slight lore addition/small announcement

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Yo author here been a while wondering where I've been? Work it is exhausting anyways I've got a lore drop to do because I feel like it'll add some depth to the story

[Lore addition]
Naruto/Lorenzo stayed up in the temple for an unknown amount of time, so by passing the time he meditated as he also made clones of himself with his physical and genius intellect so what did he do?

He sent the clones out into the world and also gave them a sort of life span that was regular to that of a human as each clone slightly looked like him except for the hair which was usually normal hair color.

So what does this change.. well time passed quickly for Lorenzo but in reality I would say more than a couple hundred years had passed since the time of naruto. But it also means that Lorenzo has descendants.. luckily none of them have Chakra or his abilities, some have his strength or others have his smart mind and the clones know how to fight and have strategic minds.

Lorenzo would send around ten or twenty clones out into the world every hundred years so that means the current world might have his descendants who he might meet or has already met throughout this story but don't worry they won't be ocs just slight changes to the normal characters.

he may be related to some of the heroes and villains because one of his clones was their late great grandfather or their ancestor in a way or the clones may have been the father or grandfather that went missing or was killed.

(a question for my readers, honest opinion what do you all think about this slight lore addition)

[Slight announcement]
If your wondering when I'm gonna start doing chapters.. after new years I'll be posting chapters because honestly I can't keep up consecutively writing chapters now due to working from 7 am to 7 pm and Monday to Sunday each week. I'll be honest I pass out the second I lay down in my bed.

If you want to know how I'm doing my schedule one day is for writing the next for drawing and relaxing, yes I'm still practicing my art but sometimes I forget and just fall asleep when I get home depending how tired I am.

Also I'll be changing some of the looks for some of my characters.. especially this one boy is he bad compared to my new drawings.. I promise I'll give his new look a good one.

[Have a nice day you all, see ya]
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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