400 20 2

She puffed as cold sweat trailing down from her head. Her legs were screaming from the constant of hitting the metal, but at the very least, the wall is dented.

Huffing as she glanced at the timer, 05:29:10. 'There's no much time left,.. shit.' She ignored the tears streaming down her eyes as she knew death is very near for her. 'Pleasepleaseplease-' She re-structure her position as she starts hitting the wall again.

Desperation shown clearly as slowly her adrenaline gave a push. 'I don't wanna die, idon'twannadie, idontwannadieplease.' It was getting stuffy to breath espescially when her mouth is covered.

'Breakbreakbreakpleasebreak!' Her legs getting numb, she's getting tired too. She's not even sure if she can even use her legs after this, hopefully the bone isn't broken.

Her eyes went back to the timer, 03:11:26, 'fuck.' Giving all of her last will, she kicked the metal again and it finally cracked, revealing the light from outside.

Her face lit up, 'finally! Just a bit more-' A bit of positivity she needed. She continued hitting the metal until the creak widen. Looking at the sharp ends of the creaks, she slowly used it to cut whatever is binding her legs.

As the light made her able to see that it was rope, she hoped it'll be an easy thing to cut.

As it cutted, she ignored how she now clearly see her bloodied legs, she glanced to the timer, 02:27:39. She cursed as she turn around and now moves to cut the restrictions on her hand. Or maybe not, she scracthed that and just let herself fall to the creak in hope her weight will be able to let her out.

It did, and she never thought of how smart she is.

01:41:06, she looks around her, it's clearly Namimori's classroom. Meaning, she really is inside the turbine that was used for the Storm ring battle's fight.

Looking around, she curses once again when her legs doesn't cooperate. Squirming out, she rolls to the wall and made her self standing, wobbly and not balanced since her legs were most likely broken.

She looks outside the open classroom to see that there were ruined paths until where she see a group, probably Varia and Tsuna and the others. However, they're at the very furthest place, in no situation would she be able to run over there. But staying here would mean death, she has no other choice.

Hearing blasts from the side, she just started to run through the halls. Her eyes then looks at the classroom, looking at the classes' placement. 'Wait, if I'm not wrong then-' Remembering the structure, she hoped she was correct as she glanced to the side, 'Upperclassment told that in the male's bathroom, in where they place bathroom supplies, the floor is always fragile and that it's actually a door to lead downstairs-' Her eyes snap to the sign of male bathroom and pushed herself there, rushing to the most inner stall where it's the bathroom supplies' placement and kicked it.

Seeing the wooden, sliding door, forcing his feet finger inside the small place to slide it, she bless the God that it's not locked and without checking, she jumped down just in time the whole floor explodes.

When she fell, she expected to have her butt hitted on the hard floor, but the pain never came.

Her (e/c) eyes that she never realised she closed open to meet with steel one, "Herbivore.." [Name] just cried as her mouth was still covered, not caring that she's now in the hug of the most feared boy in Namimori.

'Thank God..' She cried out inside herself before her adrenaline rush finally faded and she fell unconscious once again.


Hibari growls as he very much doesn't like the situation. Just as his (self-exclaim) tutor (aka Dino) finished sparring (training) him, he found his beloved school exploding.

Then as he rushes upstairs, he found a lot of herbivores lurking around. Of course he bit them to death.

Afterwards, another herbivore fell down from the ceilings, looking haggard, mouth duck taped, hands restrained in the back and her legs bleeding out. Everything about her screams she has been abducted?

Growling in anger, he, with the now unconscious girl in hand, continued going upway where he knows the other herbivores who're friends with her is.

He swear, if ever he found out who uses his beloved school as a place of abduction, he'll bite them to death.

Arriving at the floor where the crowd are, Hibari lets his presence known, "what do you think are you doing at my school?"

Everyone snaps to the male and then gasps when they saw the state of [Name]. Tsuna took it the worst, "[N-Name]..?!"

"Hibari.. what happened?" Reborn asks, eyeing the injury of the girl who's supposed to be sleeping at the hospital because of her fever that's not going down.

"She fell from the male bathroom of this floor. I don't know either." He (gently) gave the girl to Tsuna's hug as he had enough carrying the unconscious girl. "From the restrains, I can say she's abducted and perhaps locked somewhere here."


The said doctor who's on standby there, "oh dear, she really forced herself. She must've been in quite the life and death situation.." Shamal mumble out as he could see how bad her situation is. "As much as I would like to patch her here right now, I have no tools so it's better to patch her up at a hospital."

"Tsuna, get going." The said brunet nodded, hugging his dear childhood friend.

'What happened to you, [Name]?'


13 November 2021

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