Chapter Thirty

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Lima Syndrome
Pet Names

Your POV
Day Thirty Six
April 9, 2021

"Very good," Loki tells you with a smile. He had asked you earlier if he could continue training you. It has been twenty nine days since your last lesson, which was cut short when you collapsed from your fever. Now that you've gained back your strength after the fever and the lack of sleep, Loki wants to continue teaching you. After reteaching everything from before (the whole passing out thing made it difficult for you to remember everything from before), Loki began showing you how to hold your body in a fight. Where to plant your feet, what to do with your hips, what your arms should be doing, etc. After every demonstration of what to do, you have tried to copy him. If necessary, Loki corrects you.

You nod, never knowing how to react to Loki's praise. "What next?"

"This is how your arms will start, let's focus on what they do next." You nod, watching Loki carefully as he goes into the same position as you and holds his training blade. "The grip you use will determine what you do next. Let's start with a reverse grip." You hurry to flip the blade around in your hand. "Let's do a downward motion, like this." You observe as Loki demonstrates this stabbing motion before trying it yourself. "Keep your wrist straight, darling. That will keep your blade steady."

You nod before trying again, focusing on keeping your wrist straight. "Well done, dearest. Well done." You look down, trying to avoid eye contact. "That's enough for now. You've learned a lot today, and I don't want to overwhelm you." You nod, moving to stand as you normally do. Well, normally do when in Loki's custody. Timid, shoulders hunched, eyes on the floor, hands trembling. You hand Loki your training blade, which he puts in the box with the other equipment.

"You've done very well today, my darling," Loki praises as he closes the box. "This isn't to be taken lightly. This is a difficult skill to learn. Take pride in yourself."

You nod, not sure of what you are supposed to do now, wondering if now is an appropriate time to ask your question. After a moment of consideration, you finally decide to bite the bullet. "L-Loki?"

"Yes, dearest?"

You fold your arms, trying to hide your shaking hands. "You, you never sh-showed me around the, the rest of the base-basement. Am, am I allowed in, in the other rooms?"

Loki's soft smile is tinged with something after asking that. Regret, perhaps. You can't say for certain. "Of course you are, darling. My apologies, I should have clarified long ago. Must have slipped from my mind after you collapsed. Would you allow me to remedy this? May I finish showing you around?"

"Thank you," you whisper after nodding. You didn't necessarily want Loki to show you around, only to know if you could or couldn't go in the other rooms down the hall. But perhaps there's other information you should know that he'll tell you.

"After you," Loki says as he opens the door for you. You nod your thanks as you walk into the hallway, looking down at the four doors in front of you. You walk alongside Loki down the hall, stopping in a few feet, Loki pulling the door open. "The pantry. I haven't found much use for it, but you are welcome to use this however you please. I'll bring things for in here if you'd like."

After you nod, Loki closes the door and leads you to the next room. "Laundry, water heater, and the like in here. I'm assuming you noticed the enchantments on your clothes?" You nod. Weeks ago, you had planned on asking Loki about laundry, just to find the clothes from the day before cleaned and put away. At first you had assumed Loki had come into the room while you slept, but you slowly began to lean towards the theory that it was some sort of spell instead. He did insist that he wouldn't enter unless necessary or with your permission, and after some experimentation you found that the clothes only ended up clean if they were put in the hamper. "Makes this room almost meaningless for us, doesn't it? But, as I told you, you're welcome to use this if you ever find the need."

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