chapter 3:promoted to chunin and intense training

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3rd pov:

Naruto let out a tired yawn, as he had arrived at the Hokage office. He looked up at minato who stared at him.

Minato:"naruto..from today onward you will be a chunin, the council has decided to make you one after showing your strength against the cloud nin that had kidnapped hanabi hyuga." Naruto went quiet, as he nodded.

Naruto:"thank you hokage-sama...I will take my leave now." He bowed to his father, as he was about to walk out of the office but was stopped by minato

Minato:"..heh naruto wait for a second I want you to have this." He pulled out a gift box and within in it was three pronged kunai. Naruto recognized it immediately. "Your two siblings started to slack off once they started to learn under both jiraya and tsunade." He smiled. "I want you to use it, master it, and surpass me." Naruto took the scroll and he smiles.

Naruto started to leave the room, but stopped at the opened doorway. "" he left heading towards the training ground.

Six months later..the start of naruto.

Naruto let out an annoyed groan, as he looked at the person under his foot. He had been assigned to hunt the rouge ninja dow. His training had gotten much more intense, as he had basically up the weight of the seals on his arms, legs, and body.

Naruto had basically delt with the immense weight without the use of chakra. He could handle the more intense attacks of the renewal taekwando..the recoiless could be used twice without injuries being inflicted on his legs.

Naruto tied up the rouge nin and carried the shinobi back to konoha which wasn't that far for him anyways. He had arrived in konoha within five hours, as he dropped the shinobi off at the torture and interrogation building he gave his report to his father, and greet his mother who had dropped off some food for minato.

Kushina:"naruto..are you gonna come over for dinner?" Naruto shook his head no, and walked to his apartment. During his third month of being a chunin he decided to move out realizing that staying there would just bother him most of the time.

He took a quick shower, and got ready to go out for the rest of the day. He walked through the streets letting out a yawn and getting civilians who waved at him. He had gained a reputation for being a prodigy like many others.

Naruto remembered that it was the day of the academy exams for his two siblings..but he didn't care. He entered ichiraku ramen, and ordered himself three bowls of ramen which he ate with ease. He waved teuchi goodbye, as he left towards his training area.

He had been practicing with space time ninjutsu along with the flying thunder god technique. It was a tough process, but he got the hang of the technique within his third month.

Now here he was training his ass off like usual until he noticed a fruit, he recognized it, as the sage pill, but it seemed different.

He picked up the note that was beside it, it told naruto of how it would affect his body if he used it now, but it also told him what would happen if he used it when he was a bit older.

Naruto ran back to his home carrying the fruit, as he put it within a drawer that was opened with a key filled with his chakra. He put the fruit inside of it and started to think about how troublesome life was getting.

Timeskip by four months

Naruto got up and looked at the targets hideout which seemed to be connected to a cave, as he used a shadow clone jutsu to summon a clone of himself. He nodded to his clone which nodded back, the two narutos ran straight into the hideout without hesitation, as they cut down any bandit or rouge ninja that stood in their way.

Naruto's clone finished up the last of the rouge ninja, as it desummoned itself meanwhile with naruto he had found...something that would help him on his journey, it was heavy but he carried it back to konoha.

12 hours with breaks that's how long it took to get back, he didn't want to risk it with the flying thunder god he didn't want to see if the object he carried within his arm would mess up the jutsu.

He put it down on floor of the area where he trained. Looking at it he sighed and thanked the God who brought him here for this gift even if he couldn't use it because of how heavy it was at the moment he could still use it to train.

He reported back to the hokage, went home, showered, put his training clothes on, and ran back to the arena. He looked at it yeoui the bo staff used by the monkey King and jin mori. The staff had slightly accepted him as it's new wielder, but he knew that he would have to train with it until he body grew stronger to wield it's weight.

He picked it up and started to practice bojutsu, he kept swinging the staff in different way until he felt his arms and legs go numb. He put it down on the ground, as the ground cracked under the staffs weight. He sat down and let out ragged breath.

Naruto:"..strong..I want to grow stronger...I will become the strongest...and become the God of shinobi...believe it." He grinned and raised his fist towards the sky.

Scene change

Naruto dragged his exhausted body out of the forest not realizing that he had arrived in the middle between team 10 and their sensei.

Asuma:"and who might you be?" The older shinobi took a smoke out of cigarette, as he looked at naruto, team 10 recognized him immediately.

Choji:"naruto are you alright?" Naruto nodded giving the chubby boy a thumbs up, as he fell to the ground out of exhaustion. "Naruto are you alright!" Team ten and Asuma ran to the Uzumaki boy who didn't respond for a couple seconds.

Naruto:"I was training my ass off with earlier and forgot to take a break..there's also the face that I was testing out weight seal on the bo staff I had gotten." Asuma stopped for a second and gained a slight idea.

Asuma:"hey kid..I heard from rumors that your two younger siblings are training under two legendary sannin..and they'll probably gain their summons." Asuma gained a slight grin. "Most of my clan members don't summon them anymore not after my old man passed away in the kyuubi attack."  He took a smoke out of his cigarette. "Wanna become the summoner of the monkey clan?"

Chapter 4:meeting enma the monkey King, and the monkey sage.

                                                                        Chapter 4:meeting enma the monkey King, and the monkey sage

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