Chapter Nineteen

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Non-consensual touch (non-sexual) (accidental)
Past mind control

Your POV
Day Eleven
March 14, 2021

You start to stir, feeling something somehow both sharp and fluffy gently dragging against your face. "No, Shadow. [Y/N] had a rough night. Let her rest." Whatever it is stops touching your face shortly before you hear a disappointed mew and footsteps going away from you. You roll over, groaning. You pull the blanket up around your neck as you curl up.

You don't expect to be pressed against something somewhat soft, but here you are. You slowly flutter your eyes open, confused. You look at the couch back in front of you and frown. It's Loki's couch. For a moment there I forgot.... You curl up tighter, remembering where you are.

After a moment building up the courage, you sit up and wrap the blanket around you. Loki and Shadow aren't anywhere in sight. Last you remember, you and Shadow were on the couch together, and Loki was gone. He had asked you to watch over Shadow while he went to grab some food for her. Crap! I was supposed to keep an eye on Shadow! Crap! You hug your knees as two trains of thought race through your head. Is Shadow okay? Poor thing's probably terrified, in a new environment with unfamiliar people. Oh, gosh, I didn't do what Loki told me to do! Oh gosh, this can't be good for me, oh gosh! Is Shadow okay? Did Loki take care of her while I was asleep? Is she as terrified as I am? Gosh, gosh, what is Loki going to do to me? He's going to punish me, but how? Is Shadow safe? What's Loki done with her? Crap, crap, crap! You hide your face against your knees, holding tears back.

You tense when you hear footsteps just outside the room. The footsteps stop, and you can barely make out Loki speaking quietly. "[Y/N]'s awake now, Shadow. You can see her now." Almost immediately, you hear several short, light footsteps and feel something jump on the couch. You carefully peel an eye open to see Shadow rubbing against your side. Relieved that she's okay, you start to pet her. Shadow sits down next to you, leaning against your thigh as you pet her. You refuse to look up when you hear Loki's footsteps get nearer. Soon, he is sitting next to you on the couch, but he doesn't touch you in the slightest.

"Shadow has been waiting for you to wake up," Loki starts. Shadow was waiting for me? Shadow wanted me? I let her down, I let her down. "I thought it best if you rested, so I kept her away from you to stop her from waking you up."

"You, you wanted me to, to sleep?" you ask. He, he didn't want to wake me up? Why?

"You had a hard night, dearest. You slept because you needed it." You feel his gaze on you. You refuse to make eye contact with him, trying to focus on Shadow. But you can't stop your lip from trembling in time before Loki notices. "What troubles you?" Loki's voice is gentle, but you know it's a deception. He must be livid with you for leaving Shadow unattended. Because of you, Loki had to spend precious time watching over a cat of all things.

"I, I'm sorry," you start, trying to stop yourself from sobbing. "Please, I'm sorry, it won't happen again, please, I'm sorry-"

"What are you apologizing for?" Loki asks, interrupting you. His voice sounds genuinely worried, but you know it's all an act to put you at ease. Loki knows exactly what you're apologizing for, he just wants to hear you say it.

"I, I didn't do as you said," you confess. "I didn't keep an eye on Shadow like you told me to. I'm sorry, please, I swear it won't happen again. Please-"

"And you think I'm going to punish you?" Loki asks, though you know that is also an act. You slowly lift your head up and nod, catching a glance at Loki's facial expressions. His eyebrows are raised slightly as he sadly smiles. "Oh, my dearest, there's nothing to punish you for," Loki croons. What? What do you mean nothing? Loki leans over you and scratches behind Shadow's ear. "I'm never going to punish you for anything, darling, ever. Besides, you did exactly what I asked you to do."

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