Chapter Seventeen

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Pet Names
Lima Syndrome
Solitary Confinement Mention
Torture Mention
Death (not shown)
Killing (not shown)
Dead Bodies

Your POV
Day Ten
March 13, 2021

You sigh as you close Goblet of Fire. You were surprised earlier to see the books on the desk, no evidence of them ever being out in the rain. You can add that to the list of things Loki can do with his magic. And now you're in the same position you were in yesterday. Wanting a book but being terrified to leave the room to get one. You grab the books and shakily stand up and walk to the door, hesitating before opening it. The hallway is empty. You cautiously walk down the hall to the room with the shelves. Please don't be in there, you think, not wanting to have to go through yesterday's experiences again.

Thank heavens. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding when you don't see Loki anywhere in the room. You close the door behind you and walk to the shelf with the Harry Potter books. You return Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire and take Order of the Phoenix off the shelf. After a moment of thought, you grab Half-Blood Prince too, since you're going through the books so fast. With that same thought, you look around at the other titles. While you love Harry Potter to death, there are only so many times you can read it back to back. When you finish Deathly Hallows, you're going to need something else to read. You look around for a moment, seeing some books you've read before that were decent and some books you've heard good things about.

Your heart almost stops when you hear footsteps just outside the door. The door opens and you tense, knowing exactly who is now in the room. You can almost feel Loki watching you. You hear his footsteps approach you. You're as tense as a guitar string about to snap when Loki stands next to you. You hold onto the books you grabbed tightly and look down. You adjust your arms slightly, wishing you had thought to wear a hoodie or something.

"You're a fast reader, practically reading two books in one day," Loki comments casually. You steal a glance at him and find that he's scanning the shelves. "I'll need more books to keep you occupied."

"It, it was just one," you stutter, not expecting Loki to say something so casual. "I, was, uh, I was mostly finished with one before you, uh, y'know."

Loki nods. "I see. My apologies for preventing you from finishing, darling. Still, it wasn't a thin book you finished in a day."

"Thanks?" you respond, not knowing what to say.

"You're most welcome, dearest. Now, tell me, what books would you recommend to me?"

Loki's question takes you by surprise. He wants my opinion on...books? "Uh, what, what type of books do you, uh, like?"

"I am in the mood for fantasy at the moment, though I will read from any genre," Loki answers.

"Okay, uh...." You scan the shelves in front of you, looking for titles you know well enough to recommend. "Harry Potter is, is my favorite series. The Hobbit is really good. Uh, Narnia is good. Percy Jackson is pretty good. Diamond Throne is, is fun. Steelheart is good. I, I haven't read Mistborn, but he also wrote Steelheart, and I, I've heard good things about Mistborn. Princess Bride is really good." You start to worry if you're giving too long of a list. "Um, I can tell you more, if you want."

You glance at Loki, looking for his reaction. He gives you a soft smile. "Maybe later. Thank you for your recommendations. You said Harry Potter is your favorite?" He continues after you nod. "May I ask why?"

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