chapter 9:naruto saves the village and ambush

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3rd pov
The next day

It was a beautiful day today...Naruto finally got a break from fighting and he was heading to ichiraku ramen for lunch, as the blonde looked up and noticed a man with orange hair floating in the air...wait a minute.

Naruto:"ah shit....." naruto heard pain's speech, as he used bo-up to appear behind the man and kick him hard and far away from the village. "Yeah no..fuck that." He landed and used bo-up to head to the man's location.

Pain:"so you must be Naruto Uzumaki.." he got out of the crater Naruto put him in, as the teen yawned.

Naruto:"ok...number one..fuck you." He pulled out yeoui, as he used his chakra to enhance his strength and hit pain with mori jin original yeoui:rail gun the teen spun and kick yeoui at the akatsuki member, as pain couldn't see it because of the speed it moved and he was impaled by it.

Naruto:"number two...yeoui..expand" once he said those words pain's body was destroyed in an instant. "The six paths of pain...and it seems i destroyed one of them." He stood up and dodged to the left, as a weapon was thrown his way. "The path of asura." He turned to face a bald man who had metal coming out of his face and head.

Naruto without hesitation speed blitzed the man and hit him with renewal taekwando: spinning top kick as naruto made sure he out enough for into the attack, as the asura path head was kicked off in an instant.

Naruto:"two down..four more to go." He jumped away, as the human path tried to touch him. Naruto noticed a yellow flash, as minato appeared above the human path and hit the long orange haired path with a rasengan. "Made that three more to go..sup hokage-sama."

Minato:"naruto who are we fighting against." He looked down and noticed the akatsuki uniform

Naruto:"I don't know..but from what I can assume he's an Uzumaki..he has an eye known as the rinnigan." He grabbed yeoui and made it shrink back to normal size. "From what I can tell these three were once human..but became apart of the six paths of pain." Naruto ducked, as a tongue flew by him.

Naruto used bo-up, as he appeared in front of the Naraka path of pain and he performed renewal taekwando:baek rok as the kick had chakra powering it making the attack tear of the naraka paths head.

Naruto:"two more.." he heard a screech, as a massive bird with rinnigan eyes flew above them. "Holy shit..that is one ugly bird." Naruto grinned, as he had an idea. He looked back to see minato standing over the corpse of the preta path. "One than pops witness me use my sage mode." He let out a breath of air, as his hair turned golden, and yellow patches of fur appeared on his arms and a glowing yellow tail could be seen.

Naruto:"I'll end this attack in one move.." he grinned, as he focused his energy into this one kick. "Renewal taekwando...recoilless kick" one kick and the ground shook, as the bird itself was torn in half from the sheer pressure of the kick. Those in konoha felt the ground shake, as they looked outside to see the sky split.

Naruto:"heh..hahaha! I've don't it...I finally fucking mastered it!" He laughed, as his leg wasn't broken or was perfectly fine. Naruto felt the animal path energy getting significantly weaker, as he used sped off towards it's location.

Scene change

Naruto:"so who the hell are you..." his foot was on top of the animal paths body, as he glared down at the puppet. "The real you..I mean why attack our village when we've got the yellow flash, two sannin, and me."

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