chapter 11:4 down..three left to go

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3rd pov
It had been several days since he had left konoha to search for the remaining akatsuki members. Naruto could be seen at the river cleaning his clothes, and treating his wound caused by the executioners blade wielded by juzo.

The teens wound had regenerated slowly, but fighting the konoha 13 slightly reopened his wounds. The blonde could feel zetsu watching him..the white entity had seen his battle against the konoha thirteen.

Naruto was on alert, as he put his shrt and bag down, and leaned to the right
catching a Kunai with his one teeth.

Looking to his right he was greeted by two akatsuki members both wielding one of the seven swords of the mists

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Looking to his right he was greeted by two akatsuki members both wielding one of the seven swords of the mists.  He dropped the kunai and  caught it with his hands, as he glared at the two.

Kisame:"heh nice catch brat...I'd expect nothing less from the teen who beat our leader." He held his sword over his shoulders, as he grinned at the Naruto.

Naruto:"heh..I knew the akatsuki hated me alot...I just didn't expect them to send a hit squad this quickly." Naruto grinned. "You know they shouldn't have sent you two on your own."

Juzo:"haha brat who said it's just us." Naruto grabbed his bag and jumped back, as some clay constructs flew at him and exploding where he once stood.

Deidara:"heh it's time I show you how artistic my explosions are." Deidara stood on a bird, as Naruto winced at the three that stood before him.

Sasori:"you fools...we have to kill him immediately...compared to the rest he's probably the only one who's an actual danger to the akatsuki plan." He had summoned his puppets, as Naruto got into a stance, as he used bo-bup to appear behind kisame, as he hit him with renewal taekwondo axe and the shark man hit the ground with a large thud, as a crater formed. Naruto jumped out and landed in front of the newly formed crater.

Naruto:"let's get this over with.....come" juzo charged towards him, compared to the other Naruto could tell he would be the easiest to get rid of first, as he pulled out a small yeoui which he held in his hand he ducked under juzo's swing, as he grinned and put his arm out towards juzo stomach yeoui finally visible

Juzo:"wait-" his eyes widened.

Naruto:"expand yeoui" the silver staff extended in an instant, as juzo was hit by several million tons the poor man stood no chance, and was defeated in an instant. (Yeoui is said to weigh 80 million imagine getting hit by that.)  "Shrink." Yeoui returned to its normal size, as he spun it around and grinned at the two before him.

Naruto:"surrender or die...those are your two options..." He glared at the two, as sasori sighed and put his puppets away.

Deidara:"yeah I fucking surrender...honestly..I didn't expect juzo to get eviscerated in front of my eyes." Naruto grinned and started to laugh

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