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"Don't you think it's about time you tell us about your past life?"

[Name] tenses as her gaze lower down. 'I would really like to avoid saying this world is, was a manga.' She chew on her lip. 'But, lies won't work on Reborn as he is, still, the world's greatest hitman.'

Watching every movement [Name] does, Reborn opens his mouth again. "I don't believe in reincarnation much, but since Byakuran, who's the holder of the Mare ring says so, no one can say otherwise." He told. "I know you won't betray Tsuna, at the very least. You're on our side right?"

"That is, of course." [Name] replied immediatly. "I will always be, in Vongola, in Tsuna's side." She firmly told.


"There's nothing much I can tell about my past life." [Name] voiced out, "and anyway it's all in the past. I did, know of some things, but you know of parallel worlds right? It's not.. an accurate information anymore." She nods to herself mentally. 'That's right. From the start, the story is already distorted. Although the main idea, the plot is still same but it won't run down the same way.'

The infant stares, "I see." He replies. "But you seem rather listless after you saw Enma."

[Name] perks up and blink dumbfoundedly. "Rather than Enma, it's Daemon." She mumble out feeling irritated. Realising she voiced it out loudly she closed her mouth, "I-I mean-" Paling as the stare from the infant intensifies she internally sobs as she dug her own grave.

"Daemon... Daemon Spade?"

The (h/c) girl sighs in defeat as she facepalms. 'Tsuna and the others aren't here... I guess I should at least say this to Reborn.'

"Isn't he the first generation.."

"Okay, Ren-kun." She made up her mind. "I.. you trust me right?"

This question made Reborn taken aback. "..."

"Can you get me an audience with Vongola Nono, and we talk together? Just us, three." [Name] told.

"What are you planning, [Name]?"

The girl broke a smile, "you know how much I adore Tsuna, I don't want him to be hurting." She told.

Reborn doesn't sense any lies and [Name] seems pretty confident. "Were you perhaps married to Tsuna on your previous life for you to care him so much."

[Name] froze from that sentence and heated up. "W-W-Wha-t nonsense-!" She splutter out, clearly caught off guard. "I- how can- how can I with-!" She quickly hid her face in embarassment. "Come on! I was asking a serious thing, why-" She groans loudly.

Reborn shrugs. "Well if that is the case, it will halfly explains about how you know a lot regarding Tsuna and his surrounding. But I guess you were not, a shame."

[Name] hid her red face. "Let's stop talking about this." She huffs, "In my previous life it is very much impossible for me, and well a lot of people to marry Tsuna or anyone around him." She then told, 'I mean, they are all not real.' She sighs, "nevermind that, will you take me to Vongola Nono?"

"I'll see if he have the time." Reborn then responds. "Maybe he can spare some time after his talk with Tsuna."

[Name] blinks, 'oh right, Tsuna came to meet Nono.. twice.' She placed a hand under her chin, 'one.. after an attack and second when Yamamoto...' Her eyes widen, "wait, has Tsuna, or an ally family been attacked?" She voiced out.

Reborn looks at her, "Tsuna did got ambushed, but not an ally family." He told. "..."

'That's why Enma was with Tsuna the other day, and I felt some more unfamiliar flames around here.' [Name] quietly thought to herself, 'Now is the phase in where the Shimon has been asked to guard Tsuna by Gokudera then.'


The said girl looks at Reborn, "..." As she open her mouth, suddenly Reborn's phone rang off.

The two halted looking at each other, before Reborn accepts the call. "Yes."

'...Tsuna won't get hurt for now but.. it's draining him mentally.' [Name] thought to herself. 'Tsuna is a nice person, that is how his characterisation. That's how he was able to become friends with his ex-enemies. That's how he became stronger and had his character development..' She halted. 'Character.. development..' Her eyes widen, 'wait, unlike in manga nor anime, here there's no future arc. Tsuna and everyone didn't get the experience of becoming stronger through that...-'

"-[Name]." Snapping from her thought, she look at Reborn. "An ally has been attacked, I have to go to Tsuna and informs of it."

"I-I see." She shakily told, 'That means after this Tsuna...'

"Soon Tsuna will be picked up to meet Nono too, if you want to talk to Nono, this is your chance." Reborn told.

She nods, "yes," Closing her eyes to calm herself, "I'm coming with you."




"Gosh, when [Name]-chan comes for a visit, Tsu-kun just have to be playing with others." Nana huffs angrily.

[Name] sweatdrops, "It's okay maman, I came deliberately late so that I won't bother them anyway." She told, calming down Nana. 'I mean, they won't even allow me as the Shimons doesn't even know me.'

"I'm sure if you go upstairs Tsu-kun will be ecstatic though."

[Name] shook her head, "For now, I will just be a weight for him. But anyway maman, don't you have to buy groceries now?" She told, looking at the clock.

"Oh right," Nana sighs in disappointment, "Please take care of the house then, since I don't think you have recovered well to walk around a lot just yet."

"I will, bye maman!"

"Just go up to Tsu-kun when you got lonely okay."

[Name] giggles, "I will I will." She waves and as Nana left, her cheerful demeanor changes. '....character development..'

Banging her head to the table, she sighs,  'If Tsuna ever get into a fight with Shimon who are awakened.. They who haven't have the time to learn how to fight properly with their dying will flames have no chance of winning..' She bite her own lip, 'Furthermore, they don't have their animal weapon...'

'Weapon box...' She tutted, 'Verde and the other scientist I don't remember their names. Can I just replace them with Spanner and Irie?' She sighs.

'I wonder where I can find Verde and Spanner.'


15 February 2022

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