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Reading a letter or book:'bold
Lorenzo/naruto pov:
Waking up as a nine year old naruto was not something that would be normal. I looked around and noticed that my room was kinda lacking of stuff. I got up and put on some clothes.

I walked towards the kitchen, as I noticed my new family already eating. I watched for a couple minutes until kushina noticed me.

Kushina:"come and eat naruto before your food gets cold" i nodded walked to the table and started eating my breakfest.

'This is weird...' I finished my breakfest, as kushina took my plate and started to clean it. I looked at minato..and my two younger siblings, as they started to leave the house.

Minato:"we'll be heading to the training grounds." He told kushina and I, as he left with my two siblings menma and naruko...what idiotic names.

I got up and decided to leave the house, as I put on my shoes and walked out the mother not even noticing me leave...'No! Stop being depressed..if they forgot about me...then that's their own fault I won't forgive them like those other naruto fanfics did..I'll make sure they regret it.' I smiled, as I ran towards the forest to train.

Arriving in the forest i stood there for a solid two seconds before finally developing a plan. Because of my memories that I still had seemed that I can only remember stuff about the animes I watched along with my name. I saw myself writing stuff down while looking at a phone which held the handsigns for the shadow clones justsu.

I started to do the handsigns but stopped as I realized the most important factor of naruto that most fanfics skip..Chakra control. (Like I rarely see that in naruto fanfics..or am I just blind?) I grabbed a leaf and put it on my forehead. I used my chakra to make the leaf stick to my head for several minutes even then it was hard. Then I started to put four more leaves on my body while making sure to keep the 1st one stick.

3 hours later
3rd pov
Naruto:" this shit so exhausting!" He laid down on his back as he stared at the sky. "...I'll try tree climbing next.." after regaining chakra, he got up and looked at the trees. "...wait maybe I should wait and instead practice each of the handsigns them I'll be able to do them faster."

The blond haired boy could be seen practicing each of the hand signs, as he kept doing them in order and once he did it in order he would start to go faster while trying to do It in the order he did it before.

After training for three more hours he stopped, as he decided to head home for the day. His fingers and hands had gotten cramped twice. Naruto started to remember more about what happened in this universe. Sarutobi had died by sacrificing himself to seal the nine tailed fox into the twins. A lot of idiots blamed him but it didn't matter.

There was also the fact that rin didn't yeah this timeline really is a neglected naruto story. As he saw his house up ahead he noticed several people standing infront of it. It was his two sibling and their friends.

Naruto:'oh right...I have some classes at the academy tomorrow.' After heading inside, taking a shower and changed his clothes he decided to head to bed instead of eating dinner.

Timeskip and scene change

Naruto woke up and got ready for classes at the academy, he noticed his siblings gone so he decided to pick up the pace after climbing up a building this is when he would test his mobility. Jumping from building to building he arrived 10 minutes before the bell rang.

He took a seat, pulled out a notebook and waited for iruka, he started writing down some training regimes that would help him grow stronger in the future. Looking up he noticed iruka had arrived and started explaining the history about konoha.

After dealing with classes he started to leave and head towards his training area not noticing a certain silver haired shinobi watching him, as he arrived he noticed a singular book propped up against a tree and a letter beside. Picking it up he read it.

Naruto:'to naruto or should I say won't remember me due to the fact you forgot to wish for you to keep your original memories." Suddenly some memories came back. 'Either way I will be granting your final wish...your first was to be reincarnated in this world and the second was for you to keep memories about the animes and Mangas you've seen and read.' He looked at the book and picked it up. 'And the third is within this book.'

Naruto picked up the book and opened, as knowledge flooded his brain instantly, he fell down and held his head. After the pain had subsided he got up and noticed the book and letter turning into dust.

Naruto:"...renewal taekwando...that was my last wish..I won't be able to use it for quite awhile in this body, but if might guy can run around the entirety of konaha, as a kid then so can I." He grinned, but then remembered some of the knowledge that had entered his mind. "I'll challenge him when I become a teenager..he let out of breath and I will beat you...jin mori." He left the village and started to run.

Scene change

Naruto laid in front of his he was covered in sweat after running through a quarter of konoha...he was starting to wonder how strong was guy as a kid. He looked towards the sky and noticed the sun was almost setting. So with an hour left he went back to the forest and started training by kicking the air constantly and using taijutsu that involded kicks and punches making sure he would prepare his body to be able to use those techniques.

He walked home and took a shower did his homework and went to bed. He looked at the ceiling, as he heard a knock on his door. He got up and walked towards his door and opened it noticing it was just his siblings.

Menma:"naruto from now on you can hang out with our friends if you want." The red haired boy looked at his older brother and noticed the exhaustion in his eyes. "..are you alright?" Naruto gave a thumbs up and told menma he would see if he had the time.

Naruto closed his door and went back to his bed and laid on it and within a couple minutes he fell asleep.

Chapter 1:friends? Nah training dummys

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