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Tsuna hugged the box [Name] asked him to hold into before they all went to one of the surgery room.

5 minutes hasn't even passed but since no one knows how exactly does an artificial flame core transplant work, everyone's anxious.

Since a core isn't exactly.. have any proper place inside someone's body, like, it's supposed to, who knows, probably beside one's soul?

"Stop pacing around, it hasn't even been 10 minutes."

Tsuna halted, sitting on one of the wait seats. "I'm just.. worried, y'know." He replies to his tutor.

"This is the first time anyone's doing this, and most likely last time too." Reborn told, "have some faith in Shamal."

Tsuna stares, "somehow that's even more worrying." He heaved a tired sigh.

"Distract yourself," Reborn advised, "Like probably, open that box."

The brunet looks at the box in his hand before looking at Reborn with a are-you-serious look. "Invasion of privacy?!"

"Aren't you curious of what's inside?" Reborn lift up a smirk before he jumps to Tsuna's lap in where he can reach the box. "Also Shamal told us that it's plush toys right?"

"W-Well,-" Tsuna trails off, "but still, kind of feel.. rude?"

"Nah." Reborn reached the box and opened it. "As long as you don't say anything that you open it she won't know."

"Ah, hey!" Reborn already opened the box and they could see the two plushes inside the box.

"Well, isn't that cute? A plushie of you."

Tsuna blushed up, "wha- how-"

As Tsuna became flustered, Reborn observes the other items inside the box. The one that caught his eyes is.. the tattered orange charm. Taking it up, he felt a..-

"R-Reborn, we really shouldn't-" Tsuna took the charm from Reborn in attempt to return it back to the box when his ring and the charm shone.

Letting it go as a reflect, the charm floats infront of them..-


The two plushes from inside the box also floats with a protective, white flames..?!

Before they could react, the three items went past them, passing through the surgery room's door.


Reborn quickly snaps and followed it, to the surgery room it is. Opening the door, he saw Shamal who seemed to be.. frightened? and [Name] who's currently enveloped with the same white flames he saw the items let out.

"Shamal, what happened?"

Shamal looks at Reborn and Tsuna at the door, "uh, suddenly the artificial core that was on my hand got stolen? and I got electrocuted from the impact, I think-" He responded, "and it all went inside.. [Name]."

"..what does that mean?"

Shamal slowly regains his composure when the flames around [Name] starts fading. "...it should mean that she got a core flame right now." He told, looking at the fast asleep girl now.

He then noticed the tattered orange charm that's laying on top of her chest. "What were you doing outside?" Shamal decided to ask the two confusedly, "Were you the source of that.."

Tsuna blinks, looking at the opened box on his hand. "Reborn insisted to open the box!"

"The most important thing was that the charm resonanced with your ring, Tsuna." Reborn gave a look.

"It did?" Tsuna tilts his head confusedly.

"This did?" Shamal pointed to the tattered charm.

Reborn tilted his fedora, "We have to question [Name] when she wakes up." He lightly huffs.

"But.." Tsuna looks at the box again, "what do we tell [Name] when she found out her plush toys disappeared..?" He trails off as only the postcard were left inside. (The back side of the postcard was the one that's visible so Tsuna didn't knew it had his picture--)




"Ne, are you happy now?"

Turning around to seek the one who called her out, she searched around.

"We love you too, you know!"

Her eyes moved down, to where two light which shone together.

"We weren't able to do anything much but to listen to you, but we're glad we helped now."

She blinks confusedly before she crouched down and took a hold of the two lights.

"We have to leave now but, you won't need us anymore right?"

As the two light starts shining more brightly, a tear slip out from her eye. Closing her eyes as the brightness became too much to be handled, the next time she open her eyes she found herself gazing a familiar white ceilings.

Her hand moved to her chest, in where she felt an additional warmth. '...' She looked around, seeing that she woke up at midnight again.

'From the warmth, I guess I do have a core flame right now?' She thought to herself, feeling a bit uncomfortable from the odd warmth but not too disturbing. 'It's an odd sensation.'

She slowly yawned, letting herself sat up on the bed. 'It's really warm..' She thought to herself, hand back to her chest, feeling the warmth that's protecting her.

Feeling comfortable and in peace, she closed her eyes and stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the silence.

She then heard some knocks and the door slid open. Slowly opening her eyes, she looks at the door.

"You're awake." She heard Tsuna's soft, familiar voice. "How are you feeling?" Looking up at the brunet who closed the door, she thought for a while.

"Weird." [Name] replies. "Feels oddly warm, and also felt like.. I lost something."

"Lost..?" Tsuna voiced out confusedly, "uhm, I'll call Shamal and let him see if there's anything wrong with you-"

Before Tsuna could leave, [Name] got a hold of his shirt, "Stay.." She voiced out softly.

Tsuna blinks softly, "alright.." He then went closer to [Name]. "Do you, want to talk about it then? The thing you lost."

She looks down on her lap, "..." Her gaze moved to her hand on top of her chest, "Something precious to me.. I'm not sure." She mumble out, "They bid me good bye earlier and I just feel, kind of sad."

"Do you have any idea on who they are?"

She tilts her head and looked at Tsuna, who's looking at her curiously. Her eyes then caught on the box she received from Rena and she blinks a few time.

Two precious things, who had always been with her, supporting her unconditionally.

She reached out to the box, not noticing the panicked look on Tsuna's face. Her eyes widen a bit, "Could it be..."

"A-Ah-" Tsuna halted, "A-About that- your- your box, I mean, your plushes-" He stumbled out nervously. "T-They uh, um-"

[Name] didn't open the box, but just stares on it on top of her lap. "Those two.. must've been the plushies." She told fondly, "That's why Rena sent it to me.."


"What were you trying to tell me earlier, Tsu-Tsu?"

Tsuna paled again, "uh- The thing is..."


20 December 2021

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