Chapter Thirty One

374 12 43

Lima syndrome
Pet names
Pulling your hair

Your POV
Day Thirty Seven
April 10, 2021

How am I going to get through this? you wonder as you lie flat on your back on your bed. Loki must have carried you in your sleep again, obsessed with your comfort as always. No matter what I try, I keep making myself vulnerable to Loki. And he surely is manipulating me. You glance at your phone to see it is 5:00am the next day. Which means you have now been trapped for thirty eight days. In all of this time, you have searched for ways to escape, now with the help of the Avengers, but thus far nothing has worked. Not even another sorcerer was able to find a way to get you out of the house permanently. And every day, Loki is chipping more and more away at you emotionally. How long can I endure?

You get up out of bed and start some stretches before doing the exercises you can without any equipment. While you weren't sleeping well, you had fallen out of the habit of exercising first thing in the morning, but now you are trying to get back into it. You know you have to stay at your physical peak in order to be ready for anything, and exercise helps mental health. It helps you clear your thoughts every morning and gives you some preparation for what lies in store for every coming day.

As you exercise, you contemplate your situation. The only way I'll get out of here is if Loki lets me go. So how do I make that happen? Since it apparently is true that Loki is attempting to stop something, I have to know what it is, but he's dead set on not telling me. Stephen too. And the others aren't getting too far on figuring out what it is. So how on Earth am I going to speed things up if I can't even go into the front yard? You continue thinking as you exercise, trying to come up with some idea you haven't already tried to get out of here. Afterwards you take a short shower and get dressed, throwing your hair up as always in order to prevent any hair touching.

When you go to the desk to put your phone in your jeans pocket, you notice the sticky notes on the desk. They both have Loki's cursive handwriting. The first one says, "I'll be leaving now, I'll be back by 8:00pm." The second one says, "I see you are still asleep. You said speaking with me is nerve-wracking. I suppose you do not have to speak with me personally always. 808-627-7831."

Since when does he have a phone? He does seem pretty familiar with human technology, so maybe it's been awhile. You save the number into your contacts as Loki and text "hi" in case he doesn't have your number so that he doesn't have to come and ask. Or did he just barely get a phone? Where is this area code from? You quickly open up Google to see what state uses 808, hoping that Loki doesn't know enough about phones to think of buying a phone in another state. If he doesn't, then you know roughly where you are. You quickly type the question in the search bar and frown when the answer pops up. Yeah, we're not in Hawaii. Well, it was worth a try.

You pocket your phone, grab your bluetooth earbuds Stephen had delivered, and head to the kitchen. The first few days it was terrifying to leave the bedroom, but now you've gotten a little used to the fact that Loki can be literally anywhere in the house and that you can't stay in the bedroom for all eternity. You make yourself a bagel and hot chocolate, your staple ever since your capture, and sit down at the breakfast nook, messing around on your phone and listening to Spotify, trying to think of what you can do to pass the time today. You love reading but you've read a lot lately and need a bit of a break. While scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, you find an account dedicated to recipes. One for cinnamon rolls particularly catches your eye. Does Loki have the ingredients? Loki has been very firm that you can cook, so he shouldn't mind. But perhaps he doesn't have all the ingredients, particularly the yeast.

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