Take care of yourself. Every aspect of yourself. Mind, body, spirit is a popular technique to improving yourself.
Keep your mind fresh and awake. Exercise it. Broaden it's capacity. But overall, love it. Love the brainpower and creativity you have to go places.
Keep your body in good condition!!! Exercise, stretch, move! Feel alive! And love your body. Get your body to a place where you can love it even more.
Love your spirit. You can look at it in a religious way (which I won't go into for courtesy purposes) or as your personality. Love your personality! You're an amazing person! Never stop improving yourself, but love who you are now!
This is an exercise you can do daily to make yourself happier.
Daily Dose of Happiness
DiversosSometimes, the world just isn't fair, and we all need something to lift our spirits. Here's a little something to help get over the ugly things, big and small, every day. [this book ran out of space so I'm currently updating Daily Dose of Happiness...