she started, straighten up. "Okay, how much do you know regarding the name Daemon Spade?"


28 February 2022

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