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Her body felt weak and sluggish, her legs screaming out pain. Hearing the droplets of IV drops beside her, she felt herself in a bit of tranquility.

'Is this.. the hospital?'

Her eyes stares at the white ceilings and her nose can smell the antiseptic smell. Certainly, she's at the hospital.

Hearing the door sliding, she moved her head to see whoever just came in. "Oh, you're finally awake." It was Shamal. "How are you feeling?"

[Name] opened her mouth, "Bad." Her voice was hoarse.

"Obviously." Shamal scoffs, "You really did your legs bad. You probably won't be able to use it anytime soon. Your waist were bruised as well, along with your wrists." He starts listing all of her injuries. "How the hell can you get these injuries?"

"I don't know." She spat out. "How long was I out for?"

"If you're asking about the ring battle, it ended already." Shamal informed. "Obviously Sawada won."

The girl hums, "are they going to visit soon?"

"Usually yes."

"Then I'll tell about it when you're all here." She voiced out. "Meanwhile, can I get something to drink please."

Shamal grabbed the glass over the nightstand and pour water inside of it. Including a straw.

"You're so nice that it's actually scary since I'm afraid you'll do something inappropriate." [Name] pointed out.

"I won't do anything to someone who is underage!" Shamal retorts. [Name] shrugs, removing the mask as she drunk slowly. Huffing, he then asked. "Do you feel pain anywhere?"

Finishing the drink, [Name] stares. "My whole body is sore. I was stuck in a box." She replied.

Putting the glass down to the nightstand, Shamal was about to say something when the door slid open. "Ah, there they are."

"[Name]!" Tsuna voiced out, relieved. "You're awake..!"

"Hey." The girl replied, "Heard you defeated Xanxus, way to go." Her voice was in a bit on the forcing to be happy mode.

Tsuna frowns, "Don't force yourself. Tell me, what happened?"

[Name] sighs, looking at the group. It's the trio with Reborn and Shamal. "Close the door then we talk." Yamamoto, the nearest to the door did as told. "Okay."

Getting the bed to curve so she is in a seated position but still leaning, she started. "That night I was attacked by a fake doctor." Remembering her dumb self she huffed, "He injected something into me, I think?" her hand trailed to her thigh, "then I lost my consciousness."

Her hand removed the blanket as she then pulled her hospital gown to where she remember where she got shot, seeing that there is a mark there.

"Ah, I see." Shamal mumbled out. He knew of the mark, "From what we've checked, there are traces of melatonin. It is most likely what causes you to pass out. However, we don't know if they did inject anything else, since the traces of the melatonin were light." He then added.

[Name] nodded, "I see." Hiding her legs again with the blanket so none of them can see her bare leg anymore she continued, "anyway, after I lost consciousness, I found myself inside a small box, leg and wrist bounded, mouth covered. Inside with me was a bomb so I had to escape y'know? That's why my feet broke." She told.

Reborn then jumps to beside [Name] and unexpectedly put his small hand to her head. "You did well to survive and escape."

Her eyes widen at the praise. A smile broke at the same time with a sob. "I.. I was so scared..!" She cried out. "I-I-I thought, I was- I was gonna die again..!"

Tsuna's eyes soften as he moved and envelope [Name] into a hug. Hands patting her hair, whispering soothing words.

Reborn had his eye on [Name], not missing the sentence she uttered out. 'Again?'




As days continued to pass with her legs still recovering, her mind thought of something. 'Wasn't it supposed to be the future arc after Varia? or it won't happen here?' She gazed at the blue sky in a daze.

She then saw a blur of white, 'Wait what?' She blinks once twice as she then felt sky flames, but not Tsuna's. 'Did I jinx-' She totally did when she saw a familiar albino over the window.

The albino gave a smile as he waved, "Heya, abnormality." He greeted.

[Name] stares before she tilts her head, "Me? I'm an abnormality?"

Casually entering the room through the window, "Yep~!" Byakuran hums. He starts looking around the room.

The girl stayed still, 'Abnormality.. Is it because I have memories of my previous life? Or is it because of my body that is a fruit of Estraneo's experiments..?' She thought for a while.

She then heard the door slid, followed with huffs of a girl's. "Byakuran!" She called out, clearly furious.


[Name] blinks rapidly as two of the Trinisette's sky somehow is in her room now. 'Is my existence something that's.. not good? Oh wait, there's a chance Yuni isn't the sky arcobaleno yet-' Her eye fell to Yuni's, who is now rushing to Byakuran and scolding him. She saw the pacifier, 'of course.'

"Uh." [Name] called out, stopping the two's scolding session. "What are you two doing here?"

Yuni sighs at Byakuran before she then went beside [Name]. "Forgive us for barging in like this." She apologised, "You might know us already but I am Yuni and he is Byakuran."

"It's alright. Nice to meet you, Yuni, Byakuran." [Name] replies.

"Well, I am here because, you can say I've caught a glance of the future."

[Name] shifted, "Is it.. not a good future?" She voiced out lowly, fully aware of how sky arcobalenos' power.

Yuni gave a sadden look and nodded, "You can say that.. I'm not so sure since it wasn't a clear sight, but most likely.. You went into berserk." She softly replies.

'Berserk? That means.. Estraneo got a hold of me..' Her eyes then went to her thigh, 'or they already did.' She chew his lip. Staring at the two skies in her room, "Then, are you here to keep me save so that future won't come?"

"That's a nice way to word it." Byakuran responded this time, "Your abnormality's skill is strong enough to make the balance topple appearantly."

"Oh." [Name] responded, thinking for a while. 'Assuming they don't know what my abnormality is, the safest way to make sure the world's balance won't be disturbed is..-' Her eyes reflects pain, "..then, you are here to kill me?"

No one answered.

That too, counts as an answer though.


14 November 2021

i wonder why this went dark. Im so sorry im just following my brain without second thought-

hope u enjoyed tho

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