Chapter Seven

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Restrained (Tied to a Chair)
Pet Names
Torture Mention
Lima Syndrome
Mind Control

Hope's POV

Hope walks through the doorway into the Avengers Compound worried. When Scott called, he seemed panicky. Hope hadn't heard him so worried before. She knows the Avengers fought Loki not too long ago, but she doesn't know what else has happened lately with the Avengers.

Hope is accompanied by her parents, Hank and Janet, as well as a woman she has never met, Shuri, who says she is the sister of the Black Panther. Scott said something about quantum entanglement and a need for quantum physics experts. If anyone knows about quantum physics, it's Hope's family. Hank and Janet invented the Ant-Man and Wasp suits. Hope helped with the new suits for herself and Scott. And Shuri seems to know about this field as well.

When they finally found the Avengers, Hope, Hank, and Janet attacked Scott with questions, Shuri doing the same to T'Challa.

"Guys, guys! We'll explain!" Scott tells the trio launching questions at him.

"You better. What the heck happened? I've never heard you so desperate!" Hope says.

"Okay, look. Loki showed up in Queens and we went and captured him. It was really easy, too easy. He waited for the perfect opportunity and, and-"

"Loki did what, Scott?" Hank asks.

"He took, he took [Y/N], Hope. He took her." His voice cracks as he tells her this.

"Oh my gosh, Scott, I'm so sorry," Hope says, pulling Scott into a hug. She hasn't ever met [Y/N] before, but she knows she's close with Scott and the rest of the Avengers.

"It's a long story, but Wanda might be quantumly entangled with Loki, and you guys know quantum physics like no one else. And, I mean, you found Janet when we were quantumly entangled, maybe you can find Loki-"

"So you can find [Y/N]," Janet finishes.

"Would Stark mind if we use our lab? Well, he better not, all of our entanglement tech is in there," Hank says.

"There's a clearing out back, and I'm sure everyone'd be cool with it if it's gonna help us find [Y/N]," Scott answers.

At that moment, Tony Stark comes to greet them. "Thank goodness, the quantum experts. Thank you so much for coming!"

"It isn't much of a problem, Mr Stark. We'll help you with your missing persons case," Hope says.

"Thank you. I just finished talking to Shuri, who's like a teen prodigy. We're expanding past Bruce and I because we tried, but it didn't work."

"What did you try?" Janet asks.

"Well, at first we thought it was like a radio signal, but instead of radios, it's Wanda's and Loki's minds. But that didn't prove true. So we had the idea that maybe they're in some form of quantum entanglement, and we know you're the experts."

"We'll find her. We've already found one person through quantum entanglement," Hank says, holding Janet's hand. "Scott said there's a clearing outside. Our equipment will need to be out there."

"Of course, here, I'll take you out there." Tony leads them outside, everyone else joining up with them halfway. "This big enough?" He says it sarcastically, thinking the equipment wouldn't be that large.

"Barely," Hope says with no explanation. Scott takes the lab from Hank and runs out into the middle of the field, sets it down, and runs back. Hank pulls out the remote and presses the enlarge button.

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