Chapter Fourteen

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Sleep Deprivation
Mind Control
Abuse Mention
Pet Names
Lima Syndrome

Sam's POV

Sam leaves his room and heads towards the kitchen to make himself some lunch. Eating would be a good idea. After skipping breakfast and working out for a few hours, eating would be a very good idea. Sam stops when he gets to the living room and sees Bucky lying on the couch, reading a book. "How long have you been here?" Sam asks. Bucky had been in that same spot the day before.

"Hm? Oh, I dunno," Bucky responds, not looking away from his book. He's about three quarters of the way through, and another book is on the floor next to the couch. Sam walks closer to see what book he's reading. The Fellowship of the Ring. And on the floor is The Hobbit.

He reads fast because he takes information in faster than most people because of the serum, but that still would have taken a long time for him to read. "When did you last sleep?"

"Not sure," Bucky admits. "I'll live." Sam sighs and pushes the book down to see Bucky's face. There are dark circles under his eyes. Bucky rolls his eyes. "Could you not? I'm trying to read."

"You need to sleep!" Sam tells him. "And eat, since I'm guessing you haven't done that either." Sam takes the book out of his hands and puts the cover's sleeve in it before pulling Bucky up. "C'mon, we're getting you something to eat. And then you are sleeping. I will knock you out if I have to."

Bucky sighs. "Fine." He walks with Sam to the kitchen, his movements sluggish, worrying Sam. When did he last sleep? It feels like I've been telling him to sleep almost every day since Loki took [Y/N]. He must've slept every few days, right? In the kitchen, Sam reheats some alfredo's someone made the night before for himself and Bucky. They sit down together in silence. Sam keeps an eye on Bucky. He isn't sure how tired Bucky is, and if he should be worried about potential passing out or not.

They both turn to look at Wanda when she comes running. "There you are, I've been looking for you." Her eyes are wide, giving her a look of anxiousness. What on Earth happened? "Loki contacted me again."

Sam and Bucky stand up. "What happened? What does he want?" Bucky asks, worry in his voice.

"I'll gather everyone in the living room," FRIDAY says before Wanda can say anything. The three wait anxiously until everyone else comes to them. Sam keeps a close eye on Bucky still. He is taking [Y/N]'s abduction harder than the others. Which doesn't surprise Sam at all. This is what led to the sleep deprivation and starvation, Sam assumes.

After a few minutes (that felt like forever), everyone is in the living room with them. "What happened?" Bucky asks softly from his seat on the couch. His elbows are on his knees and his head in his hands.

"I was standing, about to leave my room, when I couldn't move or open my eyes. Loki was talking to me. He said he needed me to do something. I thought he was going to make me do something here, attack you again or have me steal or something like that. Instead he made me talk with [Y/N]," Wanda starts.

"Is she okay?" "Was she hurt?" "Wait, what?" "Why?" Those questions and many others are thrown at Wanda. Everyone is anxious to know what happened and why.

"Hey, let her continue!" Steve shouts above the questions, shutting everyone up for Wanda when no one showed any signs of stopping.

"He said he was worried about her, and that he wanted [Y/N] to have someone she trusts to talk to. So he gave me some control over his body. I could see where he was. He was sitting on a couch next to [Y/N]. And then I talked to her. She told me everything that happened to her."

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