chapter 7:battle against the two immortals and home

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3rd pov:

Naruto blocked an attack from hidans scythe, with his silver bo staff. He grinned at the jashinist.

Hidan:"tch damn brat.." he started to repeatedly attack naruto who blocked the attacks with quick ease. Naruto smirked, as he made the bo staff grow larger as the giant bo staff hit hidan in the blink of an eye sending him flying away.

Naruto:"hah..your next for the time being" he pointed at kakuzu, as naruto took a step forward and in the blink of an eye he kicked the older male in the chin sending the akatsuki member flying back. "They say you have five I'm guessing that's the only way to kill you." Naruto stomped the ground, as he grinned like a mad man he kicked forward "renewal taekwando recoiless rapid fire front kick"

Several front kicks hit the immortal man several times, but as naruto was about to send his fifth kick a red scythe appeared slashing his leg. Naruto stopped in pain and hopped back.

Hidan:"you alright kakuzu?" He looked back at his partner in crime who's wounds healed.

Kakuzu:"...he hit four out of my five wonder tobi..told us to be careful. This is a pain..I hope his fucking bounty is worth." Naruto got into a stance. "Watch for his kicks..he uses those legs of his to attack..." hidan nodded.

Hidan:"and that fucking...staff of his it felt like being hit by a fucking building." Kakuzu and hidan got into stances, as naruto started to grin like a mad man..this was fun..the possibility of dying, but knowing that he'll have a he'll of a fight excited the blond Uzumaki.

Naruto:"Come on! Entertain me." He charged towards the two, spinning his staff around.

The three clash, naruto blocked hidans scythe with the staff and sent a renewal taekwando taebaek, as the heart consumer was kicked in the sde of his face and sent flying. Naruto punched hidan several times in the chest and did a baek rok  on him as well. Naruto used bo-bup to appear above hidan as he hit the immortal with a renewal taekwando axe kick spinning in the air he slammed the heel of his foot into hidan's head slamming the immortal into the ground.

Naruto jumped back and winced in pain, as he looked at his bleeding leg. He ignored the pain and leaned backwards as a chain flew past him he looked at kakuzu who was running at him.

Kakuzu:"you fucking brat I'll kill you!" Naruto dodged the attacks sent by kakuzu, as naruto grabbed the chain and started to spin the akatsuki member around and sent him flying away. Using bo-bup naruto appeared behind kakuzu, as he hit kakuzu with renewal taekwando vertical kick  He kicked the back of kakazus head and sent him into the air then an naruto hit the side of the bounty hunters head with renewal taekwando taebaek sending him into the side.

Kakuzu flew to the side, but was kicked downward by naruto as he had used bo-bup to catch up and hit the heart consumer with an axe kick, his body hit the ground causing a massive crater to be formed.

Kakuzu layed there in the crater, as he coughed up blood. He couldn't think straight his head ringing in constant pain.

Kakuzu:'to...think..I might die by the hands of a pitiful' he looked up to see Naruto perform renewal taekwando fang powered with his chakra, as he attacks kakuzu body by using both his elbows and slamming both on top of the bounty hunters body, completely destroying it. Kakuzu eyes widened in shock as countless thoughts filled his mind.

Kakuzu:He..he wasn't using chakra this entire time to enhance his body..that was just his normal strength?.this brat is truly a monster, hidan doesn't stand a chance.' The light faded from kakuzu eyes, as his body laid there.

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