chapter 10:awaken, leaving and the five kage summit

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3rd pov

Naruto's eyes opened, as he blinked several times trying to understand where he was.

The blond haired teen looked around noticing that he was in a hospital bed, as he tried moving his body, but he couldn't sit up, as his chest felt like it was gonna cave in.

Naruto sighed, as he closed his eyes and let sleep take him once again.

Ten days later

Naruto was looking out the window, as he clenched his fist. From what tsunade told him the akatsuki hadn't made any moves after what happened to pain.

Naruto could have left the hospital at any time..but because of the hokage who made ordered to keep him there. Naruto sighed, as he reached under his bed pulling out a bag, as he put his clothes on while he made a clone who wrote a note.

Naruto:"I can't stay here while those akatsuki bastards are still out there..sorry about this old bastard." He dispersed the clone, as he put on his bag. He jumped out rhe window and ran towards the exit of konoha.

Naruto dodged ninja wire, and anbu who had been sent to capture him. He kept running, as he made it to the valley of the end. Naruto sighed, as he turned around to face the konoha 13

Naruto:"you can either let me go...or get beat down...the choice is yours." Naruto popped his neck and shoulder, as he looked at the thirteen teens in front of him.

Menma:"brother...why are you leaving!" Naruto sighed, as he gave them an exhausted smile.

Naruto:"the akatsuki want me dead...and I want them dead as well so I'm going after them."  he closed his eyes sensing three new arrivals. "I'm not letting you all stop me.."

Naruka:"big brother...we can find a way without you having to leave and do it all by yourself." Naruto laughed.

Naruto:"so...innocent..they won't let me leave." The thirteen teens got into their fighting stances "even you lee?" Naruto looked at the bowl haired male who looked serious. "Fine...have it your way."

Naruto threw his bag on to rhe ground.

Naruto:"...come" he looked at them, as they charged at the teen. Dodging their attacks he ducked under rock Lee's kick, as he grabbed the black haired males leg and swung him around making lee fly into neji.

Naruto dodged two rasengans, as he kicked menma in the face and punched Naruka in the gut sending the two flying back.

Dodging both ino's and shikamaru possession jutsu, as the blond haired male spun in the air as he performed renewal taekwondo axe his leg slammed into the ground sending everyone back.

Naruto dodged akamaru and Kiba, as Naruto hit Kiba with renewal taekwondo taebaek the kick hit Kiba in the side making the inuzuka fly into a tree which knocked him out.

Naruto leaned back, as sasuke missed hitting him with a fire ball but even then the Uchiha couldn't match his superior speeds, and was knocked out by an upward kick which sent sasuke flying back. Naruto dodged another kick from lee, as he sighed and hit lee with 3rd stand hwechook the blond had delivered three kicks which created after images of himself to Lee's head knocking him out.

Naruto jumped back dodging hinata's gentle fist. He hit her with renewal taekwondo spinning kick, as the kick hit her head which resulted in him knocking her out.

Naruto using bo-bup, as he appeared behind ino and shikamaru and he jumped in-between the two, as he did a split which hit them in the face sending the two into the ground.

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