Chapter Eighteen

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Animal in Danger

Your POV
Day Ten
March 13, 2021

You are curled up on a couch in the living room, head leaning against the arm rest. You are on your phone, trying to find a loophole in whatever Loki did to it. So far, you have found nothing. You can't make calls, text, post on social media, email, or send messages on any app or website. But you have received plenty of messages. Mostly spam calls and junk mail though. FRIDAY automatically took you off the Avengers email lists and deleted all classified information on your phone as a security measure. You also should be able to access FRIDAY on your phone, but that has been disabled it seems.

You close your eyes, tired. A moment later, you slowly open them to look at your phone for the time. Eleven o'clock. How is it 11:00 already? The day has seemed like a blur to you. And now you need to sleep. You stand up and cautiously walk to the bedroom, hoping to avoid Loki. Thankfully, he is nowhere to be seen and you can safely lock yourself behind the bedroom door.

You change into sweatpants and a soft long sleeve shirt, plug your phone into the charger, and turn off the lights before climbing into the bed. You pull the blankets over you and let yourself fall asleep.


Your POV
Day Eleven
March 14, 2021

You bolt up with a shout. Your skin is sticky and your hair is damp with your sweat. Your heart is racing, almost hurting your chest. Your breathing is ragged, and you can't calm down. Your mind is overly alert, every little movement your eyes catching terrifying you.

"[Y/N]?" You almost jump out of your skin when you hear Loki on the other side of the door. You hear the door knob rattle as Loki tries to turn it. No, please, go away!

Suddenly, Loki appears out of nowhere in front of the door. You back away from him into the corner of the bed, pulling the blankets up with you. You can hear your heart pounding like a thousand drumlines are in your chest. Your throat is dry and your tongue is heavy. You stare at Loki, hugging your knees in the corner of the room, terrified to move.

"This is only a projection," Loki says carefully as he slides his hand through the wall next to him. His hand shimmers away before reforming when Loki pulls his hand back. "My real body is in the hall. I can't do anything to you." You continue to watch Loki with caution. "I heard you scream and came to check on you. Nightmare?"

You nod. Please...just leave me alone.

"A bad one, by the looks of it. I would ask if you wanted to talk about it, but I think I have my answer already." You flinch when Loki steps away from the door. Instead of walking towards you though, he walks towards the window. He sits on the window sill and glances outside before looking back at you. "If it's of any comfort, I have nightmares most nights. I wake up and I can't breathe, my heart is beating too fast, and every little thing seems to be a threat. Some nights I wake up to a half formed spell I made in my sleep. I can't speak. I feel this overwhelming sense of dread." Loki takes a shaky breath before continuing. "I would imagine you are feeling something similar." Loki doesn't continue for a moment as he looks out the window. "May I tell you what helps me?" You nod, arms hurting from how tight you are holding your legs. "A cold glass of water, a breath of fresh air, and a shower. What do you think of that?"

You nod, not knowing how to respond when your tongue feels like lead. Please, just leave me alone. I'll take care of myself.

"How about I fetch you some water and put it on the table by the back door? I will go into my bedroom so that you don't have to interact with me. You can have the water and take as much time as you need outside. When you are ready, you can shower or go to bed. If you want, knock on my door and I would be more than happy to use my spell to prevent any more nightmares tonight. Would you like to do this?"

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