Chapter Three

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Knocked Out
Mind Control
Restrained (Tied to a Chair)
Pet Names
Non-Consensual Touch (Non-Sexual)

Steve's POV

Steve leans against the wall, waiting for [Y/N] to come out. She is interrogating Loki, after Loki's request to speak with her. Steve worries for her. [Y/N] is new to superheroing, and Loki isn't known as the God of Mischief for nothing. He doesn't want [Y/N] getting hurt.

Suddenly, Wanda comes, strutting down the hallway. "Wanda, everything okay?" Steve asks. Wanda doesn't answer, and comes close to Steve. "Wanda?" Wanda remains silent, and Steve grows worried. He looks into her bright green eyes. Red wisps gather around her hands. Steve looks worriedly into her glowing red eyes as she wields her power. At least, they should be red. Instead they're green.

"Crap!" Steve says as he dodges her blast of energy. FRIDAY blasts an alarm. Darn you, Loki! "[Y/N], are you okay?" Steve asks as he and the other Avengers try to stop Wanda.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's going on out there?" [Y/N] answers.

"When Loki knocked out Wanda, he must have done something to her."

After a few minutes, [Y/N] shouts, "Steve, we've got a problem!"

"What is it, [Y/N]," Steve asks anxiously.

"We locked up one of Loki's fake selves."

Steve cusses, desperate for [Y/N]. "Where is Loki, [Y/N]? Do you see him?"

The response is static.

Steve rips the comms out of his ears. "[Y/N]'s in there alone with Loki, who's not in his cell. Loki did something to Wanda to distract us!" he shouts to the team.

Peter falls off the ceiling next to Steve after Wanda attacks him. Steve and Clint check to make sure he's okay. "Mr Barton, Miss Romanoff told me something she did when you were mind controlled by Loki. Mental recalibration, I think?"

"Should work," Clint says. "Buck! Mental recalibration!"

"Already on it!" Bucky shouts back as he rams his flesh fist into the back of Wanda's head. Wanda falls onto the ground, and Vision is immediately at her side. "Sorry, Vis. I tried to hit only just hard enough to knock her out."

"I understand, Sergeant Barnes," Vis says, completely forgiving.

"Vis, stay here with Wanda. Everyone else, let's deal with Loki," Tony says.

Sam tries to open the door, but it doesn't budge. "Will someone with super strength do something about this?" he says as he steps aside.

"Indeed, my friend," Thor says as he knocks Mjolnir into the door, sending it flying into the room.

The Avengers storm in, ready to help [Y/N] and stop Loki.

"Hello, Avengers," Loki says menacingly, or rather, the Lokis. Loki is using magic to make illusion versions of himself, twenty of them. Each one of them is carrying an unconscious [Y/N].

"Brother, what is the meaning of this?" Thor shouts.

"Someday, you'll understand," Loki says pensively. He snaps out of his thoughts. "For now though, it's my little secret."

"Let [Y/N] go!" Steve shouts, worry filling his eyes.

"Unfortunately for you, Captain, you don't have the option to tell me what to do."

"And you have limited options as well," T'Challa says. "Let her go, and maybe we can conduct in a civilized manner."

"Tempting bargain, your Highness, but no."

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