chapter 4:meeting enma the monkey king and the monkey sage

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Naruto stood in the middle of the training ground, as he waited for asuma sarutobi arrival, he started to train by kicking the air constantly with quick speeds.

Naruto let out a sigh, as he kicked a nearby tree with renewal taekwando baek rok as the top part of the tree was torn to pieces. He lowered his foot and jumped back.

He looked at his attacker, as it appeared to be a tall monkey with white fur, it's wore a black suit with mesh armour underneath, over which it wore a sleeveless kimono-shirt with white fur trimmings, and markings reminiscent of tiger stripes on it, which is held closed by a red sash. On its head was a head band with the hidden leaf symbol.

 On its head was a head band with the hidden leaf symbol

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????:"good you remind me of my old friend who passed during your birth." The monkey looked at naruto who prepared for a fight. "If you can beat me then maybe I'll consider you worthy to summon my clan." Asuma had arrived along with his genin team.

Asuma:"enma you can't just run off after I tell you about a potential summoner." He noticed the two standing a couple feet away from each other. "It seems he's started his trial."

Naruto ran forward, and dodged enma staff, as he jumped on to it and hit the monkey with several quick kicks to thr face. The two started to engage in a battle of taijutsu.

Enma had caught Naruto off guard by sweeping his legs and kicking him into a nearby tree. Naruto quickly got up and jumped to his left almost being hit by enma.

Enma:"take off those weights of yours...I want to see how strong when you stop using them." Naruto looked up in shock, but hesitantly nodded, as he took off his shoes which he let go of. His shoes caused small cracks to appear form on the ground, then he took off his undershirt it fell to the ground making cracks that were bigger than the one made by his shoes.

Naruto started to stretch, as he smiled. He then pulled off his wrist bands which fell to the ground as well.

Naruto:"heh come on! Let's get started." Naruto hadn't realized it but that day, konoha learned of how strong he had become. The battle was being witnessed by anbu who were assigned to protect Naruto.

The two disappeared as they appeared in the middle of the battlefield clashing both of their fist colliding causing a Shockwave to occur. Naruto grinned as he hit enma with a renewal taekwando baek rok  as the monkey man was sent flying back due to the kick to the jaw.

Enma:"your strong..I'll give you that along with the fact your a prodigy...I want you to hit me with your strongest attack..." he looked at naruto who seemed worried. "I won't die...but I have a feeling It will hurt like hell." Naruto let out a sigh, as he got into position

Naruto:"'ll probably hurt me more than you...renewal taekwando" if you were to blink you would've missed it, as naruto focused all his energy into one point and- "recoiless kick." He released one kick with such power that it.

Dust was kicked up from off the ground blinding those who were watching the battle, as they all felt the wind that came from that one kick. Naruto had found out how to coat his body with his own chakra.

Once the dust cleared they saw Naruto with his foot stretched outwards, and in front of him the a line had been cut into the earth along with the sky as a line had been formed because of it. Naruto lowered his foot, as he winced in slight pain.

Enma:"holy shit kid.." the monkey man looked at the damage caused by naruto, as he let out a small life. "I had to dodge that or else some serious damage would've been caused by me. 'That reminded me of those two." He looked at lorenzo, as a silhouette of a monkey man carrying a staff could be seen. 'Sun wukong...and-' then another silhouette appeared it was a teenager with brown hair and a halo a top of his head the teen also wore clothes similar to wukong. 'Jin mori...heh so this boy Naruto is your reincarnation.'

Naruto stood up and let out a sigh, as he gave enma a thumbs up and a smile.

Enma:"alright kid you passed..from here on out you will be the summoner of the monkey then kid I wanna take you to visit someone he picked up Naruto who seemed startled...asuma I'll be back the kid won't die." The white haired monkey then reversed summoned itself back to the jigokudani (hell's valley)

Naruto looked around confused noticing the place they were in. As enma carried him somewhere. Enma then grabbed a smaller monkey then told it something in it's own language.

Enma carried Naruto for several miles, as the blonde could be seen slowly calling asleep. The two arrived at a meeting area, as enma arrived at the entrance to the room of the Great monkey sage.

Enma entered and looked at the leaders of the two divisions, naruto was looking at the surrounding. The leaders of the two divisions wished to learn why enma had brought someone that wasn't from the sarutobi clan. Enma explained to the group about Naruto.

Enma:"I have reason to believe that he is the reincarnation of Jin mori." This made the two divisions interested along with the great monkey sage. He put down naruto. "Kid i want you to use that attack again."

Naruto looked at the clearing outside as he performed renewal taekwando recoiless kick. The monkey clan went crazy as they looked at naruto who stared at them.

Great monkey sage:" seems i will speak for both divisions we wish for you to become our summoner if you say yes the civil war between the two divisions will end and they'll follow you as their summoner."

Naruto:"I agree to these terms...I guess I'm your summoner now...believe it." He grinned and gave them a thumbs up. Naruto was taught how to summon them, as he was brought back to the hidden leaf. Naruto looked at his hand as he let out a breath of air "I have to grow stronger.."

He looked up to see asuma and his squad looking at him. Be gave them a smile and waved goodbye, as he jumped away heading to his training spot.
Chapter 5:watching the chunnin exams

                                                                        Chapter 5:watching the chunnin exams

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