Chapter Twenty Nine

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Lima syndrome

Your POV
Day Thirty Five
April 8, 2021

You glance at the window, seeing the bird from before fly like normal, confirming that time now operates normally for you and Stephen. Before you can say anything, you hear Loki's faint footsteps coming back. You freeze, staring at the door Loki will soon walk through, hands shaking at your sides. He won't like that I know.

"[Y/N]," Stephen starts softly, pulling your attention away from the doorway. The Cloak, still resting on your shoulders, wraps himself around you in a warm hug. "Don't worry about his reaction. He'll understand."

"Darling, you need not fear my wrath," Loki says from the doorway, apparently hearing Stephen's comforting words. He slowly approaches you, stopping a foot away from Stephen, giving you space. "No harm will come to you here."

"Would you feel better if I told him?" Stephen asks. Does he have to know? At the same time, you know that Loki will find out one way or another, and now that you know more about what is happening, he may tell you more later. You give Stephen a nod. "Robin showed me telling [Y/N] a small portion of what is happening and [Y/N] relaying that information to the Avengers."

Loki nods and smiles warmly. "I've waited for so long to tell you. May I ask what specifically you know?"

Help, you think as you look to Stephen, who soon answers Loki's question for you. "I told her about the Eye of Agamotto and Robin. You want to stop something terrible, and that is why you brought her here. She isn't the cause for the terrible event, but what happens now is necessary in deciding the future. But we cannot reveal too much. What I told her, the Avengers too must know."

Relief was the last thing you expected Loki to feel now that you know a tiny bit more about what is happening. But that is what you see shining through his eyes as he smiles at you. "It must be somewhat relieving to know a portion of this madness, isn't it?" You nod, despite feeling much more relief from Loki's positive reaction. "As time goes on, I shall be able to reveal more and more of what lies ahead to you."

"You, you want me to know?" you whisper, looking down at your feet. Even without looking, you can feel Loki and Stephen watching you, looming over you as you sink against yourself.

"I would have explained every little detail long ago if I were able to. You would have known everything as well as I do. But instead, I must wait for small windows of opportunity that don't come nearly often enough for my liking," Loki confesses. "You deserve much better than this. You deserve to know all that I know. And for that I can never apologize enough."

"Can I ask you about it?" you mutter.

"Of course, dearest. We may not always be able to answer, but I will never forbid questions."


"I am more than happy to answer your questions, if I may," Stephen answers, his smile conveying nothing but support for you.

"Stephen is always welcome here," Loki explains. Thank heavens, someone other than Loki!

"Thanks," Stephen responds, seeming a little taken aback by Loki's statement.

"If you ever need somewhere to stay, you need only spin yourself a portal here," Loki affirms. That's a pretty massive sign of trust from him, isn't it? you think, watching the two men in front of you before you can ask an obvious question.

"You can make portals?" you ask timidly. "Not just the one you made when we, we were in-" You cut yourself off, realizing Stephen never told Loki about going into the mirror dimension and showing you the Sanctum Sanctorum.

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