Chapter Five

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Mind Control

Restrained (Tied to a Chair)

Non-Consensual Touch (Non-Sexual)
Hair Grabbing
Knife to Throat

Tony's POV

"Last Peter told me, Shuri is working on some huge technological breakthrough over in Wakanda," Tony tells Bruce. "I'd hate to draw her away from whatever she is concocting in that glorious lab of hers. Besides, I think the two of us can handle this. You know about the brain and electromagnetic rays, and I know about building the machines that make your knowledge useful."

"You sure, Tony? Look, we're dealing with gods and magic. Our science is light years behind theirs," Bruce questions.

"Well, I sure hope I am, for [Y/N]'s sake."

Bruce sighs. "Alright, we do this, but it doesn't work out, we're calling Shuri."


"You better not make another Ultron."

"No, this is gonna be more like another Vision, actually, that is, if it were sentient."

The duo quickly plan out the machine, it being based off of electromagnetic waves, which are simple enough, especially when the world's expert on gamma radiation is building the machine. Once Bruce makes the concept, he and Tony hurriedly build the machine in Tony's laboratory. It doesn't take too long, since Tony already had parts in a half finished project that they redirect for a newer and more important use.

Tony works late into the night. Bruce leaves for bed at ten, as a full night of sleep aids Bruce in taming the Hulk. But since Tony didn't have the alter ego of a giant green rage monster, he forsakes sleep, the thought of [Y/N] keeping him awake. After all, sleep is for the weak, isn't it?

Loki's not the best at making plans, is he? Tony thinks, welding different machinery together. But very good at pissing people off. Let's do a head count here: the Redhead Assassin Without a Soul, Legolas, the Capsicle, Anger Management Issues, the Thundah from Down Undah, the Newest Skywalker, the Millennium Falcon, the Action Figure, the Light Show, Me But With Bigger Guns, Siri, the Cat in the Hat, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons, and myself. Loki pissed us all off, like that, he says, imagining the sound of a snapping finger. Tony fires up the torch again. For his own sake, I hope he hasn't hurt [Y/N], because I'm not the only one that wants to kill him right now.

He takes a swig of water before he connects his new piece to the almost finished machine. Tony yawns and smiles in amusement. I wonder when I last slept. I really don't know. He takes a seat as he fiddles with the machine with a flathead screwdriver, idly checking to see if it works. He looks over at the picture of [Y/N] and Peter together at Disneyland with Cuzco from Emperor's New Groove, the two of them smiling, having a great time at the park.

Now, where could Loki have taken you, [Y/N]? And what would he want with you? Tony sets the screwdriver down and grabs the framed Disneyland photo Peter had sent him when they were at Disneyland. He looks longingly at [Y/N], worrying for her wellbeing and missing her. I promise we'll get you back, [Y/N].


Bruce's POV

"Tony? Tony?" Bruce says as he shakes the man sleeping on the chair in the lab, screwdriver next to him. Tony stirs slowly.

"What is it, Bruce?"

"We need to finish our machine so we can find [Y/N], Tony," Bruce says softly.

Tony shoots up once he hears [Y/N]'s name. "Right! Loki! [Y/N]! I'm almost done, it's just one more thing we need to add." Tony hurriedly attaches the final part. "Alright, it's done. We can use it once I make myself some coffee."

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